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  • Hey, in your super soil thread you state that the Roots soil{I'm referring to the Roots coco based soil}, I'm assuming here that you were as well, if not my apologizies, but to get back to the point you say its fairly warm itself almost enough for a full cycle. About how long do you think a plant could grow in it efficiently without recieving additional nutes? I'm fairly certain its what I'll be using in my next set up, I've been dying to try out that particular soil ever since I first saw it and I'm trying to get as much information as I can so as to avoid any potential pitfalls. I don't plan on vegging for too long as I'll be doing either a pure sativa or mostly sativa hybrid and height is an issue. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
    i heard you made a dairy queen? is this true?? and i supposedly got jtr and danny boy from a guy here in kentucky. in veg do they happen to look alot like each other? ill post pics as soon as i can. thanks!
    Are you still breeding Blackberry? I would love to know where i can get a clone or some seeds of it or black russian. I look forward to hearing back from you.

    I can not figure out how to P.Message you, so I'll do it here. A friend recently order off your auction and never recieved his Querkle. Is there a better place to order directly from you, or is the breedbay auction the only place? We would both love to get the Querkle, as he is growing agent orange and, myself, pandora's box. We are impressed and ordered off hempdepot, but I read how you give gifts when people order direct, so naturally this perks my intrest. Also, I have P.B. and they are stunted in the vegetative stage; I am L.S.T.'ing, would this stunt them? Thanks Subcool!
    just wanted to let you know how much i admire and appreciate all that you have done for the cannnabis community! Striving to be at least half the breeder you are...thanks for all your knowledge. :)
    I can run the carbon filter up thru the attic as you do on yours but would prefer not to have to go up there if I dont nescessarilly have to as no ones been up there in years. If you could please point me in the right direction as how to set this up down to the last the very last detail and what type and size of fans I'll need it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. I hope to hear from you soon - Thanks again you are an inspiration to all us younger jedis on here. NO STRESS JAH BLESS - IREY HEIGHTS
    So here are the things im stumped on: - I cut a 8" hole in the wall leading outside and put a booster fan thats then connected to an elbow and ducted straight up thats then elbowed and then shot accross into the other closet? Then how do I get the fresh air blown parallel to my canopy? Do i use a y duct after the booster and leave one end open and the other ducted up into the other room? And if so then how would i get the fresh air down to the canopy in the flowering chamber? Also how do I filter the air and bugs coming thru from the outside - do they make lil filters that you can just sleeve on to the booster fan? Also please keep in mind noise and smell are both an issue for me as I want this to be pretty stealthy as the left closet is right on the other side of the main hallway of the house. I am on a budget but at the same time am not willing to cut corners as I know cheap things end up costing you twice as much in the longrun.
    I will be pulling air from the right closet as its the one closet to the outside. I currently have the right as my veg and want to setup the left as my flowering chamber with my digital 600w air cooled 6" but was thinking of not using the glass to get a lil more light output- what do you think?
    Venting and Grow Room efficiency ( get your Ducts in a row)

    Greetings & Love in the name of the Most High. Thank you for all your knowledge. If i may I would like to pick your brain a lil bit for some advice on ventilation as I wanna do this right the first time around. I have two closets that are side by side and both are 66"L x 26"w x93"h and are divided by no more than a foot of wall between them.
    Hey subcool i'm big fan of your strains, i recently bought the big book of buds 3. I wanted to know where can i find sputnik seeds? or if you had any laying could i get them off you? I looked everywhere on the web and i cant find them. Please get back to me thanks.
    hey, i'm a quadriplegic medical user abd i'm trying to design my room right now. I cant do alot of physical work but, really want to do my own grow. could you help me by anychance"?.
    subcool. just that name is an icon among us hardcore stoners and growers in the far north of new york. ive read so much about the work that youve done recently, mostly with the purple phenomenon and querkle. and then a colleague of mine tells me he's found a very large Querkle mother that has been terribly abused and needs rehab and a new home. i instantly thought of you and jumped on the chance to change this girls life. shes currently under two 300 watt CFLs for 18 hours a day and looking great. basically i just wanted to let you know that youre a mentor man, and that your wise words and amazing work reach us even on the other end of the country. keep fighting the good fight man. people like you and brown dirt can change the world haha.
    hey sub', I'm sure you've already had this idea in passing...but considering your publishing connections, and your journalistic might as well take the leap, and hire someone to run your paperless online subscription rag- 'dank' have the spirit that has been missing from h.times for some time- lost to the degenerative forces of power and greed- the original spirit of tom forcade. THAT is what made that rag! you seem to have been born to the role of editor in can farm out everything but CONTROL! and of course senior editors need- from time to time- to do international weed travelogues- a tough job, but somebody's gotta' do it!
    Hey subcool, I've been reading up on Landrace seeds from india and brazil and such and I was woundering if there was a sort of landrace species for norther california, southern oregon? I have been told of Native Americans growin some purple for a long time, is this true?
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