Recent content by 2gunn

  1. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Very true it's dj blueberry short crossed with oaksterdam blue dream I found a seed of it awhile back when I have more space I'm going to grow it if it's male I'm going to cross it with your srsog
  2. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Off topic post so I am sorry about that but has anyone tried Disney blue? Leafly says it's out of temecula by green leaf genetics. And more importantly can anyone get seeds of Disney blue? If you haven't tried it yet and get a chance try it. It has same type effects as your strain definitely a...
  3. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Yeah it's cause I have to shut off the exhaust fan at night, it's "to loud" so I'm told. I have it fixed now I have two cheap fans, one pulling in fresh air and one pushing out the stale air. My rh before I put the fans in would jump to 70% at night now it stays in the 50's now.
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    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

  5. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    It's not a lot but that little white spot
  6. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Best and cheapest way to get rid of powder mildew? it's not bad but I know it can get bad quick
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    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Should I tuck one more time or let them go? They have been in flower for ten days
  8. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Should I trim more or do you think I trimmed to much? Any advice welcome I am a new grower. I have heat issues so that's why the light is so high.
  9. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    This is my first scog and my fourth grow ever so any advice is appreciated I don't get all upset over advice
  10. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Just smoked the new batch I think this round is smoother than your last just when I thought it couldn't get better bravo so glad I found this strain
  11. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Flipped to flower today would have liked to have gone longer but due to time constraints had to flip now
  12. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    I am a novice grower for sure but if you want I'll send some to the lab after harvest I'm using GH grow, bloom, micro, and I got cal mag also since I saw you needed it but haven't used it yet and are you going through CGR again and when can I expect to see it
  13. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Your girl is a fighter! I have two clones of yours as soon as I saw them on craigslist I had to jump on it I didn't know how long they would be available even though I was about to move and I thought I killed them in the process of the move at the old house they were kept alive under some old...
  14. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Thank god I'm out
  15. 2

    SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

    Went to Walmart no luck didn't see it went to the hydro shop off Sanderson and asked him if they had colloidal silver and he looked at me like I was speaking in a different language