Recent content by 2cent

  1. 2cent

    fuckers want an epc

    Going to sheet this week most commonly seen inside lofts , box ma shit up and put me baby’s in the shed hope they don’t get any bugs
  2. 2cent

    fuckers want an epc

    No bad tip at all it’s routine every house here had them as new roofs and windows done allover the place and new housing estates they all need ecp ratings done , he knows nothing at all like the kingspan looks good there is over a grand of insulation glued up ripping it out will one be a bIg...
  3. 2cent

    fuckers want an epc

    Or instead of his room what about this wicked have black floor protecting sheets of plastic can be used n any construction if ya know em it’s 2 ply like thin conservatory Roof shit , roofers use it and anyone protecting shit they come a fiver each for 2400x1200 search wickes plastic protective...
  4. 2cent

    fuckers want an epc

    meh ish, i have medical licence for smoking, but growing is not allowed, and the landlord is anti smoking full stop lol
  5. 2cent

    fuckers want an epc

    so my lord of he land said he wants an EPC he is doing himself, ive never dealt with him directly in 15 years, always the agent and maintenance guys, now he wants to come! ive harvested so thats great,,, but i have installed kingspan so the roof is kingspanned, fully kingspanned loft ..which...
  6. 2cent

    Extractions at home

    Did u did ya just freeze or u got a 5grand freeze dryer ? them iso washes are dirty ya not ment to use iso for anything consumable ,my pal does it it’s gross, ethanol ever clear if anything
  7. 2cent

    rosin press vs diy ?

    Did it u cost me £500 but now il be dabin gold
  8. 2cent

    is this a legit site to order recharge from ?

    its amazon, instant refund if a problem
  9. 2cent

    rosin press vs diy ?

    been looking for days going nuts, everything here is blcoked from import atm unless i spend over £200 each bloody item just for postage LOL found these almost bough wrong size plates wrong shitty chineese machines and pfff i done alot of reading now lol , so rosin heads... help me out dya think...
  10. 2cent


    looking at a dulytek 7 ton, there £550 to me here, its either that or DIY one, car jack, press plates etc., but buying decent non chineese plates cost the same as a dulytek, seen some fire stories from these amazon ones at £300 and some seem fine, wats the difference? what can i get that is...
  11. 2cent

    Chicken manure pellwt

    hahaha i asked about this and =no 1 knew... i have beets and potoatoes i wanted to feed my plants and i didnt know if i would kill them or what, its basicly feed of starches and carbs for microbes so i see no harm but my head says root rot lol, stupid head from being sterile like, mad
  12. 2cent

    Chicken manure pellwt

    @DancesWithWeeds if you like them chekc this @conor c just the man, my hybrids are day 60 now organic ofc, and my soisl running low on fuel i think, and i feel they need a fuck up the buds still, meals are too slow acting atm, as i am so close, what liquid feed could i get ? im stuck lol, didnt...
  13. 2cent

    Chicken manure pellwt

    that was a pink lemonaid, but i have alot of strains doing this now and i think its my led spectrum lol, otherwise most my plants go purple maybe my soil ?? if not king gas perfect tree is outstandlingly 2 toned white buds with purple and organe hairs
  14. 2cent

    circulation fan placement?

    my room is 6x10ft intake bottom on 1 side, out top on the other side diagonal, where should my oscilating fans be ? side walls ? or by the intake ? atm there over on the extraction wall, but i think they need to be blowing the intake air round, do i side mount them? so blows across both ...
  15. 2cent

    grow spike airation for roots? and food?

    so saw a dude who has airdomes in his pots, they made a void where they have air he never used them , but when he tipped out the pot where the air pocket was soil above soil below, was a mass of roots like a crazy mass, i also noted where ive not compressed down enough has been a mass of roots...