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  • Thanks for the rep! Just doing what I can to help the site and have a little fun in the process.
    Took me quite a while to figure your name out sadly despite being quite the fan... "Roc pile up in this ma-fucka!"
    Another question for you:

    My vegetative stage was way too long. I wasn't paying close attention to my calendar. Will a long vegetative state make the flowering stage longer as well?
    lol your name is better man. Weeds has gone to shit over the last season. Can you believe they renewed Weeds for another 13 episodes?

    I like TPB MUCH more than Weeds nowadays. If I had to choose a new screen name it would probably be something along the lines of "ShitRockPurrMonster" or "SteveFrench" lol
    hey budd i c u know a bit about makin hash i need some help i have a plant that is like 15in tall but it has buds on it but there not realy growing much its a indoor so can u tell me if i could make ice water hash with it or should i??
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