Recent content by 206

  1. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    @Ap0c0leS: Sounds like a great setup you have going with all those varieties of light. I did actually add an exhaust about half-way into flowering, but yeah I think it caused a lot of problems earlier on that just were not apparent to me at the time.
  2. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    I cut the papaya down yesterday, its fan drying now. I've found almost 20 seeds so far just on the floor of the tent and I'm expecting many more are tucked away in the buds. This sucks since I have no interest in planting any of them, but its another explanation for the small bud production. I...
  3. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    I'll be starting a G13 grow with the 120w soon enough. I'm not convinced the light was the problem, but this upcoming grow will tell. Things really couldn't be going any better right now, loving these dank little plants.
  4. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    Check out this pic of the G13 with the LED and HPS spectrums colliding. Pic 2 shows the mango, which is now a confirmed male. I'm trying to decide wether to breed now or wait, because I do have a rooted clone from this that I could easily cross with a G13 clone. The G13 is a confirmed female...
  5. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    I'm finally joining to perpetual harvest club too :)
  6. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    Thanks for the feedback and suggestions guys. The HPS + LED combo seems to be kicking ass so far. Today I spotted female flowers on the G13 haze and small bumps I believe will become male flowers on the Mango. I don't want to bother growing more Mango seeds to find a female, so I might cross...
  7. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    I went directly from 24/0 to 12/12 today, day 1 of flowering. These are all from seed so sexes are uncertain. 1 x G13 Haze (Smallest plant, most sativa looking) 1 x Mango (Largest plant w/ very bushy canopy) 2 x Double Gum Pic 1: HPS on Pic 2: LED panels on Pic 3: Everything on
  8. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    Nice looking plants, that is a really good idea about using the rainforest for veg only. Do you transplant just prior to flowering? Also forgot to mention that rat of yours is pretty cool :mrgreen:
  9. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    Well, 100% LED just wasn't meant to be. I picked up a sunlight supply 150w HPS today. I'm going to begin flowering 4 soil plants tomorrow under the 150w HPS + 55w LED + 50w LED. The plants have been vegging for just over a month under the LEDs. I'm expecting big things, stay tuned for pics...
  10. 206

    Blue Mountian Organics

    Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated.
  11. 206

    Blue Mountian Organics

    I ordered some BMO a few weeks ago based on the favourable reviews in this thread. I followed all storage instructions including keeping the caps slightly it was a big surprise to find chunks of mold floating at the top of my "grow it green" bottle this morning. Should I consider the...
  12. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    Read my last 5-7 posts if you want to know what happened.
  13. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    Just wanted to do a quick update on the soil plants for those that might be interested. This is mainly an R&D grow to isolate the best phenotypes and also see how LEDs work w/ a soil medium. Back row: Mango, Mango, Mango Front row: Double Gum, G13 Haze, Double Gum The left and center mangos...
  14. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    Hey guys, just wanted to post some updated pics real quick. If I sounded a little insecure about my LED + Papaya the last few posts its because I probably was. The papaya has become an afterthought in the last few weeks while I've worked with the new strains, but I'm trying to do a better job...
  15. 206

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    This LED grow is worth bookmarking: