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  • Hello. I was searching for this kind of information and found your post on buying houses without entering ever a bank. I live in Paris France and invested in a flat but had to take a mortgage. Now i wanna rent it and invest in some other flats or houses but aim to avoid having to ask banks to finance it. Would you be kind enough to help me a bit on how to manage this? I know laws and rules are probably very different here, but i'm sure this is not only a question of rules and legislation, probably more a question of creativity as well. I'm trying to start but have no clue yet about how to get started really. Thanks in advance for your answer.
    and merry christmas and happy new year as well!
    hey please message me, i read your post about getting houses and i am a young hardworking person that could use the help. if you could help me, i'd appreciate it greatly. thanks
    hey whats up man take a look at my grow thread when you have a chance. Its in the outdoor section named My first real grow Socal style. I really appreciate it.
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