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  • i want to get the fresca sol if your reviews are posative...Im in an apartment, got plenty of room, 14X10..5X6 closet, garage is 20X10..can do 6 legally and would like to keep it legal. I have been looknig into watercooling because with the light closer more lumens are available and realistically i would like to make a few giants...Do you think a vert, or horizontal...waht kind of set up would u recommend for a few big ones on rotation..is the fresca 1k better than an air cooled in your opinion? t5 or MH for vegi? and of coarse the hole food and water thing is new to me...any tips or advice about water cooling or setup in gen?
    nice, i dunno how i msg u on othwr website if i even did, lol, i was on grasscity and didnt notice! Very nice 20oz per plant is good! What else can u tell me abot the freca system?
    Hey there, I'm not good with electronics or cooling but how exactly did you use the 5200btu to cool down the resevoir? I don't know how A/c units work. Do you have to hook it up to an outlet or anything? How does this all work?
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