Club 600


Well-Known Member
Atta boy. All smooth over yonder in your cave then? Sounds that way… and from the looks of the flowers up higher ^^^^ looks good, too.


Well-Known Member
Smooth like the kak from his drawers...sometimes smooth, sometimes a but chunky!:shock:

Hows the Bobo fam? The little one showing any coconut madness signs like Moma?


Well-Known Member
Dog S1's.
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So the other night the missus tells me her Dad and Brother intend to come over in spring to buy a recovery truck.
I've got till the end of March to get these done and out so they're getting flipped by the end of the week, it's fucked the monster SCROG plans but oh well....
my family will be in from ATL in feb but i will just double lock my room. good looking plants. well guys i found my phone this morning so i will put an update on tonight


Well-Known Member
right on jig. i hear H in the back ground cool man. here is my short one from a week back.[video=youtube;LLsusFv_m_w][/video]


Well-Known Member
I also loved the soundtrack to Jigs filmpje!

And Dr. and did smile at the cameram lens cleaning moment:) peekaboo!


Well-Known Member
I think Ill pull like 6-8 oz total from both my 600s combined.

I realllly hope I am exaggerating this tininess of these girls!

Never have I had buds this small except clones in 2-3 ltr pots put outside in the dead of winter.


Well-Known Member

Looks tasty, I'll take a dab from that honey bee ;)

Well my new 6 just made it here so it's time to go put it in.

Have a great day 6!


Well-Known Member
I also loved the soundtrack to Jigs filmpje!

And Dr. and did smile at the cameram lens cleaning moment:) peekaboo!
yea wrong one :bigjoint: fuck it there are only like five or so people on here that live in my neck of the woods. i will have some new video up when lights come on.