Well-Known Member
I find its not so much waves and you get used to the general state of mind..then reality kicks in and show ya that you're still fucked up,just haven't been paying
Just busting your stones...only 2 hours?!??
I don't think you took nearly enough, you had what? A two hour peak and were esentialy down in six? Am I doing the math right? In my opinion, lsd is anything but subtle. Except in minute doses. Do yourself a favor and get more.
we could commonly count on 4 or 5 hour peaks and a dozen hour duration. Still, nice tho hu?
We used to believe that you never ever come down. That you simply get used to the state you are in and compensate for it. The next trip multiplies the effect so you can notice your highness again until you finally get used to that as well. There is a state, sort of like the green flash. If you can catch yourself just as your mind is opening to sleep, in that tiny crevice lies all the treasure. Only on LSD and only when all but the smallest amount has left your body and you are finally drifting off.
Im with Canndo... you need to take more! 300 ug at least next time for a good trip. One hit of LSD on Xmas may not work... usually you need one week in between trips or you have to double the dose....
Thanks for the heads up, I had read that 3 days between light doses was enough. Ill definitely wait a week or so just to be safe. Its going to be her first time, even if the 1 hit is mild for me again Id still like to trip with her. We have had a lot of great evenings just melting into the couch after taking shrooms.
If I can find some more I definitely will try a higher dose in the future. I'm very fortunate and very grateful that Santa gave me what I have.