not a fire within 100 miles of me


Well-Known Member
I haven't noticed anything here in the Bay, but then again I've barely been able to smell anything for the last month due to allergies lol.


Well-Known Member
Yep had that same smokey air and red sunsets for the last 3 or 4 days here. I'm beginning not to mind as much, but it can't be good for my lungs. :D


Well-Known Member
crazy. Im going to have to put up with that shit when i come over to your place? Shity. Ill be in berkley in about a month, ill probably need your number for directions. (Im seriously coming to berkley)(give it a thought)(please)



Well-Known Member
crazy. Im going to have to put up with that shit when i come over to your place? Shity. Ill be in berkley in about a month, ill probably need your number for directions. (Im seriously coming to berkley)(give it a thought)(please)

i'm an hour north of berkeley. you up for a short drive? bongsmiliebongsmilie


New Member
:rolleyes:Either your a big tease...

Or im :eyesmoke: going to have to say....

Are you fucking kiding me?

im speaking for upin, if you know what im sayin....
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Well-Known Member
whales vagina is not on fire, atleast not right now....
the people dont like arnold
and neither does mother nature

when will he get the point?


Well-Known Member
yet the air is so smokey i can't leave the house. it's in the 90's and the air is thick and heavy. as soon as i go outside i get miserable. California is on fire.

Wildfires Affect Air Quality in the Bay Area
I thought about taking pictures, I have never seen the air so thick and it NOT be fog or heavy cloud cover. It's a good bit worse out here, probably because everything gets pushed up against the Sierras. Too bad I didn't take Dad up on his offer to supply us with all those Israeli gas masks. :|

Hey, here's a "did you know". Did you know that the reason why the Sierra Nevada range is getting higher is NOT because of tectonic action/uplift, but because the granite is slowly floating over the top of the heavier rock? Freaky deaky, man! (My oldest son told me that after he took a California geology class in college) PLUTONS!


Well-Known Member
Health Advisories issued for today. Solano and the East district are declared "unhealthy". Northbay is "unhealthy" the rest of northern cali is under "advisory'.


Well-Known Member
I've been watching the fires on the news..grim shit..I hope for anyone who lives there, that their homes & families stay safe...


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's pretty bad up here. I've got my crew out trying to align antennas to towers (for wifi)across as little as 2 miles of mountains and they can't see the fuckers.