Just curious how anyone here is having a direct affect on making this kids life worse?I dont understand all the people making things worse for this kid. Regardless he got in trouble evidently not by his own hand.
I know a guy who was with someone who had a pistol,,he ended up with probation then had it expunged,after 5000 dollars in attorney fees , what is wrong with some of you with the hate.
I hope karma bites the shizz out of your butts.
some of us gave actual good advice, its obviously not what he wanted to hear though i feel there isway more to the story that he is telling thoughI dont understand all the people making things worse for this kid. Regardless he got in trouble evidently not by his own hand.
I know a guy who was with someone who had a pistol,,he ended up with probation then had it expunged,after 5000 dollars in attorney fees , what is wrong with some of you with the hate.
I hope karma bites the shizz out of your butts.
I don't know how it Rolls in USA, but you say it was NOT your car and YOUR prints not on the Gun...SOOooo just Kinda wondering WTF they gonna Charge you with...wow ok, why would you comment if your going to bitch about my grammar
it wasnt my car i was just riding along
sunni- az you dont need the guns to be in your name just not a felon i go to college i am a good member of society
you think i can persuade the judge to get probation
im done with lowlifes
my case may get scratched on the 19th but it could be brought back up within 7 years
ive talked to a few lawyers and they said i could get a slap on the wrist
thanks cc02 ans sunni and dbljj c4 and hempy ninja for the advice i appreciate it
naw on his forehead........There's only one thing to do get a thuglife tattoo across your stomach!
more like the best avatar OF ALL TIME.Self-fullfilling prophecy?
Thank you slow bus, atleast someone sees things in the right perspective! YOU DO NOT GRASS!! REGARDLESS!!whoa giving up your cousins ? what a bitch you are. You were in the car.You roll with guns.You though it was cool.You do the time.Period. Anything less makes you a bitch.Man up,get a lawyer.You do not give up peoples name.Whats wrong with people nowadays?Have you no honor?
Yes exactly, I look at it as a serviceSunni is my friend and she still deletes my posts when I tell people to take a running go fuck yourself Lol.