Count Down to Nov 4th 2014....part 2

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
327 Days left until National Boot in the ass Day...

I don't know why my other thread got locked down.. Anyway the clock is ticking and it will be a historical moment when Harry Reid throws a tamper tantrum in the sand box again..I hope he is told to sit down and shut the fuck up...
327 Days left until National Boot Day...

I don't know why my other thread got locked down.. Anyway the clock is ticking and it will be a historical moment when Harry Reid throws a tamper tantrum in the sand box again..I hope he is told to sit down and shut the fuck up...

Too much jungle fever
I have a fever all right, and they only prescription is a Boot In The Ass..I am so looking forward to that day Nov 4th 2014...327 more days for democrats to finish stepping on their DICKS...This will be BarryO's most memorable year of being a bumbling lying piece of shit...
Seems the right has gone quiet on Obamacare. People must be signing up and happy about it
Seems the right has gone quiet on Obamacare. People must be signing up and happy about it

CheezyO the clan man...

All the people that are signing are happy..I will go along with that..I am one of 40,000 OMIP people that got dumped because of Obama care and all these people should be happy to get covered again...But when the young healthy people are the ones that need to sign up and they don't, that is what you don't under stand because of the Obama crack you been smoking...

Oregon wont get every body that got dumped signed up and so we will have gone backwards...IMO.. Oregon is still at ZERO sign ups the last time I looked at the exchange...So I wonder how many people are really happy?
I just looked up cover oregon for recent sign ups and through the exchange oregon is now at 500 sign ups...And they are still encouraging people to sign up BUT they will not make the Jan 1st coverage now..Oregon automatically signed up a pile of medicaid people so It looks like 500 people have to cover the cost of tens of thousands of free people....And some how this is going to work out?

The Dem's are the dumbest people on earth..They have a reason to have a worried look on their faces..It will be priceless to see the look on their faces come Nov 4th when they have to pose for a picture right at the time my Boot goes up their ass's....
I just looked up cover oregon for recent sign ups and through the exchange oregon is now at 500 sign ups...And they are still encouraging people to sign up BUT they will not make the Jan 1st coverage now..Oregon automatically signed up a pile of medicaid people so It looks like 500 people have to cover the cost of tens of thousands of free people....And some how this is going to work out?

The Dem's are the dumbest people on earth..They have a reason to have a worried look on their faces..It will be priceless to see the look on their faces come Nov 4th when they have to pose for a picture right at the time my Boot goes up their ass's....

After reading this load of rubbish, I'm left unsure of WHOM you're trying to convince...Us or yourself?
After reading this load of rubbish, I'm left unsure of WHOM you're trying to convince...Us or yourself?

I am just sharing some facts about the progress in cover oregon..CheezyO the clan man said that everybody was happy to be signed up for health care and I am sure they are all 500 of them...Thats 500 more than they had just the other day so it is progress...If your happy thats great, I am not trying to convince you of anything, we can do that next Nov 4th...
Cover Oregon
28000 already enrolled 37000 being processed

If you read this link it has those numbers you posted but then if you keep reading it will say there is 700+ that have actually signed up through cover Oregon...The twenty eight thousand are people that are waiting to chose a policy that have filled out their apps...The big difference is none of the 28,000 have spent any money yet...
If you read this link it has those numbers you posted but then if you keep reading it will say there is 700+ that have actually signed up through cover Oregon...The twenty eight thousand are people that are waiting to chose a policy that have filled out their apps...The big difference is none of the 28,000 have spent any money yet...

700 so far have signed up for private insurance. And those numbers posted are people that have enrolled or are in the pipeline.
You keep cheering for the demise of a program engineered to actually help you out. let us know how it works for ya
Goldberg, who took over the troubled Cover Oregon exchange last week, said the state's manual processing system hasn't worked through an estimated 65,000 applications as quickly as officials first estimated.
"We thought we'd be further along than we are now," Goldberg said.
The state began processing applications by hand after officials said Nov. 1 the exchange's website would be unable to enroll individuals online. At the time, Kitzhaber pledged that Oregonians who needed insurance would still be able to enroll by Jan. 1.
"We have an army of people who are -- as we speak -- processing applications," Kitzhaber said on Nov. 1. "And anyone who does get in by Dec. 15 will have their coverage start Jan. 1."
700 so far have signed up for private insurance. And those numbers posted are people that have enrolled or are in the pipeline.
You keep cheering for the demise of a program engineered to actually help you out. let us know how it works for ya

It better work real good..Or it is boot in the ass time..