IRS defines new rules for 501cs


Well-Known Member
The IRS said it was not targeting groups out of political bias, but because it was trying to determine whether the groups' primary activities were social welfare, rather than political activity.
As spelled out by the IRS, "candidate-related political activity” includes:
1. Communications
· Communications that expressly advocate for a clearly identified political candidate or candidates of a political party.
· Communications that are made within 60 days of a general election (or within 30 days of a primary election) and clearly identify a candidate or political party.
· Communications expenditures that must be reported to the Federal Election Commission.
2. Grants and Contributions
· Any contribution that is recognized under campaign finance law as a reportable contribution.
· Grants to section 527 political organizations and other tax-exempt organizations that conduct candidate-related political activities (note that a grantor can rely on a written certification from a grantee stating that it does not engage in, and will not use grant funds for, candidate-related political activity).
3. Activities Closely Related to Elections or Candidates
· Voter registration drives and “get-out-the-vote” drives.
· Distribution of any material prepared by or on behalf of a candidate or by a section 527 political organization.
· Preparation or distribution of voter guides that refer to candidates (or, in a general election, to political parties).
· Holding an event within 60 days of a general election (or within 30 days of a primary election) at which a candidate appears as part of the program.

Of Course Darryl Issa has something to say about it

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-California, also blasted
the proposed new rules as a "effort by the Obama Administration to limit
traditional advocacy efforts by social welfare organizations" that will affect
grassroots organizations instead the intended targets.

"The fact that the Administration's new effort only applies to social welfare
organizations - and not powerful unions or business groups - underscores that
this is a crass political effort by the Administration to get what political
advantage they can, when they can," Issa said in a statement.


Well-Known Member
Darryl "Hannah" Issa is a political hack at best. That guy is going nowhere. He will be an outed Republicant from Cali in about 4 years at most.


Well-Known Member
It's bizarro world when a conservative pub is obstructing in the name of social welfare while a liberal dem protects the fat cats.

Now we can finally put that pesky IRS scandal behind us without taking any ownership. It was the policy's fault.


Well-Known Member
Those groups include the Karl Rove-backed Crossroads GPS, the Koch Brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity and the Democratic group Priorities USA Action.
yep, pretty much.


New Member

'Conservative Republican' IRS Staffer Takes Credit for Tea Party Scrutiny
A straight quote from your reliable source.

Once again, another Buckie fail exposed.

"The Democrats have joined the release-partial-transcripts-from-IRS-interviews game, dropping a memo outlining how a Republican IRS manager in Cincinnati identifies himself as the origin of the Tea Party controversy. Partial transcripts should be taken with a grain of salt — but the IRS apparently keeps sanctioning people anyway."


Well-Known Member
A straight quote from your reliable source.

Once again, another Buckie fail exposed.

...Partial transcripts should be taken with a grain of salt...
[h=1]Rep. Elijah Cummings releases a full IRS interview transcript[/h]

The Cincinnati manager in the transcript revealed Tuesday is a self-described “conservative Republican” who told congressional investigators that he asked Washington IRS officials for guidance on a tea party case on Feb. 25, 2010, the same date listed in an inspector general’s report as the genesis of the IRS’s targeting efforts.


Well-Known Member
Read Buckies link, it admits it is likely a bogus claim.
Oh I read it, I do indeed believe that the person who brought the initial file in for question was truly a conservative. Goes to show how much integrity he has. I would imagine most democrats would let improprieties slide as long as they helped their candidate get elected. Honor is not in their lexicon.


Well-Known Member
Oh I read it, I do indeed believe that the person who brought the initial file in for question was truly a conservative. Goes to show how much integrity he has. I would imagine most democrats would let improprieties slide as long as they helped their candidate get elected. Honor is not in their lexicon.
they targeted liberal and progressive groups just the same.


Well-Known Member
Oh I read it, I do indeed believe that the person who brought the initial file in for question was truly a conservative. Goes to show how much integrity he has. I would imagine most democrats would let improprieties slide as long as they helped their candidate get elected. Honor is not in their lexicon.
After getting pimp smacked by potroast for being a liar, I would have thought you would be the last person to bring up integrity or honor.


Well-Known Member
don't lose sight of what has actually happened.
a conservative republican targeted suspicious groups regardless of political stripe.

darrell issa tried to manufacture a fake scandal out of it and got caught lying, elijah cummings handed his ass to him.

beenthere never got the memo that the fake scandal was exposed as fake and made a gigantic ass out of himself, yet again.

the end.

