Why Do Progressives Feel They Are Entitled

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New Member
There is no preponderance if you provide no evidence...."just look around" is not evidence.
Really Doer?

If your next door neighbor called you and said your front lawn had piles of dog shit all over it, would you walk out your front door and "look around" or would jump on the internet and search for proof?


New Member
I guess I could be considered a progressive .. so let me compare.myself to some of these facts ..
I was badly burned at work a few years ago.. they were super afraid I was going to sue them as a result but didn't and was back to work about 6 weeks later..
My horrible worth ethic.. last job I was at for.over 11 years.. might've been late in those 11 years maybe 5 times, and each.of them were maybe 2 minutes tops, usually due to an accident..
Also had a snow storm a few years ago.. I worked grave yard shift, and after taking 1.5 hours to drive the normally 20'ish minute drive, I arrived to find out I was the only worker out of about 30 or.so who came in..
They think they no it all.. I don't know it.all, but I do know the difference between know and no and their and there and your and you're .. something I constantly see a few of the conservatives on this forum misspelling / misusing..
You're an awesome grammar dude, there ya go !


bud bootlegger
You're an awesome grammar dude, there ya go !
That's all you got? I'm an awesome grammar dude? Christ, thought all progs sucked at life, don't have a good work ethic and sued their employers at the drop of the hat?
So when I show you, no, you're wrong, not all progs fit the pretty lil picture in your head you have painted, your only reply is that I'm a good lil grammar boy?? Sounds good..

and to skuylar, yes, I easily could have sued and won, even though my state is notoriously an employer's rights state, and not an employee's rights state..


Well-Known Member
I guess I could be considered a progressive .. so let me compare.myself to some of these facts .. I was badly burned at work a few years ago.. they were super afraid I was going to sue them as a result but didn't and was back to work about 6 weeks later.. My horrible worth ethic.. last job I was at for.over 11 years.. might've been late in those 11 years maybe 5 times, and each.of them were maybe 2 minutes tops, usually due to an accident.. Also had a snow storm a few years ago.. I worked grave yard shift, and after taking 1.5 hours to drive the normally 20'ish minute drive, I arrived to find out I was the only worker out of about 30 or.so who came in.. They think they no it all.. I don't know it.all, but I do know the difference between know and no and their and there and your and you're .. something I constantly see a few of the conservatives on this forum misspelling / misusing..
Ewe think ewe no it all, butt your knot that smart.


Well-Known Member
'they didn't build those', Obama.
netflix loves the USPS, and they choose to set up shop for customer service right here in the united states. right in the liberal enclave of west portland. and let me tell you, they pay well.

netflix didn't educate that liberal workforce, and they didn't build the USPS or the roads on which they operate.

their success is 100% dependent on things they didn't build. they put COUNTRY first.


Well-Known Member
right in the liberal enclave of west portland. and let me tell you, they pay well.
The median average male 25+ makes $33,517 a year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_income_in_the_United_States
The Average Hourly Wage in the USA is $23.58 http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t19.htm

Netflix pays its employees LESS than average. Almost half of the average wage.


Well-Known Member
The median average male 25+ makes $33,517 a year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_income_in_the_United_States
The Average Hourly Wage in the USA is $23.58 http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t19.htm

Netflix pays its employees LESS than average. Almost half of the average wage.

you left out the part where i mentioned that they set up a customer service center, but you did make sure to point out something which i did not bring up.

show me another customer service joint that starts employees at $14 an hour. that's well above market average for the portland area.

derp dee der.


New Member
you left out the part where i mentioned that they set up a customer service center, but you did make sure to point out something which i did not bring up.

show me another customer service joint that starts employees at $14 an hour. that's well above market average for the portland area.

derp dee der.
and let me tell you, they pay well.

You must have very low expectations...


Well-Known Member
When it comes to work they think they're always under paid.
They have a terrible work ethic.
Feel they no it all.
And are the first ones to file for unemployment, workers compensation and lawsuits.

If they feel so taken advantage of, why don't they ever start their own business?
You John Birch types could learn a few things from us, like how to properly spell "know".
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