Growing weed sideways


Well-Known Member
has anyone tried growing a clone or seed sideways? ive seen upside down plants. but i was thinking it could increase yeild if you could but a plant sideways to the light to increase yield. has anyone done this before?
people do this by LST, Low stress train your stem so its sideways and keep growing like that, then the hormones redistribute to make tons of tops. Scrog is the same almost.
growing sideays would be different, cause the top is still the top. the hormones would not be effected
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Times New I2]foudn this:
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Times New I2]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Times New I2]Did you ever wonder how plants know to grow with their leaves climbing up towards the sky and their roots pushing down into the soil? What would happen if you put a plant in soil upside down?[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Times New I2]Here is an experiment to test what will happen.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Times New I2]You need: ten radish or bean seeds, 2 jam jars, blotting paper, paper towels, string, tap water.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Times New I2]Soak 8 seeds in water overnight. Line the inside of your jars with blotting paper that you or your parents have cut to fit. Fill the middle of each jar with crumpled paper towel. Saturate the blotting paper and the paper towel with water and pour off any extra water that didn't soak in. Be sure to keep the paper moist or your seeds will not grow. Put four soaked seeds between the glass and the blotting paper at the top of each jar. (you don't have to feed the seeds because they already contain food) Place the seeds in all different positions - horizontal, vertical and diagonal.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Times New I2]After they have grown 2.5 cm above the top of the jars, set one jar on its side. Have a look at your sideways plant a few days later. Are the stems growing upwards? They should be.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Times New I2]Stems and leaves grow in the direction of light and away from the force of gravity. This is called negative geotropism because the plant is growing away from the force of gravity.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Times New I2]Can you think of an example of positive geotropism? What about the roots of the plant? They are growing towards the force of gravity. How does it work? Plants have hormones that respond to the pull of gravity and tell the plant which way to build cells and grow. So now you know that you can't plant a seed upside down.[/FONT]

I have been growing my plants sideways. I have 3-4 future cola locations on each plant. There are three plants in the picture.


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i think i wasnt clear enough. what i meant was lay the pot sideways. this way, in addition to your plants that are flat on the ground, whether lst'ed or not, you could have plants to the sides of your light. something like the topsy turvy, cept sideways
yeah man. before hid's we would let gravity/plant do the work. cover and lay your pot on its side and it will still grow upwards. we would do this to sandwich the plant between flouro's.haha. clipping the branches that grew directly towards the light. so much work for so little smoke. i may have to try this with some t5's. that could get heavy.
really, so the yeild wasnt worth it? i was thinking at least the side facing the light would be decent. Oh well, i might give it a whirl anyway
Yeah grow them sideways by training them by tying them down,it beats topping unless you don't like big top colas.
shit thats awesome! it took me ten minutes to realize what was going on in those pictures, because the plants looked so normal. thats perfect to maximize space! i dont know why this isnt done more:joint::mrgreen:

rep for you my freind
ok so i have a seedling, about 6 days. can i just turn it on its side and let it do its thing, im curious
just to let everyone know, i turned my week old seedling on its side and it died after two days. whats the deal with that?:cry: