sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
I just heard that jimmyspaz & Bongspit have been banned...Does anyone know why.....what can a 60yr. old do to get banned.....this sucks.........jimmys our trivia guy........WTF..
anyone know what happened?

The rules are:

There are no rules, unless a mod say there are rules, in which case its too late.

So stay on your best behaviour!!!

I realized this quick, I have people trying to attack me everyday now!

I just tell them Im sorry, ask what I did to them, and give them positive rep, and say I hope that makes up for whatever I did to you..

IDK, forums are strange and lively creatures that will live on with or without me.

GG :peace:
your so nice to GG:mrgreen:

I understand rules, but the loss of MAJOR posters is odd..I saw a bag of dead babies posted, did that guy get banned ?..Today someone was selling lights, banned ? Me I'd have warned them (baby & light guys) but not ban..the rumblings are either selling shit in pm or advocating another site..I've mentioned names of places that I've seen, but reap no profit or anything...just trying to for other sites, you can't just sit and wait for a reply, whats wrong with another site ?? RIU is my favorite and a heavy hitter, so I don't get the rub....I know theres always 2 sides, but F***..? Kind of a "pull this" do then someone says why'd you do that.......Be nice to know so I don't end up outside looking in..... ?
you know, i'm sure anyone who gets banned on this website deserved it. the MODs here to an amazing job of keeping this website clean of all the rest of the crap floating around on the internet. we have a real community atmosphere here where alot of people know each other very well, and if you let a bunch of assholes and teenagers feel like they can do whatever the hell they want, then it will be destroyed and i think we will have really lost something special.

i think that those of us with the best intentions around here try to live by unspoken rules of conduct and courtesy, like civil human beings regardless of the trash that may happen to blow through the door on occasion. Frankly in my opinon i think the mods could stand to be a little more strict. if we could all act a little less like rats in a cage, and a little more like a community we wont have this issue. but thats just my two cent:mrgreen::peace::hump: peace love and good pot


Well-Known Member
my buddy came by at 9:50am this morning with 2 pounds of fine bud trim. we spent the day washing trim. i had my comp on and tried to check in a few times but comcast is on my friggin' pole again. i'm am just getting back from a looooooong day of pouring buckets. my back is killing me and my ears are ringing. i haven't banned anyone.


Well-Known Member
did you report the "dead babies and sales" threads? because i have yet to see them. you really think i would allow a pic of dead babies to stay up? i won't allow titties but you think i would allow dead babies. i'll say it again "REPORT IT!!!". i have NOT seen it.

thank you. :blsmoke::peace:
Mea culpa..I should have. It was a garbage bag of ....I thought that for sure someone else..that was wrong, next time I'll report that shit.
I was wrong to wait for "someone" else ...Apparently you already have my lip print on your butt. :roll:

*spits and rolls on floor.."I've been poisoned*:mrgreen::mrgreen::peace:
anyone know what happened?

Trying to find out.....??:confused:

assholes and teenagers t:mrgreen::peace::hump:

One of the victims is 60 ??:peace:


Well-Known Member
My buddy seems to think that zippo's are better to use for burning. Totally wrong, we used it last night and it was so hard. I knew it wasn't going to work before we tried it, we had to tilt the pipe sideways and hold the lighter on an angle just to get a little bit burned. I wish my cousin never had taken my lighter!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
people who say zippos are good for smoking are like the idiots around here that say 101 is faster than 280 at anytime except 2:30 in the morning ... on a saturday .

all i have to say is .. fuck deer. or whatever animals ate my shit. stake-out time.


Well-Known Member
I was pretty bummed about george carlin ... one of the last of his generation and all that. funny man. we need more like him


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I burned on down for George Carlin.

Did anybody read this?
This line appears in it:
"Drug addiction plagued him for much of his life, beginning with marijuana experimentation as a teen, graduating to cocaine in the 1970s, and then to prescription painkillers and wine."

I'm not sure drug addiction plaugue, but I am fairly certain it isn't every marijuana experimenters dream to finish his or hers four year program to move on to bigger in better things in the field of hard cocaine abuse. Also how dare anybody use prescription painkillers and drink wine (it's street name is Widow Maker Chianti)! There should be a law!


Well-Known Member
people who say zippos are good for smoking are like the idiots around here that say 101 is faster than 280 at anytime except 2:30 in the morning ... on a saturday .

all i have to say is .. fuck deer. or whatever animals ate my shit. stake-out time.

fuck the 101, fuck the 280, fuck the 580, fuck the 238, fuck highway 27. i'm calling in sick today. :mrgreen::hump:


Well-Known Member
everyone at "skunk skool" hates me. :(
That is not true *tackles fdd and smothers him with love*

strange vibe here today.:-?:peace::neutral:
Yeah, lol, funny, I usually come HERE to laugh and forget about my OWN drama....

I'm going to smoke a bowl, and just hope it all works out. I'm sure it will.

Oh yeah, and a bowl for George Carlin. Damn, I can't believe it! Thanks for sharing that Stoney.