Shasta County wants to prohibit growing.


Well-Known Member
THEY WANT TO BAN ALL GROWING SHASTA COUNTY- PLEASE ATTEND- Shasta County Board of Supervisor's on Tuesday- September 17th, 2013 ..1450 Court Street, Redding, CA, 96001
All Patients /Farmer’s gotta put up a Good Fight, Look Nice, Present, write your statements down- to avoid nervousness- no cussing & yelling.. Please! Everybody & Somebody needs to share all the issues- Patients, economics, legal, medicinal, how patients use good nutrients & not toxic- It's Their MEDICINE..
We need Doctors, Lawyers & Indian Chiefs... Patients, Farmers, & all lives supported- fence builders, dirt haulers, equipment rentals, hydro-stores, landlords, property sales, restaurants, laborers, construction, landscapers, caretakers of property, ALL Retail Stores, Home Depot/Lowes/Osh/Ace - they order for the Patient/ Farmers of Cannabis.. All NEED ATTEND.. Love Always & Angels On Your Elbows, Doc.
If you can’t come & or fear to come or due to job, family, life situations : please send e mails , letters {even anonymously counts! } , MAKE Phone Calls!!!!!!-call everybody at BOS & your BOS Representative , Send Carrier Pigeon’s to Shasta County Board of Supervisor’s NOW!

First they shut down the clubs now they want to shut down growing..
The Sherriff says he hasn't got the personal to check compliance but I bet they'll have More that enough to come arrest you if you grow..

Damn if they want to get their name on the map this isn't the way to do it.
This is why I'm against big grows!!!
Just pisses me off!!
I sent this to them..
To: Pam Giacomini
Subject: My next vote.

Hi Pam.
I'm a Viet Nam Vet that suffers from PTSD.
I turned to alcohol and Prescription pills to escape. I worked for SPI. Burney for 15-16 years
as a functioning alcoholic. With out the liquor I couldn't sleep and with it I almost lost everything.
5 years ago I got a script to use Marijuana and my life has changed for the good, I haven't had a drink in 3.5 years I've also been able to quit smoking cigarettes (42 years 2 paks a day). I'm no longer on Anti Depressants, and I no longer need pills for High Blood Pressure. Thank God HUH??
Now I hear the SCBS wants to shut down growing, I can't afford to grow in side and I really don't want to be hassled for growing my 6 plants that gave me my life back. I can't afford to drive to another county to BUY MEDS!!!

Instead of shutting every one down why not go after the large operations?? They are the ones ruining a good thing. All they'll do is move to another county and WE the VOTERS will be left, You guys don't think we'll get out and vote?? I bet I can knock on doors and get signatures and talk for voting a person in that isn't a puppet for the Sheriffs Dept.

How about taxing? Special permits? Re-Zoning those that are allowing multiple grows on their property?? Special permits to use Shasta county's roads to transport their marijuana??
county tax on seed or clone suppliers???

I'm semi retired and I would be honored to help find a better solution, maybe some thing that can put money in your coffers and will give people like me a chance at having a better life??

If you tax and permit those big growers they will leave and those that don't will be helping the economy and will be registered.

Please vote knowing about this plant and the good it can bring, quit believing the Lies the Sheriff is putting out there. They don't use caustic chemicals it can't be sold if it makes us sicker!! They don't empty creeks ( they go dry this time of year...) And the chemicals are the same the Home Gardener uses to grow their corn tomatoes and squash.

I'm so tired of hearing about the jails being filled beyond capacity and then hearing of this, what you think more people won't end up getting arrested?? Is this how you people what to finance Shasta County??? Shame on you for not knowing and just following the piper.

So who will I vote for? Will I be going out and gathering signatures against you and your fellow Supervisors???

Will you put me in jail??

I want to hear your educated response. Show me you know what your voting on!!!

Please reply!! Show me what you know.....

Tim C.
Shasta county resident for 30+ years.

I just got this back...

RE: My next vote. FROM Pam Giacomini TO You

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Hi Tim -- Thank you for your service to our country. I also appreciate that you spent so many years working for SPI. As I am sure you know, I am a fourth generation Shasta County resident. I love our county and our country.

My family ranches and we steward our land and water resources. I personally have seen the illegal theft of water, the trash, illegal clear cutting of large timber, and the poisons used by these large illegal grows of marijuana. If I use an ounce more water to irrigate my lands, the Dept of Water Resources is on my case and threatens me with fines. Yet these illegal marijuana grows get away with theft and trashing our environment.

We are going to redo the ordinance to focus on giving our law enforcement the ability to do something about the illegal grows. Folks will still be able to grow for their use. Any changes we end up doing to the ordinance will help our neighborhoods and help to clean up the crime and environmental damage.

Until I saw, for myself, the damage and theft, I did not understand how big a problem these illegal grows are. We need to keep our citizens safe.

Thank you, Pam
Pam Giacomini
Supervisor, District Three
[email protected]

She's lying. And it's oppression of the people against a California amendment and they should be sued if they succeed.
They will be sued if they try this. You may ban shops, but not the right to grow your own on your property. It violates your rights and will not hold up. Colorado already tried this in some counties and it was overturned. Case precedent has already been set so the judges will follow what has already been done. Frickin morons I tell ya. Although we did have a cartel growing 4,000 plants adjecent to my property in Igo a few years ago, we reported them. Fuck these illegal cartel assholes, they are what is causing so many issues.
I can see going after the cartel grows and even the large gorilla grows, but going after everyone just to get them
is a smoke screen, they are interfering with me to have my Meds and not burden my limited income.
I also don't have the money to build a grow room out back of my house....
They shut down all dispensary's in rural Shasta County WTF?? How are the patients going to get their meds now?? Go to another county??
We need lawyers up here!!!!
Yeah, that is the problem, we are in the middle of nowhere! Well at least in Igo/Ono we are lol. Probably have to find a civil lawyer from down state to do something about it.

Sure wish I could help ya out Dirtsurfr, it sucks to hear that people cant get the meds they need. Or are not able to grow enough year round to keep enough supply, etc...
Oh I have Meds... I just don't like the politics in Shasta Co.
I'll grow on my property as I like and they can kiss my ass if they don't like it!!
Flat out says their going to make it impossible for MMJ users and growers!

They are breaking California State law.. The first time a person gets busted and takes this to court, the local court will support the MMJ ban, the Supreme Court will uphold state law. I give this 6 months before somebody takes it to court, if the locals are supporting a crime by breaking California Health and Safety code, they are putting themselves in lawsuit territory.

The county will lose and make a MMJ grower retire from the lawsuit after they win the legal battles, which could cost $100,000s.. The county will be forced to pay this back because they are causing personal damage and ignoring state law.

The county COULD be guilty of a penal crime by enforcing this as well.. Someone who is not the grower CAN go to jail for this.

Maybe I should rent a flat in Shasta and grow for personal usage.. I have the money to shove this law down their mouths and teach them a lesson.

It`s wonderful coming from a very wealthy family.... I am also practicing Law, it would make a name for myself to combat the county, then law proves them wrong. My family would have no problem hiring a team of lawyers for $200,000 and the county will be forced to pay that back after the civil lawsuit is won.

This is a BIG mistake for the county, they are trying to enact illegal laws which put the funds of YOUR county in jeopardy. Outsiders can come in and take all your town is worth in a court system if you let your officials follow through with these illegal laws.

You might want to talk to some fresh Law school grads, they would LOVE to make a name for themselves..

JUST LOOK HOW HOT MMJ IS IN THE NATIONAL NEWS AND TABLOIDS.... This story will hit national news when the county tries to inflict illegal standards. It will be a full out scandal..

Law school grad + national news AFTER someone gets busted for NOT selling..


..scandal, national news...
Might want to talk to a lawyer about a Class-Action lawsuit.. The county could be forced to re-pay everyone they illegally targeted.
They can't ban growing... It's written right into Prop 215. Local jurisdictions can choose to allow people to grow MORE than the Prop 215 minimum, but not less.
They can't ban growing... It's written right into Prop 215. Local jurisdictions can choose to allow people to grow MORE than the Prop 215 minimum, but not less.

Tell that to the Board f Supervisors...
But if they do I'll keep growing and they can arrest me.
Then I'll get a lawyer and then they'll understand the law a little better.