Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
ok here it goes. 92 watts of CFL 3 beans with their asses up and out of the moistened medium with ziplock bags over the tops. Medium is actually preflushed from previous grow i also sifted the nute balls from the peat moss. (medium: soil. perlite. peat moss.) as of right now no fan in the inside of the cabinet until the younglings pop (if they pop) i hope theyre not duds... :(



Well-Known Member
nothing from the spyder i still have a bit put up the akr s1 pollen i had wouldnt take either to early i guess
i found out i have a cross dresser thats been hiding in the back of my closet that would be the second out of 5 seeds that were hermi from the kc45's i planted


Well-Known Member
kinda hoping that the fact that its right under the filter and its in the back corner from the fan that it didnt fuck all my seeds up

* edit i tried one of the seeds it didnt make it past a couple inches i will try again after i get the haze out of the way


Well-Known Member
na i hadnt checked it out ill go have a peek
i have some 100% male showed sex and trichs fully auto'd early kc/45 pollen that i know is viable just worried it carries a hermi trait
ill cross it with the purple haze and see what i get out of it might have a monster to work with never know lol


Well-Known Member
nice i cracked 3 yesterday and planted today on dankster's advice
:mrgreen: If you seen a white looking sprout when you had cracked them open, then planted, "kepp misting" water with a spray bottle on them here and there. The ziplocks will also keep it nice & warm with great humidty collection going on inside the bags aswell.!.. :mrgreen: It works like a charm for me. However I use rapid start for those "hard to start" beans. Stuff really does work great!!..


Well-Known Member
Have yet to have th return apmt. Still waiting. Seems like they would've got her ass right into the Dr. Maybe they don't think its nothing serious. Who knows! I just know a child doesn't fucking pass out 3 times for NO reason!!
hey what's up with Laken? is she ok hon? internet keeps cutting in and out...I'll check in again when I can ;) hope the news is good..;)
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