Prawn Connery
Well-Known Member
Like the pivot on a set of infinite scales. Where do you separate them?
That only happens in the empirical world. Each infinity 'knows' its boundary and has pushed through. Did I just say that out loud?Like the pivot on a set of infinite scales. Where do you separate them?
To Mansions "houses" that were expressing the idea of dimensions. Cool shtThought is but the key...
Impossible. I already stated that 'nothing' is void of space and time. In order for there to be 'nothing', there would be no universe, or even pre-universe. When talking about things in existence, we have to assume we exist, and we have to assume the people we are interacting with exist or else there's no point to any discourse. If someone hands you an empty bucket, you would be easily convinced that there is 'nothing' in the bucket. It doesn't mean there's no air in the bucket, or dust, or particles, or that there is a the philosophical, abstract, concept of nothing in the bucket. To pretend otherwise is intellectually dishonest.I'm only going to answer this one because I'm high as fuck again:
You show me nothing - you "demonstrate" nothing - and then I'll believe you that they aren't the same thing. It's not demonstrable, because you really don't know what "nothing" is. You have never sensed it and never will. No human ever will while they exist. You can only conceptualise abstractly what you think it is based on your human experience - and that doesn't include "nothing" while you're here.
Here you go again, redefining what 'god' means. The goalposts are just fine where they are, thanks.Oh, and God's not a deity. It's a concept. That's where those who "have no belief" can't cop out. You do. Accept it. Whether it's your belief in science or reality or your own existential existence, you believe, therefor you are, therefor non-belief is an active form. You can't say: "Oh, I have no beliefs." No-one has no beliefs. You have to believe in what you are reading and writing right now to continue to act. And if you don't, then you have to believe in the idea behind the action to commit it. Otherwise you won't. Because you have made a conscious decision not to.
Who said they have no beliefs? many of us said we don't believe in god, but what does that have to do with not having any beliefs?Oh, and God's not a deity. It's a concept. That's where those who "have no belief" can't cop out. You do. Accept it. Whether it's your belief in science or reality or your own existential existence, you believe, therefor you are, therefor non-belief is an active form. You can't say: "Oh, I have no beliefs." No-one has no beliefs. You have to believe in what you are reading and writing right now to continue to act. And if you don't, then you have to believe in the idea behind the action to commit it. Otherwise you won't. Because you have made a conscious decision not to.
As my link explained: The essay you have just seen is completely meaningless and was randomly generated by the Postmodernism Generator.In my "eagerness to belittle"I see I was correct in assuming hypocrisy would be left at the door of your argument. Or perhaps you do see the hypocrisy, but like other intellectual narcissists, simply can't help yourself. "The Glacier" - or rather, how it came to be adopted as your moniker - certainly explains a lot.
The defining characterstic of the narcisist is that they only see the beauty in themselves. They may well have cause to admire their own endowments, but sadly, that fails to translate to the wider world around them. Isolated (though perfectly happy in their own company), and with a lack of empathy or any real connect to those around them, they appear to flounder in their own discourse: never quite addressing the needs of others, but rather, constantly trying to satisfying their own. After all, who is more important?
The world is indeed a sphere (it's not really a circle - that's a bit two dimensional), and hence what you are really describing is an ecosphere. This site is an ecosphere. An ecosphere within an ecosphere. And so, while it is all good and well to proletise about the interconnectedness of life (true), it's really just a homily that fails to address the social dynamics of this site and your own status amongst the fanboys.
Why is that important? Because for obfuscation to have its desired effect - much like your example above seems intended to do - you need to speak from an air of authority in the first place. Otherwise it's not obfuscation - it's just white noise.
It's an example of "let's throw everything out there" (you accuse me of "Gish galloping"? LOL! < not too old to use that) and hope it will suitably baffle the unintiated to the point of acquiescence.
That may work in circle jerk, but not in the wider ecosphere.
Anyway, enough of the ad hominem argument (only joking - the "belittling" never really ends, does it? Though I'm sure you don't feel belittled at all - so I'll use it tongue-in-cheek, seeing as you're not shy of it yourself . . .). Lobbing a few conflicting conceptual quotes does not an argument make. None of those ideas are yours and, as you have failed to quantify anything other than repeating the odd dated construct, you haven't actually explained what YOUR position is.
You seem to be insinuating - or asserting - that I am either an epistemological nihilist (an oxymoron, in my opinion), or simply someone who doesn't know how to read a dictionary.
I know what the literal definitions of words are (in their current meaning), so it's a bit of a waste of time trying to reiterate them (as most before you seem preoccupied with).
But what is so hard to understand about the dismissal of "God" - in whatever form (I'm repeating myself again) - as being an act of faith ("belief") in and of itself?
You say you have no beliefs (maybe you don't - you haven't expressly explained your own position). I say that is a belief itself. A "certainty" in the minds of those who prepose. You (they) are no different to those who profess to believe.
* I was going to address your other apparent pre-occupation with precultural Marxism, but as it's been many years - many - since I stopped reading Marx and started living him (admittedly post-cultural Marxism with Chinese characteristics), I'm kinda over it. I'm glad you enjoy Gibson. I'm not quite sure what classist socialist theory has to do with instrinsic belief systems, but I'm sure you will take the time to explain. Or maybe not.
Really? (Not forgetting, of course, "space-time" is a single entity - they're not separate.) Can you please explain to us all: what is left in the absence of space and time?Impossible. I already stated that 'nothing' is void of space and time.
Hang on. I'm not about to tell you what YOU believe. But if the so-called "Big Bang" - or any other universe-creating phenomena - happened, how do you explain the absence of nothing? (You like that oxymoron?)Beefbisquit said:In order for there to be 'nothing', there would be no universe, or even pre-universe.
You talk as if I don't get what you're saying - and yet you contradict yourself every step of the way . . .Beefbisquit said:When we discuss the 'lack of belief' that is atheism, it doesn't mean atheists have no beliefs at all, to pretend so is also intellectually dishonest. It only means the burden of proof has not been met to formulate a belief in the existence in god. Get it through your head, man!
If you are denying there is enough proof to form a belief, then you are putting your belief into the lack of proof.Prawn Connery said:No-one has no beliefs.
You don't know what "God" means any more than I do. Don't pretend otherwise. It's not convincing.Beefbisquit said:Here you go again, redefining what 'god' means. The goalposts are just fine where they are, thanks.
No they wouldn't. If you hold a concept, then you believe in its possibility (however likely or unlikely).Beefbisquit said:If everyone in existence thought along those lines, that god is only a concept, it would eliminate theists and atheists, because there would be no claim to knowledge or claim of belief, about gods existence as everyone would agree he didn't exist.
Bang your head all you want, because that's not what I'm saying.Beefbisquit said:If you hand me a glass of water and I claim the water is 'not cold', does that mean the water is hot? No, it doesn't. It's simply the rejection of the idea that the water is cold, it makes no further assertions about what the water is, or isn't. You are making an assumption about belief based on what someone doesn't believe, but it doesn't necessarily follow that non-belief is belief in the opposite.![]()
You're reading into something that's not there.Who said they have no beliefs? many of us said we don't believe in god, but what does that have to do with not having any beliefs?
I like facts because they stand true whether you believe them or not.. for everybody. I have beliefs.. I believe gravity exists, see?
I agree with you on this post.. Not sure why you think we're saying we have no beliefs.
LOL! Don't freak out too much. It was generated by that other Postmodernism Generator - the RIU Sprituality & Sexuality & Philosophy poster. To wit . . . I mean, fuckwit . . . yours truly.^ that's fckd up, I am reading Jung beside this tab and I was just going to post some.
At some point, the analysis may negate even its own negativity and in so doing consciousness posits itself via or as some “other,” an other completely independent of itself, that is, in the status of positivity.
5 1/4. AND the other quarter is pretty green as wellI'm glad you're more than five yards away . . .[/FONT][/COLOR]
Someone else here said we can't influence the things around us - that we can't just "think of something, and make it so". And yet, our entire life is proof of it.Too bad, would have been nice to document such a happening happening![]()