Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
i can kinda see those in the post, even without the cursor trick gioua, maybe you should try white to match the back ground... i use that one to get around the 10 chars limit at time.. :D
just proves how bad my eyes are now... lol I can hardly see the black text I type..


bud bootlegger
i saw this pix, and it was two sets of lungs out on a table, and they were trying to compare the one set, which belonged to a smoker, to the second set, a non-smoker..

all i could think was, they're both dead, does it really matter the ones lungs may've been a bit blacker than the other at this point??
was that wrong of me?


Well-Known Member
i can kinda see those in the post, even without the cursor trick gioua, maybe you should try white to match the back ground... i use that one to get around the 10 chars limit at time.. :D
yeah but youre looking for it... 3am stoned as fuck youd never notice...
would ya?


stoned cockatoo

New Member
i dunno mates ever seen a patient with alzhimers? my grand mother sits in a wheel chair all day with bedsores, cant open her eyes cant move, cant talk, cant feed herself, but she is alive however sitting in a wheel chair 24 hours a day is no way to live

i sincerely wish i could put a pillow over her face and end it

if my grandmother knew what she was right now she wouldve told us to end it for her

I know it sounds rash and harsh

you just need to help her live. strap her into that chair tightly and wheel her off to the nearest skate park, couple of hours in the halfpipe each week and she will be good as new


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
say you work out like crazy and then die right after... do you loose the swell or would they be like dang that kids jack and all the ladies would be like it sucks to see Thor die? this is an honest question, I would think the heart alleviates the swelling from muscle use, so no heart, no loss of swelling? I only ask this because I lost a friend racing (happened right in front of me) and I remember him looking healthy and had huge forearms at the wake.. it all just kinda clicked
Just how are you exercising that you 'swell' up? The only thing I know on guys that... uhh never mind.

Seriously any transient gain based on fluid is gone but actual muscle will be there for the most part. There are lots of exceptions. To broad a question, cause of death, embalming, etc.... so many factors any answer is far to speculative.


Well-Known Member
I miss my brother very much tonight. I miss the fact that he was the only one to call me with any consistency. I went 28 days in October without a call or text from any friends. I miss the fact he was the person who asked me to play my songs on guitar. I miss our deep thought provoking conversations. I miss his combat stories, the practical jokes and the laughing.

When my mom went missing and I had to go alone into a bad neighborhood looking for her he was pissed that I didn't call him because he would have strapped both of us up instead of me going door to door with a picture and a knife in my pocket. That's a true friend right there.

Rest easy my brother, I'll do my best to let your daughter know what a great guy you were.


Well-Known Member
Data via radio signals gives us wi-fi, how about data via light rays?
A little dated but still...