Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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curious2garden what is your 'Watts / m³' or 'Watts / feet³'?

I am using 460 Watts to light 528 Cubic feet on these girls or 14.95m³.
View attachment 2893090View attachment 2893091

I ask cause your plants look like they are getting outside daylight or stronger.

The formula for Cubic feet is:
[COLOR=#800000]length × width × height[/COLOR]
Thank you, that is very kind. I'm using 1000 Watt HPS over 80 ft^3 = 12.5 watts/ft^3.


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If you gave your word to help someone end it, if their pain became too much, and they called you on it -- about 5-10 years before you expected them to...

Would you help them?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
If you gave your word to help someone end it, if their pain became too much, and they called you on it -- about 5-10 years before you expected them to...

Would you help them?

I wouldn't agree to anything like this to begin with! But since you already fucked up and promised you gotta keep your word. Na i dont know ask finshaggy!!


Well-Known Member
If you gave your word to help someone end it, if their pain became too much, and they called you on it -- about 5-10 years before you expected them to...

Would you help them?
Talking suicide? Why would somebody put that burden on someone else? If I was to the point where I couldn't live any longer, I'd do it myself. So no, I wouldn't do it even if I made a promise I regret.

my apologies, if I'm way off topic :)


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If you gave your word to help someone end it, if their pain became too much, and they called you on it -- about 5-10 years before you expected them to...
Would you help them?
Chronic pain:
No, I would help them get their pain under control though.

Acute pain:
Maybe, but it would depend on the mechanism, nature and extent of their injuries, as well as their Advance Directive, what could legally be done etc.... But unless you carry licensing I'd stay out of this bailiwick. The union folk get very touchy about scabs :)

In summation, they have the physical ability to off themselves (and short of someone on central line TPN), everyone can do it themselves. If they really want to die tell them to just stop eating. Relatively pain free, with a wonderful gradual decline during which time they can review their options. Do not intervene. Allow them to do it themselves. If they can not do it then you SHOULD NOT!

One side effect of fasting is it helps with pain control, motivation and insight, too.


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Talking suicide? Why would somebody put that burden on someone else? If I was to the point where I couldn't live any longer, I'd do it myself. So no, I wouldn't do it even if I made a promise I regret.

my apologies, if I'm way off topic :)
One good reason would be a burn patient whose statistical chance of survival is less than zero and his arms/hands are burned off. At least that's what I've seen that made me answer what I did and wherein I have followed medical protocol of the time (jesus that sounds ominous and it was).


Staff member
i dunno mates ever seen a patient with alzhimers? my grand mother sits in a wheel chair all day with bedsores, cant open her eyes cant move, cant talk, cant feed herself, but she is alive however sitting in a wheel chair 24 hours a day is no way to live

i sincerely wish i could put a pillow over her face and end it

if my grandmother knew what she was right now she wouldve told us to end it for her

I know it sounds rash and harsh


Undercover Mod
i dunno mates ever seen a patient with alzhimers? my grand mother sits in a wheel chair all day with bedsores, cant open her eyes cant move, cant talk, cant feed herself, but she is alive however sitting in a wheel chair 24 hours a day is no way to live

i sincerely wish i could put a pillow over her face and end it

if my grandmother knew what she was right now she wouldve told us to end it for her

I know it sounds rash and harsh

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i can only hope no one in my family will let me get to that stage its selfish on her kids part keeping here around for there needs


Staff member
we tried that shes past that stage , dont try to make this "beautiful" the video is super awesomely well placed to make a teary eye go, but in reality it isnt like that.

the only thing she reacts to is when we adjust her in her wheel chair she goes "ba bab abababababaaba" we believe its because her neck gets sore in that chair or because she is being touched and cant see anything so it makes her react


Staff member
wow that's narly
very narnly look i love my grandmother to pieces but i feel bad for the woman shes been in the last stage of Alzheimer's for 8 fucking years its only supposed to last for 1 year before they die.
she weights 60 fucking pounds,
she doesnt live anymore. she isnt even aware of her surroundings , she cant move she literally cannot even lift her hand , she needs someone to help her with 100% everything and those nursing homes cant give that to patients like her

I was basically raised by my grandparents, as an italian family were always around each other every single day, she was a very strong woman, if she could see herself the way she is now
she would say oh for the love of god please put a pillow over my head

obviously im not going to go kill my grandmother and i realize its a touchy subject but if we as a family had the option to end her suffering like we do with other life we wouldve chosen that path

there is 100% no cure for alzhimers, no slowing it down and no other way around it theyre not even close to a cure and if they were i doubt they could cure someone that late in stage


Well-Known Member
One good reason would be a burn patient whose statistical chance of survival is less than zero and his arms/hands are burned off. At least that's what I've seen that made me answer what I did and wherein I have followed medical protocol of the time (jesus that sounds ominous and it was).
This is an extreme case. sunni, so is your example. It seems like minnes friend (I'm assuming), had planned for this ( "5 - 10 years before you expected them too"). Meaning, they can consciously make the decision to end it. They were able to talk to minne and ask him. I have a feeling this person is capable of offing his or her self. If so, then let your friend do it if you're not comfortable minne. Sure you made a promise, but what does that matter? really? don't let it be a pride thing.. you don't have to be a "man of your word" when it comes to something like this. I hope you're ok, must be rough to have somebody ask you to kill them. I personally wouldn't do it unless it was an extreme case where the person couldn't do it alone

(we're on the same page c2g :) )