
A little over 2 and a half years ago I slept with 3 different women in the same week :hump: and I felt kind of bad after :-? :oops:. None of them had boyfriends as far as I know and I didn't lead them on emotionally but I more or less enjoy having a steady girlfriend and it was a little awkward for me. The sex was great though so cant complain too much 8-) lol.
Usually I have a few beers or a mixed drink ...tonight I just douched my liver with a 2oz shot every time I passed the kitchen ...nice going rowlman
I've really tried to cut down drinking the hard stuff.
It's a lot easier to get up @ 5 am everyday if you haven't killed a fifth of Bombay the night before.

Double bubble fills the gap nicely.
I've never filled a guy with DONE-EEEeeeeee!!! but I have done 3 girls in the same week!!!!.

OK......just one every two years :neutral:........ but all in the week of mid FEB. ;-)
Back in the early 70's I was a cop for a couple years. Found a dead old fart in a van once and when I checked his ID I noticed a bunch of cash in his billfold. There was five crisp hundreds and a twenty in there. I did leave the twenty in there. Also confiscated a lot of weed and hash from the stoners with the understanding that there would be no charges if they gave it up. They were happy to. I know that's fucked up, but you might say I was helping to keep them out of jail. I had my first heart attack when I was 37. Had to give up the law enforcement gig. 61 now. Never told anyone till now.
Back in the early 70's I was a cop for a couple years. Found a dead old fart in a van once and when I checked his ID I noticed a bunch of cash in his billfold. There was five crisp hundreds and a twenty in there. I did leave the twenty in there. Also confiscated a lot of weed and hash from the stoners with the understanding that there would be no charges if they gave it up. They were happy to. I know that's fucked up, but you might say I was helping to keep them out of jail. I had my first heart attack when I was 37. Had to give up the law enforcement gig. 61 now. Never told anyone till now.

I'm trying to feel a little empathy here.
Nope - not gonna happen.
is it weird that i think the fact that the dude was dead mitigates stealing from him?

i mean, he's dead. he ain't gonna spend that cash.
I have two confessions to make:

1. I confess I have a slight crush on sunni.
2. I confess I like to cut, I like to cut deep.
Well, in all honesty, one thing I've never told anyone is my obsession with women. No matter how hard I try, or how dedicated to the girl I'm with, I always end up being attracted to another girl. I have serious issues with sleeping with girls. And what's worse? In the 22 years I've been having sex, I've used a condom twice. Honestly, I may have little juniors running around, and I have no clue about it.
When i was younger like 12 i jacked off 15 times in one day! Na your not ugly sunni i think alot of girls make the mistake of comparing themselves to other girls. Theirs always gunna be someone prettier or sexier. And thats just a fact ! U look cool tho in the club ur the chick i would hit on after the supermodel blows me off! U are pretty tho! I dont think this helped sorry!