Obama, the King of Corporate Welfare


Well-Known Member
[h=2]cap·i·tal·ism[/h] noun \ˈka-pə-tə-ˌliz-əm, ˈkap-tə-, British also kə-ˈpi-tə-\ : a way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) are owned by individual people

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

noun \ˈka-pə-tə-ˌliz-əm, ˈkap-tə-, British also kə-ˈpi-tə-\ : a way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) are owned by individual people
Fascism USES capitalism to undermine capitalism

Fascism also USES democracy to undermine democracy

it's genesis, and it's goal are MARXIST.

i have provided numerous proofs of this simple fact, yet you have only repeated the same slogan over and over.

no matter how many times you say it, Fascism is NOT a form of capitalism, any more than Socialism is a form of Liberty.


Well-Known Member
Italy’s first Fascist government applied a large-scale privatization policy between 1922 and 1925. The government privatized the state monopoly of match sale, eliminated the State monopoly on life insurances, sold most of the State-owned telephone networks and services to private firms, reprivatized the largest metal machinery producer, and awarded concessions to private firms to build and operate motorways. While ideological considerations may have had a certain influence, privatization was used mainly as a political tool to build confidence among industrialists and to increase support for the government and the Partito Nazionale Fascista. Privatization also contributed to balancing the budget, which was the core objective of Fascist economic policy in its first phase.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
this provides no proof of your claims. it merely illustrates the method by which Fascism redistributes wealth.

the government may have transferred nominal "ownership" and some of the financial gains of these industries to their pet corporations and industrialists, but control remained in the hands of the state through direct and overbearing regulation.

Hitler also nationalized aircraft manufacture, just before he turned it all over to the fat pink hands of Herman Goering.

if the "ownership" of an industry remains in the hands of the party faithful, and clients of Il Duce or Der Fuhrer (who serve at the pleasure of the dictator and owe him fealty) did they really privatize anything?

Fascism, and Socialism really are identical to feudalism, they just have more bombastic titles.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Fascist policies are a rightward shift, not leftward.
the only thing "Right" about fascism is the Nationalism that makes it seem so very different from Marxism to mushbrained lumpen-proles.

so, therefore, as you see Fascism as being VERY DIFFERENT from Socialism, what can we conclude about the consistency of your brain matter and your class status?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Doc, the joke's on you. AC loves his class status. $900 a month buys a lot of candy in Mexico and can get him way more ass than you'd know what to do with in a lifetime. All totally legal.


Well-Known Member
No matter what else he achieves or where he falls short, Barack Obama can lay claim to the title of King of Corporate Subsidies.

Using any of a variety of measures, the Obama administration has broken all records in the distribution of taxpayer dollars to American businesses, primarily banks, automobile manufacturers and insurance companies.

But BUSH!! and That's Racist!!
Huffpo is rightwing propaganda!

Okay, he's a POS. Now, name any fucked up republican that isn't a corporate whore.

Answer: THEY ALL ARE! Even all of the democrats. Fuck! Did you just figure this out?


Well-Known Member
Im sorry, you've lost the argument whether you acknowledge it or not.
First you declare KKKynes was right, now you declare this. You haven't offered an argument however, you have not even demonstrated a capability to explicate the arguments I have offered.

You have contributed nothing here.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Capitalism is wealth redistribution. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, like feudalism.
in capitalism you can become wealthy, or even just self sufficient with hard work, a good idea, and some luck.

in Feudalism this is pre-determined by your birth

in Socialism it is pre-determined by your party connections (and after a generation or two, by birth)

there are no "Self Made Men" in Socialism, Communism, Fascism or Feudalism, while in capitalism those who are smart, lucky and work their butts of can have anything they desire.

capitalism isnt "Fair" and never can be, but at least you have a shot, and at least you can dare to dream.

Socialism, Fascism and Feudalism deny all hope. all you can have is what you are given, and very little can be done to change your status.


Well-Known Member
First you declare KKKynes was right, now you declare this. You haven't offered an argument however, you have not even demonstrated a capability to explicate the arguments I have offered.

You have contributed nothing here.
Other than declaring everything is TLDR and repeating blatantly stupid positions, you haven't contributed anything either. Kynes nailed it and it really doesn't need to repeated or expanded on by anyone. My public support of his position was for his sake, not yours. From time to time, I like to let members know their posts are appreciated. Type something that isn't hair brained, batshit crazy and I might do the same for you. Until then, "eat a bag of dicks" - Kynes