Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
Well guys my bleached seedlings got the chop today. I've had to start over recently, so I have no patience for recovering seedlings. The tops of pots reeked of neem. Roots were half sizzled. Down to 20 babies now :( Another lesson learned.


Well-Known Member
I have a cheese clone coming in soon, said to be fire. We will see.
Heres a pic of my buddies 4x2 400 w scrog setup, I gave him everthing but the tent to gwt him going and hes in a modified soil and using teas once a week. Hes doing a great job and last nite we topped them again. They look like they will produce many tops.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hmmm Raspberry Cough on its own sounds DANK. I haven't supported Nirvana in a long time. Their prices were always good... Red, we all have runs and run ins we would rather forget. Lessons like this are always painful. At least you didn't get a hermaphrodite screw up a room full of mature bubbas. I am still recovering from that knock. Stupid Tahoe. Rather an early chop than a late pollination!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
There is a dispensary that sells clones and claims to have the thin mint pheno.

Colorado is great, legal weed, great weather, excellent terrain for you knuckle draggers (I two plank), mediocre breweries...
I have followed a few threads on SinCity's SinMint Cookies. All seem impressed enough with it. 15 beans a pack at 10 pack prices, good deal and a pheno hunt is always fun.


Well-Known Member
Well guys my bleached seedlings got the chop today. I've had to start over recently, so I have no patience for recovering seedlings. The tops of pots reeked of neem. Roots were half sizzled. Down to 20 babies now :( Another lesson learned.

That sucks Red.

Thanks for the help guys. I would love to see Bodhi's new works. I have been lurking where you sent me Hamish. Great stuff.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm Raspberry Cough on its own sounds DANK. I haven't supported Nirvana in a long time. Their prices were always good... Red, we all have runs and run ins we would rather forget. Lessons like this are always painful. At least you didn't get a hermaphrodite screw up a room full of mature bubbas. I am still recovering from that knock. Stupid Tahoe. Rather an early chop than a late pollination!
the phenos I got from it were very sativa , cbd. Not much high but great for pain. Big ole colas too. The crosses I got are awesome and potent and great for pain. I tried crossing different strains with each other a couple years back. The cheese berry kush was my first successful one. I wish I still had the first pheno though. That was mu favorite. Best yielder too
I only had 3 seeds of it. I still have like 20 more seeds of cheese og though.

I tried to pm you but I'm unable too.


Well-Known Member
Oh my. The thought of me gstting physical w another man terrifys me lol but yeah we are roomies, I use a cell phone on here. I dont know how they could trace it back to me. Even then maybe someday I wont have to worry. You juat cant trust anyone and that sucks because there are a ton of great ppl that grow on here. I would love to be sble to trade clones openly and text or whatever but how can you without getting screwed. Taker easy pals


Well-Known Member
Bwahahahahahaha. I only got the 'Batman' reference now. Damn near fell off my chair. You guys are legends :)
I am thinking that am still not getting it....

On the posting data thought, one other thing to keep in mind os
that the System only has so much energy to harass and arrest us.
It will focus on bigger fish.

What one sees here are personal grows. The Man cannot worry about
personal growers half of whom are either card holders or are in a state
that screams for compassion.

Let's see how far the automation of our "handling" goes, as this could
make it "economical" to cast a wider net.


P.S. Anyone ever see the film "THX1138"? Recall that the system was
constantly calculating expenditures against budgets and, in the end, the
robot cops chasing THX1138 simply gave for for lack of funds?

That is us, now or soon.

Lord just let me keep my own little Red Barchetta!

My uncle has a country place
That no one knows about.
He says it used to be a farm,
Before the Motor Law.
And on Sundays I elude the Eyes,
And hop the Turbine Freight
To far outside the Wire,
Where my white-haired uncle waits.

Jump to the ground
As the Turbo slows to cross the Borderline.
Run like the wind,
As excitement shivers up and down my spine.
Down in his barn,
My uncle preserved for me an old machine,
For fifty-odd years.
To keep it as new has been his dearest dream.

I strip away the old debris
That hides a shining car.
A brilliant red Barchetta
From a better, vanished time.
I fire up the willing engine,
Responding with a roar.
Tires spitting gravel,
I commit my weekly crime...

In my hair-
Shifting and drifting-
Mechanical music-
Adrenalin surge...

Well-weathered leather,
Hot metal and oil,
The scented country air.
Sunlight on chrome,
The blur of the landscape,
Every nerve aware.

Suddenly ahead of me,
Across the mountainside,
A gleaming alloy air-car
Shoots towards me, two lanes wide.
I spin around with shrieking tires,
To run the deadly race,
Go screaming through the valley
As another joins the chase.

Drive like the wind,
Straining the limits of machine and man.
Laughing out loud
With fear and hope, I've got a desperate plan.
At the one-lane bridge
I leave the giants stranded at the riverside.
Race back to the farm, to dream with my uncle at the fireside