Obama, the King of Corporate Welfare

How come we don't hear much about your government, where you live?...Is america that much more important to you?..I would like to hear more about Mexico...Like your southern border and how Mexico treats immigrants, that would be something of interest...Then we can compare the two RT

RTcountries and decide which one we want to bitch about the most...
They treat their immigrants well.
Immigrating to mexico is fast and easy and you can apply AFTER you have arrived
They treat their immigrants well.
Immigrating to mexico is fast and easy and you can apply AFTER you have arrived

No shit!...Is that right? It's that simple...And here I thought mexico had there army protecting the southern broader...I will Google it..
Maybe we can get the POTUS to force immigration to Mexico or be fined if you refuse.

i'd love to see a law mandating that racist asshats like you be sent to ciudad juarez for a few days.

then we'd see the truth behind racist shitheads like you "clinging to their guns and bibles".
Only if Romney gets elected.

is romney still way up in the polololololols?

Now google Mexican immigration law. And go to a Mexican government website

A US citizen must prove financial independence (minimum monthly bank deposits) to immigrate to Mexico, halfwit.

In other words, you can't go to Mexico and live off their government, heh what a brilliant law!