Dreaming Big

Hell NO! Top is only missing 2 teeth on the the left,3 from the front teeth.
Gonna have a plate that I can take out like a retainer,with 2 teeth on it! LOL

My mom has one of them. She's snapped teeth off of it and had to wait to get repairs(no insurance and $50 out of pocket cost for 1 tooth).

You are lucky. Those are very thin plates, not like my fuckin dentures. lol
Grats on Simon, and Moon Landing, Stew. Shit. I didn't even notice until I saw that tiny little ticker cruising by under your join date. That's rad.
Grats on Simon, and Moon Landing, Stew. Shit. I didn't even notice until I saw that tiny little ticker cruising by under your join date. That's rad.

I kinda cheated on Simon. I wrote down every color(the first letter) in order as they appeared. Now it sucks because you have to keep doing it OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND blah blah blah...

But I fuckin looked up at a TV commercial and lost my place on the paper and fucked up before I reached my goal... I was shooting for 250 lol... Just to be an ass.
Oh well I won.

As for MOON LANDER. I don't give 2 shits if someone beats me. That game is such a waste of time. I wasted like 3 weeks on that fucking game and never got higher than 5800 then finally 2 nights ago i was playing for like an hour or someithng, lost count and said FUCK THIS and let the thing drop till my lives ran out. AND I WON?! lol
My mom has one of them. She's snapped teeth off of it and had to wait to get repairs(no insurance and $50 out of pocket cost for 1 tooth).

You are lucky. Those are very thin plates, not like my fuckin dentures. lol
Just be for looks,and not eating.....I suppose.
I only had 2 post INSTALLED...LOL to hold the bottoms in,they wanted to do 4 for 3grand.
Gonna try these 2 they were 1500 bucks,FIRST!
Grats on Simon, and Moon Landing, Stew. Shit. I didn't even notice until I saw that tiny little ticker cruising by under your join date. That's rad.

  • [TABLE="class: cms_table"]
    [TH="class: cms_table_tcat, align: center"]
    King of the Arcade
    [TH="class: cms_table_tcat, width: 50%, align: center"]Leader of Leaderboard[/TH]
    [TD="class: cms_table_alt2, width: 50%, align: center"]
    [TD="class: cms_table_alt2, width: 50%, align: center"]
    [TD="class: cms_table_alt2, width: 50%, align: center"]SxIstew
    got 2 times
    the High Score of all time[/TD]
    [TD="class: cms_table_alt2, width: 50%, align: center"]SxIstew
    with a score of 63[/TD]

Blueberry Yum Yum #3(Possible blue pheno)
Cotton Candy
Blue Dream mother
Blue Thai
Original Blueberry
Original Blueberry xGDP[male] pollen
Sour Blueberry`
Cotton Candy clones(x4)
Blue Dream (P3 #1 back middle -#2 front)
Blueberry Yum Yum #1 (Sativa Pheno)
Blueberry Yum Yum #2(Indica Pheno)
Blue Dream clone(P3 #3)
Tent pic
These were all taken at 36"(3 feet) off the floor........Fuckin things have grown so much lol...
That BBYY Indica Pheno looks fantastic. I love me a great looking Indica.

It's got a very hazy look and smell to it..... I am waiting till the 3 swell to pick one that I like. all 3 are different. And I'm gonna run a few more next time around. So I'm sure to see at least 1 or 2 of the same. But there is an obvious variation in phenos for the strain right now.
wow for day 36 ur plants r filling in nicely, ur going to have alot of weed come harvest time which is never a bad thing

Yeah, I think maybe a little too much... Gonna have to start cutting off buds and throwing them in the trash. AHHAHAHHAHA NOT! lol

I can't wait for them to start swelling..... Some won't even start for another 2-3 weeks.
Still think you NEED HELP,with the chop.LOL
Alittle advise,Stagger them bitches, trimming gets old real damn fast!

Dont think I could wait 10 days in the dark,Curiosity would drive me nuts,from
wanting to have a PEEK .
I may get a green flashlight and take some pictures with the flash off part way through it. But I can deal with 10 days if it makes a difference in potency, look, and taste... It sounds worth the wait. It's just a factor of having the correct information or not.

If this guy is completely full of shit. I will know it. lol

If he wastes my time. I will send him a lovely email. lol.... To the Editor!!! Maybe even get printed. hahahahaha
I think I have someone who is going to help me trim. if not 2 people... I will be doing the early finishers alone. and then after the 10 day darkness I will pull one plant out at a time with a friend or 2 here and we will all hit the same plant. No mixing up my buds.

Going to have 14 lines run in the closet.(11 strains but many many Blue Dream plants and buds.)

I've cleaned out the closet and vacuumed in there so I know there is no dust or cat hair or anything.
It's got a slant ceiling and is on an outside wall so it's very cool in there and will be perfect for a week long dry. and storage for my jars when in cure.

I will need to order some 62% packets here very soon.....

What is your curing method BEECH? if you don't mind telling me.

  • If he wastes my time. I will send him a lovely email. lol.... To the Editor!!! Maybe even get printed. hahahahaha

    I have NO doubts!

fuck having helpers. Ppl get greedy..... been there. no matter how much you pay them they will still wish they had more....and you have so much......surely you can spare some more, ol buddy ol pal......now that I know where you grow and all.

ur better off doing it yourself.