Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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you insisted on focusing on europe and europeans to the exclusion of all else, and this smacks of agenda.

kinda like how you insist on blaming immigrants, islam, and blacks, at the exclusion of all else, for all the ills in your shitty life?

but when you do it, i'm sure there is no agenda involved, otherwise you'd be right on par with white supremacists like phillipe rushton and company.

and you can't have that, because how could anybody reconcile the fact that racism is stupid with their belief that they are smart?

cognitive dissonance is a bitch.
no, new evidence is that SOME of the pyramid labourers were local farmers impressed into service in the off season. the stone cutters, masons cooks and other year round labourers were slaves.

even the local farmers didnt "Volunteer" for shit.
they were commanded, and they served under penalty of death, and in some cases as a form of taxation for the state.

remember pyramids arent built in a day, they span hundreds of years, and numerous dynasties.

some pharaohs may have been content to hire much of the seasonal labour, while others simply demanded what was heir right as God-Kings.

Not according to these articles;

At worst some workers had to work for a few months before they could go back to their families. At best, they were all willing volunteers that happily built the pyramids as an offering to their Pharaoh and gods.

Zahi Hawass said the discovery dismissed the popular perception as depicted by Hollywood of the pyramids being the fruit of the labour of slaves toiling away in the desert.

"These tombs were built beside the king's pyramid, which indicates that these people were not by any means slaves," he said on Sunday. "If they were slaves, they would not have been able to build their tombs beside their king's."

He said the collection of workers' tombs, some of which were first detected in the 1990s, were among the most significant finds in the 20th and 21st centuries. They belonged to workers who built the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre.

Mr Hawass had earlier found graffiti on the walls from workers calling themselves "friends of Khufu" - another sign that they were not slaves.

The tombs, on the Giza plateau on the western edge of Cairo, are 4,510 years old and lie at the entrance of a half-mile-long necropolis.

Mr Hawass said evidence had been found showing that farmers in the Delta and Upper Egypt had sent 21 buffalo and 23 sheep to the plateau every day to feed the builders, believed to number around 10,000 - or about a tenth of the Greek historian Herodotus's estimate of 100,000.

These farmers were exempted from paying taxes to the government of ancient Egypt - evidence that he said underscored the fact they were participating in a national project.
The first discovery of workers' tombs in 1990 came about accidentally when a horse stumbled on a brick structure 10 yards away from the burial area.


But, in a complete reversal of the story of oppression told by Herodotus, Lehner and Hawass have suggested that the labourers may have been volunteers. Zahi Hawass believes that the symbolism of the pyramid was already strong enough to encourage people to volunteer for the supreme national project. Mark Lehner has gone further, comparing pyramid building to American Amish barn raising, which is done on a volunteer basis. He might equally well have compared it to the staffing of archaeological digs, which tend to be manned by enthusiastic, unpaid volunteers supervised by a few paid professionals.


I didn't know you were an Egyptologist KKKynes!? When did you get time to study the pyramids in between making all your implicit and explicit, racially motivated, hate mongering posts on RIU?
slavery was invented in africa, by africans against africans

if you wish to argue against slavery you must accept this fact


Why KKKynes thinks slavery was evil.
Not according to these articles;

At worst some workers had to work for a few months before they could go back to their families. At best, they were all willing volunteers that happily built the pyramids as an offering to their Pharaoh and gods.

Zahi Hawass said the discovery dismissed the popular perception as depicted by Hollywood of the pyramids being the fruit of the labour of slaves toiling away in the desert.

"These tombs were built beside the king's pyramid, which indicates that these people were not by any means slaves," he said on Sunday. "If they were slaves, they would not have been able to build their tombs beside their king's."

He said the collection of workers' tombs, some of which were first detected in the 1990s, were among the most significant finds in the 20th and 21st centuries. They belonged to workers who built the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre.

Mr Hawass had earlier found graffiti on the walls from workers calling themselves "friends of Khufu" - another sign that they were not slaves.

The tombs, on the Giza plateau on the western edge of Cairo, are 4,510 years old and lie at the entrance of a half-mile-long necropolis.

Mr Hawass said evidence had been found showing that farmers in the Delta and Upper Egypt had sent 21 buffalo and 23 sheep to the plateau every day to feed the builders, believed to number around 10,000 - or about a tenth of the Greek historian Herodotus's estimate of 100,000.

These farmers were exempted from paying taxes to the government of ancient Egypt - evidence that he said underscored the fact they were participating in a national project.
The first discovery of workers' tombs in 1990 came about accidentally when a horse stumbled on a brick structure 10 yards away from the burial area.


But, in a complete reversal of the story of oppression told by Herodotus, Lehner and Hawass have suggested that the labourers may have been volunteers. Zahi Hawass believes that the symbolism of the pyramid was already strong enough to encourage people to volunteer for the supreme national project. Mark Lehner has gone further, comparing pyramid building to American Amish barn raising, which is done on a volunteer basis. He might equally well have compared it to the staffing of archaeological digs, which tend to be manned by enthusiastic, unpaid volunteers supervised by a few paid professionals.


I didn't know you were an Egyptologist KKKynes!? When did you get time to study the pyramids in between making all your implicit and explicit, racially motivated, hate mongering posts on RIU?

revisionist history driven by the need to portray egyptian history (the only thing besides oil they have to export) in a more positive light is hardly scientific.

the chinese, Kyrgan, egyptian, aztec, maya, inca, and many others often buried their slaves with, or in close proximity to the tombs of persons with high social standing, does this imply that those "servants for the afterlife" are also not slaves, and thus "Volunteered" to be buried alive for eternal servitude?

further, the existence of slavery in egypt is NOT in doubt. the very notion that a grand building project requiring millions of man-hours of backbreaking toil would be accomplished solely by free men as a volunteer force is simply RETARDED.

Like serfs.

and you persist in your failed argument that serfs were volunteers, despite having been proved wrong repeatedly.

serfs were bound to the land as property, they were LESS than chattel, in that the transfer of serfs was automatic with the transfer of the land to which they were bound. they were simply resources to be exploited at the pleasure of their lord, with no thought to whether they survived or perished.

SLAVES had intrinsic value, and care was taken to ensure their survival insofar as replacements had to be purchased, while serfs were essentially valueless.
ITT: Ad Hominem explosion of embarrassing proportions

95 pages in, no need to go any further, fellas..

This was an interesting experiment, though..
This is the problem with this forum, few can actually think and even fewer can express themselves without cursing etc. at others or holding them in derision or simply trolling.

This could have been an awesome thread.
This is the problem with this forum, few can actually think and even fewer can express themselves without cursing etc. at others or holding them in derision or simply trolling.

This could have been an awesome thread.

It's really hard to hold civil debate with those who refuse to listen.
It's really hard to hold civil debate with those who refuse to listen.

How can it be civil if you have to insist people have to believe the crap you spout. We have to listen to you for it to be civil.

That is what Caligula, Hilter and all WarLords have said. You mean blind obedience. Only that seems civil to the Royalists.

Just shut up and listen. Good. You revealed your nature.
ITT: Ad Hominem explosion of embarrassing proportions

95 pages in, no need to go any further, fellas..

This was an interesting experiment, though..

So I see. You are the Dr. Josef Mengele here. Engaging in Human experiments. Jerking peoples' emotional chains when you are not qualified and seem full of ill will.

When to start and stop this horror show? Ask old Joe. It is his experiment.
How can it be civil if you have to insist people have to believe the crap you spout. We have to listen to you for it to be civil.

That is what Caligula, Hilter and all WarLords have said. You mean blind obedience. Only that seems civil to the Royalists.

Just shut up and listen. Good. You revealed your nature.

Yes, clearly that is what I'm about. You need to do some more reading. I'm actually quite open minded. You haven't the first clue. If you can persuade me, I am willing to listen. Just don't come at me with bullshit.
Ahhh, I see, you're just an angry prick with nothing else better to do.

You are deep in pattern. And so confused. FWorks thinks I am a DEM and you think I am a PUB.

By Gawd! It is working very well. You both also probably think I am secretly on your side. HA.

I am a Minority of One.
You are deep in pattern. And so confused. FWorks thinks I am a DEM and you think I am a PUB.

By Gawd! It is working very well. You both also probably think I am secretly on your side. HA.

I am a Minority of One.

From your history of posts I don't think you can be pigeonholed. Unique is how I would describe your thought process. I've also never seen you initiate the name-calling so I appreciate you man. The vast majority of posters realize that name calling is the last resort before admitting defeat. These guys that use this as their fall back never get to the admit part though, not publicly, they just move onto another thread and repeat the process.
and you persist in your failed argument that serfs were volunteers, despite having been proved wrong repeatedly.

serfs were bound to the land as property, they were LESS than chattel, in that the transfer of serfs was automatic with the transfer of the land to which they were bound. they were simply resources to be exploited at the pleasure of their lord, with no thought to whether they survived or perished.

SLAVES had intrinsic value, and care was taken to ensure their survival insofar as replacements had to be purchased, while serfs were essentially valueless.


"Niggers were better off during slavery."

check the batteries on your decoder ring dude

That is exactly what he is suggesting, that slaves were better off than serfs because they were property.

He can't wrap his mind around the fact that serfdom was voluntary, since serfs (by definition) were not chattel.
That is exactly what he is suggesting, that slaves were better off than serfs because they were property.

He can't wrap his mind around the fact that serfdom was voluntary, since serfs (by definition) were not chattel.

Come on, UB and ABC! You know I look this stuff up.

Serfdom is considered a form of slavery.

the United Nations deems slavery to be "the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised" and slave as "a person in such condition or status"[SUP]1[/SUP].

Chattel slaves are property and can be traded as such.

Debt bondage, bonded labor, or peonage, involves the use of people as collateral against debt. Labor is provided by the person who owes the debt, or a relative (typically a child). It was unusual for a bonded laborer to escape their debt, since further costs would accrue during the period of bondage (food, clothing, shelter), and it was not unknown for the debt to be inherited across several generations.

In the Americas, peonage was extended to include criminal peonage, where prisoners sentenced to hard labor were 'farmed out' to private or governmental groups.

Otherwise known as 'unfree' labor. Forced labor, as the name implies, was based on the threat of violence against the laborer (or their family). Laborers contracted for a specific period would find themselves unable to escape enforced servitude.

A term usually restricted to medieval Europe in which a tenant farmer was bound to a section of land and was thus under the control of a landlord. The serf achieved subsistence through the cultivation of their lord's land, and was liable to provide other services, such as working on other sections of land or joining a war-band. A serf was tied to the land, and could not leave without his lord's permission. A serf also required permission to marry, to sell goods, or to change their occupation. Any legal redress lay with the lord.

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