Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
*eye roll* youre so dramatic.

i messaged the other user cause he said he never got answered for some help. i messaged you because i wanted to let you know the other guy didnt report you i also messaged 25 other users would you like me to explain that too?
so if i post a thread titled " my first apollo HPS grow " it will be deleted ? i have a buddy that was banned for saying what led light he used

i left autoflower.net for this same reason
im done with all of this i really am
if anyone needs to contact me message me and i will give you email phone or facebook
im not going to stick around for this
i can ramble a list off of people that have been ran off or moderated to the point its worthless to post and i for one am not going to stick around for it


Well-Known Member
well, from what I've seen & read, "anyone would get pissed" off that their thread was deleted. Like I said, I don't know what's going on but I will figure it out. Lol
I could show you what's going on. but PMs get deleted if you post them. Even to prove someone wrong who is basically telling people I am lying
"there are 2 sides to every story" and delete my post when I post the other side of the story because she fucking knows I'm right.

And yet she fuckin hates me anyway. I could care less bro. I got your # I can always call or text. RIU is not the center of my universe. I have just made it seem that way since I enjoyed being here and helping other users out. I've been the new guy. surpassed the bullshit names I was being called.

I thought I would be able to show everyone anything about my growing, including products used. But because the thread was dedicated to the fucking product that I said I was not advertising for, It's still advertising.

Well there are many many other forum sites if I ever need a hand again. I don't NEED this place to survive. or to have my plants survive.

Hope you all have a great grow and all that. PEACE! i'm outta here for a while.


Well-Known Member
very bad day. I come home from helping a friend make some Bubble Hash to this bullshit!. I really don't see myself staying here on RIU anymore. Only to pop on to talk to people here on Dank's thread. As long as the one's i don't like stay away.
That's some straight up bullshit what happened and we both know where it came from. Stick around and stand your ground babe, don't let them run you off...
remember you can count on me always to have your back bro;)


Well-Known Member
I could show you what's going on. but PMs get deleted if you post them. Even to prove someone wrong who is basically telling people I am lying
"there are 2 sides to every story" and delete my post when I post the other side of the story because she fucking knows I'm right.

And yet she fuckin hates me anyway. I could care less bro. I got your # I can always call or text. RIU is not the center of my universe. I have just made it seem that way since I enjoyed being here and helping other users out. I've been the new guy. surpassed the bullshit names I was being called.

I thought I would be able to show everyone anything about my growing, including products used. But because the thread was dedicated to the fucking product that I said I was not advertising for, It's still advertising.

Well there are many many other forum sites if I ever need a hand again. I don't NEED this place to survive. or to have my plants survive.

Hope you all have a great grow and all that. PEACE! i'm outta here for a while.
this is so fuckin wrong man...just messed the fuck up...

you bess remember my email and number and keep in touch, k kiddo? I've always loved hanging with you and chillin and talkin about that precious lil girl of yours and I will miss you much!


Well-Known Member
That's some straight up bullshit what happened and we both know where it came from. Stick around and stand your ground babe, don't let them run you off...
remember you can count on me always to have your back bro;)
There is nothing anyone can do at this point. All my information on the subject has been deleted. I cannot even figure out when I first used the fucking product anymore or when I am supposed to use it again.

I made the mistake of thinking I could log my information only on here and not have to duplicate it to pen and paper. But apparently this site is not for growing weed or showing what products can increase production. I thought it was. But I guess I was very very wrong for even thinking that.


Staff member
i can still see the entire thread give me a proper email not an advertisement one for your seeds and ill send you all your posts and dates.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing anyone can do at this point. All my information on the subject has been deleted. I cannot even figure out when I first used the fucking product anymore or when I am supposed to use it again.

I made the mistake of thinking I could log my information only on here and not have to duplicate it to pen and paper. But apparently this site is not for growing weed or showing what products can increase production. I thought it was. But I guess I was very very wrong for even thinking that.
I guess advertising isn't there number one priority?
if the site can survive without it then why are there banners and ads? Maybe they need to speak to us as if we are 5 year olds to make sure we understand the rules?

I'm mystified...

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Well she tried to help you recover your info. Refusing is just childish. Personally I would be very thankful.

Besides, it was rolli who deleted your thread. Not sunni.


Well-Known Member
Well she tried to help you recover your info. Refusing is just childish. Personally I would be very thankful.

Besides, it was rolli who deleted your thread. Not sunni.
She will not use my active email because she feels its advertising. But it's just an email. and the only one I have access to.

Plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
So create a yahoo account or gmail account. Takes like 5 min and then you will get back 3 weeks of work.
Or I can wait for a MOD who I am friends with to do the same thing. but without the hassle of making a new account for no reason other than to get my information back.

See Dank has a thread where he posts about his P3. I just posted in there that I was going to post my P3 and POOF the post is now deleted. Funny right? when it said nothing wrong. and was not spam or advertising... And people say they don't follow me around to delete my shit. THE PROOF IS....deleted.. so I can't show you.


Well-Known Member
them big leafs on that dantie looking plant?
I will have you know that "dantie" looking plant as you call it will produce a very nice yeild from my 15 yr exp growing. I would say atlease a qp if not more by the time finshed. Better then having 2 little plants that wouldn't prduce half that... unless supercropped & or LST. That and its eaiser for me to have untopped plants in my growroom, they don't take up that much room, thus meaning I can fit a lot more plants in 1 little ol' space..


Well-Known Member
I will have you know that "dantie" looking plant as you call it will produce a very nice yeild from my 15 yr exp growing. I would say atlease a qp if not more by the time finshed. Better then having 2 little plants that wouldn't prduce half that... unless supercropped & or LST. That and its eaiser for me to have untopped plants in my growroom, they don't take up that much room, thus meaning I can fit a lot more plants in 1 little ol' space..
what are you doin goober:??:?? lol
thought you were out for the night ;) signal back? :)
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