Obamacare operator who spoke to Sean Hannity promptly fired.


New Member
When a woman named Erling Davis answered the phone on Monday afternoon, she had no idea she’d become a player in Sean Hannity‘s attempt to call the Obamcare hotline and grill an employee with questions about the website’s rollout. She also had no idea that phone call would lead to her firing. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/hannity-reveals-that-obamacare-hotline-operator-who-took-his-call-got-fired/

Unfickingbelievable, she got fired for not lying about Obamacare.
I know most politicians are liars, left and right but this is the most lying, dishonest administration of our time, I wouldn't put anything past them.


Well-Known Member
Unfickingbelievable, she got fired for not lying about Obamacare.


Davis explained that the morning after the fateful phone call, she was escorted to an HR meeting and told she would be released. The reason? “Contact with the media is not allowed,” Davis said.


Well-Known Member
Hannity called the hotline, it's not like she solicited contact. That's pretty heartless, it wasn't her fault she happened to be the one to answer.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member


Davis explained that the morning after the fateful phone call, she was escorted to an HR meeting and told she would be released. The reason? “Contact with the media is not allowed,” Davis said.
We're not allowed to know about Obamacare? Health care reform is a secret? How about explaining your liberal view that government's job is making health care more expensive?


Well-Known Member
We're not allowed to know about Obamacare? Health care reform is a secret?
in every phone job i've ever had, we had a specific protocol for handling media requests.

never was the protocol for a rep to just go ahead and talk to the media.

that kind of thing would have gotten you fired from netflix when i worked there.


Well-Known Member
I see Buck defending a companies right to fire a woman for having the nerve to talk to a man who called with questions. Does this mean he's a republican?


Well-Known Member
in every phone job i've ever had, we had a specific protocol for handling media requests.

never was the protocol for a rep to just go ahead and talk to the media.

that kind of thing would have gotten you fired from netflix when i worked there.
Maybe talking to the Media was not in their 4 week training or Handbook .

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
in every phone job i've ever had, we had a specific protocol for handling media requests.

never was the protocol for a rep to just go ahead and talk to the media.

that kind of thing would have gotten you fired from netflix when i worked there.
You stand by your claim government shouldn't make health care cheaper?


New Member


Davis explained that the morning after the fateful phone call, she was escorted to an HR meeting and told she would be released. The reason? “Contact with the media is not allowed,” Davis said.

Nope, you got duped again by those lying progressive websites you frequent.

Listen to the video, she was quoting her boss when she said “Contact with the media is not allowed,” the company she worked told her this after she was fired, never once told her before she was hired or had anything in writing to the effect.

Another Buckie FAILURE!


Listen 3:10-3:50


Well-Known Member
Dude, you were a phone solicitor, let me guess, GAY PHONE SEX! LMFAO
wow, the wit of a 16 year old who watches too much hannity.

i actually worked for netflix as a manager and trainer back when they were #1 in customer service for several years running.

and unlike you, i can easily prove my claim. unlike you, who has never shown us anything other than that he is easily duped by right wing blowhards who propose theories of skewed polling data on a scale never seen before.


now that's funny.


Well-Known Member

Nope, you got duped again by those lying progressive websites you frequent.

Listen to the video, she was quoting her boss when she said “Contact with the media is not allowed,” the company she worked told her this after she was fired, never once told her before she was hired or had anything in writing to the effect.

Another Buckie FAILURE!


Listen 3:10-3:50
appreciate the headsup on the times, no way I could listen to 12 min of his voice. It's at a key that just really isn't very listenable to me I guess.

She doesn't sound super intelligent but I believed her, she sounded genuine. Damn, Hannity must feel like shit, I bet she ends up better off after this with his help.


Well-Known Member
i'm just asking you loaded questions to reciprocate the ones you ask me.

don't be so mad, i don't actually think you are a molester. you might just look like one.


New Member
appreciate the headsup on the times, no way I could listen to 12 min of his voice. It's at a key that just really isn't very listenable to me I guess.

She doesn't sound super intelligent but I believed her, she sounded genuine. Damn, Hannity must feel like shit, I bet she ends up better off after this with his help.
i'm not a Hannity fan myself, but that's who is interviewing her, at 3:10 of the video she clearly states she did not sign anything to do with not being in contact with the media or was it verbally ordered. Is was only after the fact,

I believe her.


New Member
ya mean, listen to sean hannity?

yeah, i can think of no better source for the Truth than sean hannity.

what a miserable failure you are.
I mean listen to the poor African American lady who was fired for telling the truth about the Obamacare lies.

I guess if she were white and from the Aryan state of Oregon you would see it in a different light.


Well-Known Member
i'm not a Hannity fan myself, but that's who is interviewing her, at 3:10 of the video she clearly states she did not sign anything to do with not being in contact with the media or was it verbally ordered. Is was only after the fact,

I believe her.
what you believe is pretty meaningless.

for example, this is what you believed would happen based on your best understanding of literally thousands of scientific polls:

this is what actually happened:

so therefore, what you believe is not only dubious, but empirically your beliefs have been wrong way more often than they have been right, especially when it comes to partisan issues.

and when you are wrong, which is often, you are very, very wrong.


Well-Known Member
I mean listen to the poor African American lady who was fired for telling the truth about the Obamacare lies.

I guess if she were white and from the Aryan state of Oregon you would see it in a different light.
i don't listen to nor watch hannity videos, because he is well known for deceptively and selectively editing things, as well as being a liar and an incredible, first class douche. just like you.

i am making my judgments based on what you believe.

basically, if you believe it to be true, that is a good indicator that it is not true. this is based on empirical evidence of you being wrong on so many things, so often.

sorry, i trust history, not hannity.


New Member
i don't listen to nor watch hannity videos, because he is well known for deceptively and selectively editing things, as well as being a liar and an incredible, first class douche. just like you.

i am making my judgments based on what you believe.

basically, if you believe it to be true, that is a good indicator that it is not true. this is based on empirical evidence of you being wrong on so many things, so often.

sorry, i trust history, not hannity.
So why did you post a quote from the interview?