hadn't talked 2 my 2nd to oldest brother in a good 2 yrs over me speaking my mind to him about his GF. All I said was that he was throwing his chances away of having children. 1 being because he is only 27 dating a 667 yr old woman. I wished him the best, and all the luck in the world. I guess its whatever floats your boat so to speak! Shewww. Anyways, I texted him about an hour ago. Didn't exspect to hear back because I never do. Well 2 minutes or so went by and he "called"!! I couldn't fucking beilieve it! Well I pick up and say hello, all to "who the fuck is this" he asked me!

?: ok... I then replied, who the fuck do you think it is!

?: This is your brother! He then went onto say that his name isn't what it is, and that he didn't have a brother! So, I just told him I knew it was him and that when he was finshed being pissed off & done with playing games to text or call. I then received a call from a different # with someone telling me not to call that # or text it ever again. Ok, that PISSED me the hell off! So I then called my brother all 4 the asshole to answer my "bothers" phone telling me to stop calling or he would kick my ass! Hmmm... I replied to well when you see headlights outside come outside and will just see about that!!
He hung up. My brother then called me back telling me to tell the guy "sorry" for saying I was going to pull up and kick his ass! Haha.. are you kidding me!

?: All I wanted to do was check on my brother..
He said he was wrapped up into some "nasty" shit, but he was ok.. Idk what all is going on now, more then likely he is "let's just say" into a night time business.. lol