Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I will talk about whatever I want when I want and you can't stop me! Ha.. so there..... Rick slices a few pigs asses open and throws them to the walkers. And Carl gets caught kissing some chick.. haha.. ;) j/k
Shitass!!!! You best be glad I've seen it already!! :) knucklehead...;)
Seen you on this morn but the internet kept cutting out, made it impossible to post anything. I gave up! Grrr:evil:


Well-Known Member
Hmmm.. What's you mean what's a girl gots to do :??: lol.. I'm lost.
Yup, they had "burgers & fries" yesterday. Today I plan on feeding them some ribs & corn.
Should really start to pack on some major weight! All that "blood" in the meet should bring um along nicely.. :mrgreen:
to get a response LOL....you usually are;) LMAO
don't forget to throw a steak at 'm on Wednesday! make it rare:mrgreen:
any good news? :)
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