To close the achievement gap that's been created by years of racially motivated lack of funding for minorities, and lack of opportunity. If you live in Alabama and you were black, you weren't allowed to enroll in University until 1963. How in the fuck are black people supposed to give their children a higher education if white people kept kicking them out of schools?
KKKynes, your idiocy astounds me. You just keep getting more and more retarded everyday! If anything, we should be using tax payer money to get KKKynes an education so he's not so fucking clueless.
I've never worked at 'tit'. Tits always just seem to find me...
you didnt read the citation, and if you did you clearly didnt understand it. so now you resort to silly name calling and picking out typos as your last defense for your indefensible position.
You're even more retarded than the bible thumpers that attempt to draw hidden meaning from archaic bible verses and apply them to modern issues.
the "cherry picked" quote was set apart and emphasized as the "takeaway message" by the authors. theres no hidden meaning. no chicken entrails are required to find the meaning, if you actually read it.

~ pg 17
hey look there it is. in it's own little sidebar
Racially Targeted Programs, if you feel like actually reading the "report" you can read the other shit too. like this one which you pretend doesnt say EXACTLY what i say it does.
"If parenting interventions are to narrow ethnic and racial school readiness gaps, they must meet one of several conditions.
First, effective interventions should be offered to proportionately more minority than nonminority families.
Second, even if programs were not provided to more minority than nonminority families, they could still reduce the racial gaps if they were more beneficial to black than white parents.
Third, even if parenting programs were not more effective for black and hispanic than white parents, they could still narrow ethnic and racial differences if they were more beneficial to mother with certain characteristics, such as being young or poorly educated, that are more prevalent among black and hispanic mothers than white mothers."
~ pg 16
I understand the paper. I also understand that you've already come to fore drawn conclusions before reading it. It wouldn't matter what evidence is shown to you, you're a bigot, and a racist and have no intention of changing. Might as well be talking to Fred Phelps... I'm sure he's one of your heroes.
you SAY you understand it, then demonstrate that you clearly do not. thats what we call "Bein' Stupid" 'round here.
Refer to above statement. No access to equal education means less educated minorities. It's a fact you semi-illiterate piece of trash.
and yet your own citation concludes that there should be UNEQUAL access to programs, thus making you a fool
The article doesn't say that. That's your spin on the article. The article says that even if programs weren't specifically targeted at minorities, minorities would still benefit.
"If parenting interventions are to narrow ethnic and racial school readiness gaps, they must meet one of several conditions.
First, effective interventions should be offered to proportionately more minority than nonminority families.
Second, even if programs were not provided to more minority than nonminority families, they could still reduce the racial gaps if they were more beneficial to black than white parents.
Third, even if parenting programs were not more effective for black and hispanic than white parents, they could still narrow ethnic and racial differences if they were more beneficial to mother with certain characteristics, such as being young or poorly educated, that are more prevalent among black and hispanic mothers than white mothers."
~ pg 16
read it again. you are clearly either illiterate, intellectually lazy or you are simply in denial.
You're such a simpleton. You don't understand what the article says, so you make your own 'pre-school friendly version' that over simplifies and outright lies about the actual content of the article. Who are you trying to impress? Because this is just sad and pathetic. It's not lowered expectations, it's attempting to raise the lowest common denominator. Sorry to use big 'math words', I know you're borderline retarded so here's a simpler explanation:
A denominator is what's on the bottom of a fraction. It's what determines how many pieces in the whole, we're talking about.
ooooohh fancy math talk !! that must mean you knows wut youse talkin about!
and yet this "report" suggests that if you cannot raise the numerator, lowering the denominator is almost as good.
You mean it's about the races, that until very recently, were 'brushed aside'?
Maybe you should learn to read?
Here's a quote for you KKKynes; take it to heart because you're a bigot.
If someone doesnt value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide that proves they should value evidence.
If someone doesnt value logic, what logical argument would you invoke to prove they should value logic?
― Sam Harris
and your final plaintive cries are as pointless as your entire existence has proven to be.
YOU cited a "report" that demanded INEQUALITY based on race to somehow give reparations for perceived past injustices, and yes, i said Perceived!
you think every poor person in america is the result of centuries of "SES" oppression or racial injustice?
we got this thing down here called IMMIGRATION, and unlike canada, nobody has to prove their worth to get in. in fact our government actively encourages illegal immigration from all parts of the third world.
even our Bagger Vance President got caught claiming his "slavery roots" despite not one drop of blood, and he was raised in a privileged household in indonesia.
it's a cop out, a lie, and an excuse. improving the lives of the poor, and programs to help stuggling families get on the right track should NOT be apportioned out based on race, but should be available to all.
you are a racist, and a fool.