Well-Known Member
Just take lsd every 2 hours for 2 days locked in a cabin 10 hours away from opiates..that will fix it...
I have to LOL a bit with you here, this is exactly me. I dont know how many times I've quit over the last 3-4 years. I made it a couple months once.I'm not trying to post a PSA about pain pills and their addictive nature. Really I'm just venting as I'm on day 3 of a detox.
I've been prescribed various opiates for the past 5 years due to 2 car accidents, 3 major surgery's, and a twisted pelvis. Everytime I run out I say "no more pills, Ill deal with the pain". I can deal with the nausea, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and lack of energy for the first few days. Then I tell myself the pains not that bad, Ill alternate naproxin and tylenol so that I don't stress my liver. Ill go a few more days, feeling proud that I can manage my pain without opiates. A week will go by and the pain starts to get overwhelming. I finally cave in and go back to the Dr for a refill. at first its take a pill in the morning and one before bed. Then its 3 a day, then 4 or 5 , and then finally its 8 a day. Four of those 8 being chewed up before bed.
after a few days I realize I'm going to run out soon and taper down, telling myself "no more pills, Ill deal with the pain".
Rinse and repeat....
I have to LOL a bit with you here, this is exactly me. I dont know how many times I've quit over the last 3-4 years. I made it a couple months once.
Candy and coffee man. Stay close to a toilet you'll be well in 7 - 10 days. That's when the work starts. Goal one get over being sick.
Hey I started a taper down today! 6-7 norcs yesterday 4 today... 3 tomorrow, 2 then 1... Then try not to refill again!
Thats funny cuz I feel everything the same way except for some reason my sex drive goes way up, odd considering I'll feel like I got hit by a bus!