Prediction - Religious will be a global minority by 2025


Well-Known Member
Prediction - Religious will be a global minority by 2025 in WIN-Gallup polls and Athiest and Agnostic will be the number one category by 2040s

A Gallup-Win survey found 39% of people were atheist and nonreligious in the world and 59% were religious. There was a 9% drop in the self-declared religious from the 2005 to the 2012 poll.

The trend would indicate that self declared religious would drop to about 50% in 2020. The trend from 2005 to 2012: Religiosity drops by 9%, while atheism rises by 3%. Most of the shift is not drifting from their faith, but claiming to be ‘not religious’ while remaining within the faith. Just repeating the 2005 to 2012 drop from 2012 to 2019 would get Religosity to 50%, so even a slowing of the trend would easily get to a global minority of religious people by 2025.

My predictions
- Global not religious will be 55% by 2025
- Global Athiest/Agnostic will be 20+% by 2025
- Global Athiest/Agnistic will be the number one category by 2040 with 35+%

This is based upon the continuation 9% religosity drop over 7 years.
The continued drop in religosity is based upon the far lower religosity of youth versus the oldest people.
It is also based upon the global trend to increased education and per capita wealth.

It's inevitable imo
Prediction - Religious will be a global minority by 2025 in WIN-Gallup polls and Athiest and Agnostic will be the number one category by 2040s

A Gallup-Win survey found 39% of people were atheist and nonreligious in the world and 59% were religious. There was a 9% drop in the self-declared religious from the 2005 to the 2012 poll.

The trend would indicate that self declared religious would drop to about 50% in 2020. The trend from 2005 to 2012: Religiosity drops by 9%, while atheism rises by 3%. Most of the shift is not drifting from their faith, but claiming to be ‘not religious’ while remaining within the faith. Just repeating the 2005 to 2012 drop from 2012 to 2019 would get Religosity to 50%, so even a slowing of the trend would easily get to a global minority of religious people by 2025.

My predictions
- Global not religious will be 55% by 2025
- Global Athiest/Agnostic will be 20+% by 2025
- Global Athiest/Agnistic will be the number one category by 2040 with 35+%

This is based upon the continuation 9% religosity drop over 7 years.
The continued drop in religosity is based upon the far lower religosity of youth versus the oldest people.
It is also based upon the global trend to increased education and per capita wealth.

It's inevitable imo
I can hear it now...the resurrection has come and gone :clap::clap: the religious have gone to be with god.
I can hear it now...the resurrection has come and gone :clap::clap: the religious have gone to be with god.

lol sounds like a Fox News headline..

2040 sounds optimistic to me to be honest, I'll say within the century for sure, we'll probably see some sharp declines when the greatest generation are finished and the baby boomers start dying off (2015-2030), then a gradual decline until religious people only make up a small minority, like palm readers and psychics today. It'll be an interesting time to live in, that's for sure! When agencies like NASA are given the resources they need to explore the universe, medicine can practice genetic manipulation, organ cloning, abortions, etc. without restrictions, con artists dressed in matching suits and ties won't be able to scam people out of their hard earned money... What bothers me is that when this will happen, as it inevitably will, the conservative pundits will blame all of societies problems on the decline of religious values, even the ones that were caused by those same religious values to begin with (pretty much like they do now). If nothing else, at least that shit will be entertaining! We'll see the future Bill O'Reilly bitch and moan about it! I hope future members of society tell him this: "Traditional conservative values come in, traditional conservative values go out, can't explain that.."

i honestly think this world would be a much more peaceful place if religion was diminished. most of the worlds wars are waged because of religion in one way or another.

people really dont even know what they are worshipping. in my opinion there is a good chance that these "gods" they worship and declare divine are just extraterrestrials from other parts of our galaxy, universe, or another dimension.

i still find myself feeling like that there is a single entity out there that was our creator but i dont know. i do absolutely agree that religion will be the minority soon.
That's the key Roadhouse. Religion is declining, but not the belief in God. Most people are finding a god the fits their own personnel ideology. I don't think the belief in the supernatural is declining, just the belief in the supernatural most religions teach.
I believe that having urges to be religious is completely natural, but organizing yourself to a specific one is nothing short of insane. A literal interpretation of any of them is just false. It just is. The answer is in all of them, and the answer will not be found by any human. Possibly with death, possibly not at all. I'm not the one to say that.

The paradox is weird though seems as devout christian folk would think I was insane for believing in everything and nothing at the same time. While I think they are sort of crazy for their beliefs.

We are all a little crazy, religious people aren't all bad. But religion has fucked up a lot of things in this world and helped them too.
Prediction - Religious will be a global minority by 2025 in WIN-Gallup polls and Athiest and Agnostic will be the number one category by 2040s

A Gallup-Win survey found 39% of people were atheist and nonreligious in the world and 59% were religious. There was a 9% drop in the self-declared religious from the 2005 to the 2012 poll.

The trend would indicate that self declared religious would drop to about 50% in 2020. The trend from 2005 to 2012: Religiosity drops by 9%, while atheism rises by 3%. Most of the shift is not drifting from their faith, but claiming to be ‘not religious’ while remaining within the faith. Just repeating the 2005 to 2012 drop from 2012 to 2019 would get Religosity to 50%, so even a slowing of the trend would easily get to a global minority of religious people by 2025.

My predictions
- Global not religious will be 55% by 2025
- Global Athiest/Agnostic will be 20+% by 2025
- Global Athiest/Agnistic will be the number one category by 2040 with 35+%

This is based upon the continuation 9% religosity drop over 7 years.
The continued drop in religosity is based upon the far lower religosity of youth versus the oldest people.
It is also based upon the global trend to increased education and per capita wealth.

It's inevitable imo

First of all, there is no fucking way Religious folks become a minority by 2040. I personally don't know many self proclaimed athiest (just my friends) so I don't know how many are out there but just travel to I don't know.. Utah, Iowa, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kansas, Tennessee I could go on, and tell me them sister fuckers are giving up on the lord. Muslims ain't changing their crazy ways (largest population).

I would love to see Catholism become a major minority religion.... someone declare war on that child fucking country Vatican City, end that shit once n for all!!
I'm in the bible belt and you'd be surprised how non religious the people are, maybe its just the people i hang out with but there still is a church on every corner
There's a lot of Christianity in this nation. A vast majority claim to be Christian, but act worse than many Atheists. Most Christians don't even read their Bible. Most Christians hear their pastor say how much God loves them because they believe. They like the idea of a friend in the highest place. They like the stories of Jesus, and believe he was a good man. They fail, horribly, in their actions based on the words of Jesus.

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations." - Monty Python
That prediction forgets that war changes things, reminds me of:

A vast majority claim to be Christian. Most Christians don't even read their Bible. Christians hear their pastor say how much God loves them because they believe. They like the idea of a friend in the highest place.
It should be illegal to say one is christian if you haven't read the book, the fallen angels also believed god existed but they still got punished. :mrgreen:
I would love to see the end of all organized religion ASAP

Oh but think of the bombs ... What would we do with all the bombs?

Really, let's end the farce known as religion. It's gone on way too long already. Maybe replace the bible with a science or a math book? Replace guilt and shame with happiness and intellectual curiosity? I want THAT world, please
Marx had it right calling religion "the opiate of the masses". It just creates mindless slaves, believing in a heaven with a benevolent spirit that might be called God. I could never get by all the disasters that were "God's will", and that most bloodshed on this planet has been directly tied to religion. Religion, in my opinion is a prime example of the utter stupidity of the human race.
I would love to see Catholism become a major minority religion.... someone declare war on that child fucking country Vatican City, end that shit once n for all!!

No, no, no, you have it all wrong. If a priest is homosexual he gets to work & live in the Vatican city. If a priest is a pedophile then he gets to work in an orphanage & when he's caught defiling the children he gets sent to a different orphanage in a different state & a fresh lot of victims.
"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of christ has been for us" Pope Leo X [1513-1521] The catholic church does not deny Pope Leo said these words.
No, no, no, you have it all wrong. If a priest is homosexual he gets to work & live in the Vatican city. If a priest is a pedophile then he gets to work in an orphanage & when he's caught defiling the children he gets sent to a different orphanage in a different state & a fresh lot of victims.
"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of christ has been for us" Pope Leo X [1513-1521] The catholic church does not deny Pope Leo said these words.

which is why churches should be paying taxes