Lysol poured on plants.

Somebody (Not saying any names) poured lysol in the was there for about 6 hours, I changed the soil and gave it some water. Will they be alright? Any help would be greatly appreciated. :mrgreen: 067.jpg066.jpg068.jpg069.jpg


Well-Known Member
I bet if they live, the same person who poured Lysol on them (I'm guessing your mom, and you're underage), will eventually rip them out of the pots, or call the police on you after an argument.


New Member
"Upon closer inspection of the pics, maybe they were just trying to do you a favor....."

I concur with that analysis. I think someone saw them and tried taking them out of their misery. Death by lysol.
I'm only getting that I should "put them out of their misery" so that's what I'm gonna do, if any one could educate me on actually growing them and having them LIVE I'd like that lol.


Well-Known Member
First of all, you could start by taking them out of the windowsill and putting them under some real lights with a timer for the photoperiod


New Member
I bet if they live, the same person who poured Lysol on them (I'm guessing your mom, and you're underage), will eventually rip them out of the pots, or call the police on you after an argument.
Who cares, you trying to be his father now or what?

lol haha ye, wtf, you got like 4 leafs left m8... BUY the shit - give it up :wink: and tell your mum to bugger off :smile:
You have a horrible attitude.

Tbh I really dont. Id appreciate any advice you could give me though haha.
You changed the soil and gave them a heavy flush, all you can do is wait.

poor plants should be put out of their misery
Sympathy for plants? Give me a break.

I'm only getting that I should "put them out of their misery" so that's what I'm gonna do, if any one could educate me on actually growing them and having them LIVE I'd like that lol.
How much water did you flush them with after changing the soil? How much light are they receiving, or is the window the only light they get throughout the day?


Well-Known Member
Who cares, you trying to be his father now or what?
So it's not important if someone calls the police on you while growing? Cause if they're spiteful enough to pour Lysol on your plants... Plus, look at the post above yours, asshole, where I gave him "real" advice. Fuck off you bloody, stick around, this might be fun.....


Well-Known Member
You should either stick them outside or put them under some CFL's, assuming you don't have any other light source readily available. They don't get anywhere near the amount of light that they need to grow properly on that windowsill. hence the stretching.
CFL's are those spirally lift bulbs found in nearly every household.


New Member
I would say start over, they don't look like they are happy anyways. Start fresh and place a cfl bulb over their heads for the first couple of weeks then increase your lighting. This will stop the stretch....oh and by the way buy a grow bible and do some reading cause the answers you seek are in that bible. JAS
I decided to start over, ill be getting more seeds Friday. I was panning on using 4 23watt (100w) 5000k for veg and 4 23watt (100w) 2700k for flowering. Ive been looking into building a grow box out of plywood but I'm not sure how to go about it...


Well-Known Member
They should be put out away way.... They are suffering... But being Hannah McKay isn't fun either... Be dexter...