Hey all,
Miserable weather everywhere. We currently have loads of rain, with the expectancy of more rain. I'm not good with this time of year, so I'm blaming the bloody weather for my crappy amount of posts on this thread. Plus we're still in veg, and the fun doesn't start til she goes 12/12.
Right, let's deal with the comments, then a few pics of her just after she'd been watered and lst'd this morning.
My question for the pros hopefully reading this journal is 'Is it possible to LST lengthways like Mewk is, and carv the stem between nodes with a blade, like you do with clones, dip the stem in root growth hormone, then pin the stem under soil to encourage root growth?' 1 plant with several root sections, like grass does, to make the most of the soil space available.
@bartender - yeh nice idea man, i'd like to know if that was possible. tho like notmycuppa said, on my last grow, the box was so crammed with roots by the end of the grow, i really don't think there's any advantage to applying that to a pc grow box.... but... maybe if you had a trench like 8 foot long, and worked one girl right along the length of it, that'd be something special.
@emannn - cheers dude, she'll be a girl for sure. they're feminised seeds, so i've hedged my bets pretty well. so no need for the cuttings... tho if you can send me a dealer who's not selling bags of shwag loaded with seeds, then you'll be top of my xmas card list. surely tho, this can't be the first 2oz pc grow... there must be someone out there who's killed that target dead. that's a bit of pressure
@wdk - cheers man, yeh, all looks healthy and well atm. i need to do some calcs in a minute to figure out how long before i flower her. i'd like to veg until most of the tray is filled... but i'd also like to crop for xmas / ny... will have to find the sweet spot.
@teenagegrowing - awesome news mate. have you got a journal or grow diary on the go? i can't believe how easy it's been to downsize the grow. sure you don't get that massive a yield, but it's a lot less bother and a million times stealthier.
@ryan - go for it man. it's well worth it. there's a bunch of us squeezing inside these pc cases on here, and i've been pretty in awe of everyone's results. any q's about knocking the box together, don't hesitate to ask, there's loadsa valuable corners you can cut with a bit of advice from RIU... and yeh, the dvd cases work a treat. i wanted to have a way of lowering the lights originally.. but bumping up the height of the plant is just such an easier alternative.
@keif - nice to have ya along for the ride. we're aiming big this time. it's a tiny setup, run with relatively green fingers by a lazy sod.
@gangaqueen - hello lurker. glad to have you on board. things are looking pretty positive at the moment. i did accidentally behead the poor girl the other day, just because i'd lst'd her a little too harshly. but she seems to have recovered, and she's now given me two main stems in the place of one. hopefully that might even help me fill the tray a bit more.
So, before the pics. let's work some things out. according to the seedbank, she takes 45-50 days to flower. so, to the calendar. let's call the flowering period 7 weeks. now, if i take seven weeks from crimbo... that take me to Nov 6th... so as long as i put her into flower on, around or ideally before that date... i should be set with some festive herbs.... that sounds doable to me... i was thinking i'd already left it too late.
Here's the pics... I think this is Day 36 veg... what's that? a day over five weeks... the original idea was just two weeks, but
@emannn was spot on a while back. she needed way more time than that... and i'm glad i've given it to her.