Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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..and of course we expect a tell all of every staggering step!!
Good news for some, bad for others, I woke up. So I'm laying there and something is odd. You know after a night out when you swim up from the depths of blackness and start assessing your body.

I like to work head to toe, no headache, when/where am I, can I see, can I move, any new pain, odour, YES NEW ODOUR!! HUH? Then I realize what it is. I smell another woman! So now my brain is rapidly trying to remember while I squeeze one eye open and try to identify where this foreign person is (I HAVE A GROW --albeit a much smaller one).

Dog's in his place (anywhere he wants), hub is in his place. So at this point I get up, yes I can walk, no not nauseous and as I sit there my eyes focus on a new bottle.

Apparently hub bought me a very nice, new perfume for my birthday. I take a good whiff of my arm and guess who was the other woman LOL! Apparently yesterday was one of my best debauches EVER! I have exactly ZERO memory of much of the day; SUCCESS!

I'm still so impaired it took me 2 hours just to make coffee. Oh and I see a new to me, used, pipe so I'll fill y'all in if there was anything else good assuming the hub decides to tell me. Luckily this post was simple! Done in just 1.5 hours :) (I couldn't even find the thread until I was a good while in and realized I had notifications LOL).

oh my........ I think I'm going to pour myself on the couch and watch crap on tv :)

PS Neo get better :) Until then join me on the couch for Saturday morning cartoons with the kiddie!


Well-Known Member
I really thought I was about to read a story about a threesome that you forgot. Wait.... I know why he got you that perfume. He asked the other female yall were with what kind of perfume she uses! Then bought that to cover up the tracks! Lol... Happy birthday. Must have been a good one. I hate blacking out though. But that's because I do some pretty stupid stuff in that altered state.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to curious2garden again.

Happy birthday Annie. I'm feeling a smidge better. Thanks for thinking of me!