Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Well-Known Member
that too is the Eugenics argument.

black people are not helpless children who need White Guidance. as long as people keep making excuses for the behaviour it will only get worse.
It is a bit weird that you capitalised white but not black...


Well-Known Member
that too is the Eugenics argument.

black people are not helpless children who need White Guidance. as long as people keep making excuses for the behaviour it will only get worse.
there you go again repeating the same odd lie.

excusing something and explaining something are two different practices.

that you so often see explanation as excuse only tells me that you also see blame in that "multicultural wasteland of bullshit" which is not part of "REAL AMERICA".

news flash, sweetheart. no one else but you is to blame if you are a grown man who still works for minimum wage.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It is a bit weird that you capitalised white but not black...
yep. i capitalize the Slogans, not the real shit.

black people, white people etc are entirely different from the slogans that divide, like White Guidance or Black Rage.

it is all part and parcel of the paternalism of the colonial mindset.


Well-Known Member
because america is a melting pot . no on here says im canadian italian. or canadian african. they im african, im italian , im spanish,
Except the special classes of Asian-American, Latin American, Afro-American, and Euro-American, Hindu-American and American Muslims.....

This is not longer a melting pot....just a cooling coagulation of clumps.


Well-Known Member
News flash!!

Barry Obama was a child thought up by Bill Clinton and Bill Gates. A man wearing linen britches heard the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Still haven't read one post in this fucking redneck, white trash, piece of shit thread.
I don't need to read any of it.

Fuck the op and anyone that buys into his ignorant, backward ass, naive, inbred, redneck douchebaggery.
White trash fucks, go put a shirt on and join decent society.


Well-Known Member
Still haven't read one post in this fucking redneck, white trash, piece of shit thread.
I don't need to read any of it.

Fuck the op and anyone that buys into his ignorant, backward ass, naive, inbred, redneck douchebaggery.
White trash fucks, go put a shirt on and join decent society.
If you'd read the thread, most people disagree with the OP's assertions.

But good job posting randomly to vent the frustration, maybe the wife will give it to you tonight.

Live in hope.


Well-Known Member
that too is the Eugenics argument.

black people are not helpless children who need White Guidance. as long as people keep making excuses for the behaviour it will only get worse.
I don't make excuses for blacks any more than you are making excuses for slavery. Many groups and individuals are dealt a bad hand starting out in life. If you knew anything about me you would know I don't think government is the answer to help people become more successful. Hard work, saving, and investing is the way to get ahead. But you've got to be smart.


Well-Known Member
The "..." signify a clause.. so don't get so uptightly racist yet..

Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture... as well as American Italians or American Irish, American English, American Spanish, etc..?

Why is it that African Americans seem to be the only exception? By exception I mean why are more African Americans in jail than their counterparts? Why the higher crime rate, the higher teen pregnancy rate, the higher fatherless households rate?

By no means is this thread meant to be against African Americans, rather, it's meant to be about the injustices they, as a race, face in America, and WHY?

IMO, it has a lot to do with the drug culture. Ever since the beginning, illegal drugs have been linked to minorities. I would like to examine this further, and I would like to hear any inputs from the board, any first hand accounts or personal experiences.

In your opinion, what do you think are the main factors holding assimilation into the culture back with African Americans?

Funny, I am wondering just the opposite, how is it that White America is steadily being assimilated into black culture. But some of the others have it right, it has nothing to do with culture and everything to do with.... poverty. When italians first moved here, They were marked as unsuitable, they had high rates of incarceration and all the rest. The same with Irish, the same with Russians. Any people who are poor wind up exhibiting the same symptoms. Nothing new here except perhaps the fact that blacks have a tougher time "blending in" and of course they had 400 years of alienation that the rest of us didn't have to put up with - oh, and they brought or were allowed to bring little of their original identifying culture with them, contrary to jews, chineese, Indians, and even Mexicans.

This really is a short sighted question.


Well-Known Member
why should the Palatine Boors [ie Germans] be suffered to swarm into our Settlements, and by herding together establish their Language and Manners to the Exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.

-Benjamin Franklin 1751

desert dude

Well-Known Member
why should the Palatine Boors [ie Germans] be suffered to swarm into our Settlements, and by herding together establish their Language and Manners to the Exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.

-Benjamin Franklin 1751

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
why should the Palatine Boors [ie Germans] be suffered to swarm into our Settlements, and by herding together establish their Language and Manners to the Exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.

-Benjamin Franklin 1751
more unattributed copy/paste.


you are such a pansy, you can never provide the actual source.

context is the king of language, and you are but the lowly fool who scrubs the chamberpots


Well-Known Member
Funny, I am wondering just the opposite, how is it that White America is steadily being assimilated into black culture. But some of the others have it right, it has nothing to do with culture and everything to do with.... poverty. When italians first moved here, They were marked as unsuitable, they had high rates of incarceration and all the rest. The same with Irish, the same with Russians. Any people who are poor wind up exhibiting the same symptoms. Nothing new here except perhaps the fact that blacks have a tougher time "blending in" and of course they had 400 years of alienation that the rest of us didn't have to put up with - oh, and they brought or were allowed to bring little of their original identifying culture with them, contrary to jews, chineese, Indians, and even Mexicans.

This really is a short sighted question.
in my opinion, culture in the US is consumption.
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