Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I store mine in film containers. Anything that is airtight would work though. I like the film containers bc I can make little labels for all of them, that and little so they don't take up a lot of room the the freezer door. ;)
Bro. How do you store pollen? lol... BEECH was asking me earlier if I knew. But I don't. And NEED to store pollen for the BXing of certain strains i'm working on.


Well-Known Member
Be mighty careful if you've never attempted it b4!! We don't want you to BLOW yourself up now! ;)
Hey you feeling any better? hope so, been worried about ya ;)
and don't worry, I won't blow myself up LMAO
OH AND BTW, I finally saw the end of Dexter and Breaking Bad, earlier tonight!
all I can say is....damn! :(:(:( at least Dexter lives!!! :) and Jessie is free!!!! :):):)
going outside to smoke be back in a few;)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Here is the update. Sorry 4 the late update.. But atleast I got it up.. ;)



Well-Known Member
I got a few more pictures I found, man I can't believe this use to be daily stupid shit. Now I'm smokin schwag for months waiting for my personal dank. I love who I am not who I was, but it was fun.



Well-Known Member
love the pic on the teddy bear jar with bud but not the hockey pucks, reminds me of the only stuff I used to be able to get ahold of, mex crap.
I need some of those jars.


Well-Known Member
I don't know ANYONE who is or would sell Hydro at 6k per oz. That's WRONG. lol....

That cop has No clue what he is talking about.....


Well-Known Member
now I can show my wife how much money I saved us by buying all the hydro equipment, cost of setting up the room, etc. :) picture me as that neighbor in the directv commercial who stole his neighbors lawnmower and never returned his 500 bucks. "hey, I just saved us over 6000 bucks, looks like you owe me now!"


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow dankar00's. ;) How's it hanging :??: Thought I would jump on and update a few of the newer seedlings (1 set) I just transplanted.
There is 2 I believe that is deformed from seed.
That is the following : 1. Northern Light Blue. 2. Purple Voodoo#3.
On the Silver Bullet the seed had pinched the seedling causing the deformity. The other "PV#3" is born that way.. lol
So this lineup we will have Northern Light Blue,Jack The Ripper( 3 seedlings from 1 seed). Purple Voodoo #1,2, and 3. Grapefruit. Silver Bullet, Green Love Potion,& Medo Purps. Grape God. Last but not least Pure Kush. The 2nd set of seedlings will be transplanted in a few days, hoping that they will be 2 to 3 weeks behind the 1st set. Trying to keep a continous harvest going back to back. :mrgreen: its cool even if I'm off by a week or so.

So enough of the blah,blah and on with the show! Haha



Well-Known Member
Hey fellow dankar00's. ;) How's it hanging :??: Thought I would jump on and update a few of the newer seedlings (1 set) I just transplanted.
There is 2 I believe that is deformed from seed.
That is the following : 1. Northern Light Blue. 2. Purple Voodoo#3.
On the Silver Bullet the seed had pinched the seedling causing the deformity. The other "PV#3" is born that way.. lol
So this lineup we will have Northern Light Blue,Jack The Ripper( 3 seedlings from 1 seed). Purple Voodoo #1,2, and 3. Grapefruit. Silver Bullet, Green Love Potion,& Medo Purps. Grape God. Last but not least Pure Kush. The 2nd set of seedlings will be transplanted in a few days, hoping that they will be 2 to 3 weeks behind the 1st set. Trying to keep a continous harvest going back to back. :mrgreen: its cool even if I'm off by a week or so.

So enough of the blah,blah and on with the show! Haha
That NLB, and PV look sexier than socks on a rooster, brother!
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