Well-Known Member
America isn't the fucking Borg. I will not be assimilated.
I thought it was the same thing, but cut somehow. The method produces a hard precipitate in water, that tends to clump into rocks. But, I guess I can say, I don't know the first thing about crack. I have never even see it. I do see these $10 rock pieces they bust to be ridiculously large!
That would be a full 1/8 oz or $300 - $400 worth of 80% Cocaine. So, crack might be cocaine adulterated with something else that melts.
crack is made by mixing a small amount of cocaine with large amounts of baking soda and other inert adulterants, like talc.
when heated and then cooled it forms a "cookie" which can be scored and broken into smaller pieces for sale. the cocaine content of a crack rock is usually ~20% cocaine, not 80%, making crack cheap as shit, heavily "stepped on" crap coke for baseheads who will sell their first born for a Twump Rock.
it's cheapness and ease of manufacture is why meth ("Ice") never caught on in the black community.
nobody has the kind of Brand Loyalty you get from a crackhead.
I thought it was around 7 or 8
I told ya. Geo. Bush, Sr. CIA flooded the inner cities with cocanie to feed the growing swell of Rock smoking. They used the profits for black deeds and the strategic play was to keep the brothers down.
And for all you little Walter Whites out there. Using a free base, (I used baking soda) to return a salt from it's ionic form, HCL in this case, is just simple chemistry. No one invented that.
You think you have a name, but that doesn't matter. The point is the CIA created the War on Drugs in the Alpha Quadrant. And it was directed against Islamic Jihad, Black Power. Smoking crack made us think of other things to smoke.......Meth? Oh...YES.
Meth we can make now in a soda bottle with a couple of pieces from a lithium battery, and Cold Meds. And it doesn't need the free base. Just melts right down. Thanks CIA for teaching us to smoke powders. It is all a big plot.
yeah, seems you were a bit closer coolman.. some short googling and the best i found was a ph of 9 for it to precipitate / rock up..
so, that'd require even less bicarb than my original estimate of 11.. i know i read it somewhere before, but forgot exactly how high the ph had to be.. thanks coolman..
Ok, I will throw my two cents into this I'm a black man and my best friend of more then ten years is also black and last night stopped being friends... Why you may ask? He just doesnt respect me he talks to his other friends better then me he always calls me names and every once in awhile its cool but I can tell he means it I know he does... He doesnt see me as a black man he makes fun of the way I talk and the way I dress and act. If a black person steps out and makes a change the rest of black society will cast him/her out.
you do not use 80% bicarb to rock up coke, it's more like 4/1 coke to bicarb.. you only need to add enough bicarb to raise the ph of the coke to about 11 or so..
Generations of poverty and discrimination?
And now maybe they're wallowing in it and want a handout instead of a chance at hard-earned education and honest work?
I respect illegal alien Mexicans more. At least they want to WORK. Yeah, they want cash payment so they can avoid paying taxes, but I don't blame them.
Go to construction sites and you'll see LOTS of Mexicans, but not many blacks. Coincidence?
It's cool bro, we know you're totally not racist or anything...
I have a jobYou're damn right I'm not racist...I respect anyone who wants to earn their way through life, without wanting a handout or sympathy. That rules out you, ChesusRice, and UncleBuck.
I would say that the black americans wouldn't want to do back breaking work for 5 bucks an hour.And now maybe they're wallowing in it and want a handout instead of a chance at hard-earned education and honest work?
I respect illegal alien Mexicans more. At least they want to WORK. Yeah, they want cash payment so they can avoid paying taxes, but I don't blame them.
Go to construction sites and you'll see LOTS of Mexicans, but not many blacks. Coincidence?
I would say that the black americans wouldn't want to do back breaking work for 5 bucks an hour.
Mexicans are willing to take lower wages and cash because they can't get regular jobs that require SS card.
Plus the mexican economy sucks for the low end income. They come to America and get a much higher standard of living even with the 5 buck an hour job.
They live in multifamily/multigeneration homes and all help eachother with money.
Even if that were all true, bold excluded, that's my problem because?