Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

Hempy really was easy for me, and I think the taste with chem ferts doing it was close or the same as the ones I did in soil, just lots bigger!!
Iv never done hempy, but Im gonna voice my opinion on it anyway lol I think a recirculating like he had (or my old one) is just about the easiest way to go in hydro.
I love hempy style...LOL Perlite is just so easy. :-)

I am doing my first true hempys and am seeing the strong
growth that I was hoping to see.

....but I am still figuring out how best to deal with the runoff.

The problem is that when I water my hempys by just dumping some
water/nutes into the pots, as the fluid all runs right to the bottom.

So, I have been using my wand sprayer to spray the solution over
the surface of the perlite. I pump up the sprayer very hard, and it
does not take very long.

....but this makes for a pot that, once it starts to run-off, runs off
for a very, very long time.

As a result, unless I put all my buckets into a, possibly slanted, tray,
or I set up lines to take run off to some collection vessel, I am having
to water my buckets one at a time....i.e. I always have watering to do!

Good stuff all the have a thread BTW. :0)

Onward and upward,

I think hempy is the easiest grow method... but that is just my opinion. When I discovered it and then put it to use I was amazed and have never gone back.

Jig told me about the chem taste... I dont ever taste that in mine. (and didnt in his) Maybe it is the volcano I use to vape? I do use final phase as a flushing agent the last week of flower to remove any nutrient build up in the medium...

Maybe jig will chyme in... I wondered if the chem taste existed in my sour bubble for him??? never asked...LOL
There was no real medium in his system, that takes out allot there. With a big enough res on a recirculating system (someone who knows what they're doing) could leave the system for possibly weeks at a time. Plus it gives you a WATERFALL! I also miss that about my old system,,, fukin soothing ass waterfall.

edit: Hmmm not to mention its probably gives more explosive growth as well.
Have you tried both?

It is ok for the water to go to bottom. Better to water quick as it sucks air into the medium and prevents rot. The medium will wick the water up throughout the bucket in the proper amount. Just make sure when you first transplant to wet the medium completely. Ive been growing hempy for about 5 years now exclusively. You can see in my system that I never move the plants. They just have drain lines attached to the bucket. Here is how I pack my bucket:

-Hole with elbow to barb connected and glued in place. (screen over the hole)
-hydroton on the bottom covering the screen covered hole/barb fitting
-line the whole bucket on top of hydroton with landscape fabric.
-fill with perlite

The hydroton makes a rez in the bottom to hold the water. The barb allows me to hook tube to it and direct the buckets run-off. The landscape fabric is porous but keeps the perlite from plugging up my drain system. I go alternate feed-water and it happens every 2-3days as they dry out. However... you can safely water hempy any time without drowning the plants. Hope that helps...

I tried DWC and it is explosive growth. However... it was alot of work and equipment to change 20gl of water at a time and then deal with the water balance etc.. For me... it was not worth the work and cost. Perlite is 19$ per 3 cu ft bag and I dont even PH my water so I have no gear except a ppm meter to deal with and work maybe 3 hours a week on my grow tops.

That is what is bad ass about growing. There are many ways to do it and I would say each person has to find what works best for them. Ive done alot of different methods and this is what worked for me in the end. :-)
Sweet :-)

Do you ever have to replace the perlite?

BTW when I did rdwc I went entire cycles without replacing all the water like nute companies recommend (I wonder why they would tell me to do that?) I would just top off the main res once a week with fresh water and nutes.
Just about finished on my second hempy grow. Like JD i also had work to do cause of waterings. Thats okay if you can. But if you dont have some kind of collecting the waste water it will be a hazzle. watering less just means salt buildup so cant skip the fence there :) big plants aint good to move around. Oh and the dirty floor from water spills and breaking branches from moving. People do make functioning hempy systems but its not for me as a whole grow, maybe a few in the yard :) Going back to recirculating dwc. Never had explosive growth like in dwc. And if temps are controlled i think it is the easiest, winter coming no problem with temp :) Just my 2DKR.
lol SomeGuy we are opposite :) But still awesome :)
yeah... I use new perlite most of the time. Sometimes I will wash the used stuff and mix it with new.... kinda depends. most of the time it just gets turned into the dirt in the veggi garden. I dont grow tons of plants though so the cost for me is low.

Not sure about the rez water replacement. I always did it cuz thats what was recommended... After growing for a while I realized I probably just needed more gear to do a dwc correctly. Like a rez chiller and bigger pumps etc... Seemed like I was always fighting off problems once the root growth exploded.

Now Ive gotten used to hempy buckets and I dont work much at them so I've gone lazy...Lol nutrient in---buds out...LOL

LOL, opposite but awesome is just fine. :-) I agree... the worst is getting a good way to deal with run-off. I have found that hempy rocks outdoors in this respect. My shed doesn't care about spills on the floor though so I am in luck...LOL. I am really small beans compared to a majority of growers here... I flower 4 plants in 5gl buckets in a 2'x3'x3' homemade super cabinet. It produces enough for me.
Great evening somehow. Where Jig at? Babysitting again? Will that kid ever grow up and take care of itself. LOL You know im kidding remember every precious moment and hang on to them. We were kids but one day we grew up and took off. I know my mom had a hard time :) Have to get to bed. God aften til alle.

It is ok for the water to go to bottom. <SNIP>. Hope that helps...

SG, I really appreciate your taking the time.

The barb allows me to hook tube to it and direct the buckets run-off.

This is it. I kinda saw it coming...LOL...I glued short hoses into the holes,
but all I can do is stick them into 2 liter bottle to catch the run-off.

I am going to look into a collection system, but really would have wanted to
start with my plants lifted at least a couple of inches. I really need some small
vertical run in order to do this right.

I would just top off the main res once a week with fresh water and nutes.

As I am perusing the various methods of growing, I expect to try RDWC soon,
if not next, and I am sure that I will want to get away with just this level of
maintenance as well, in time. I will likely start taking all kinds of pH and PPM,
and TDO readings. LOL, I have the meters. <;0)

The TDO meter is nutso expensive.

I ordered a pH pen....a good one, but they sent a TDO instead.

I complained. Then I checked the price of what I received and
how it might become something that I needed. I waited, got no
response, and bought another Blue Pen.

I am better tooled than skilled, but better a good start I suppose. :0)

Love yous guys. I'm still here. Just been kinda overwhelmed as of late. Trying to get shit together. New grow coming soon... By end of Oct me thinks. Hope everyone is doing well. Just trying to not be stressed out these days : / Deep breath. Bong rip. Back to work. peace.
We love you too bobo! I hope life smooths out some for you brother. Good to see ya around.

Our buddy Jig is fine hes also just busy with life and such with a superstar baby :-)
