Hello new guys/gal's. ;)


Active Member
60x wasn't good enough for me. lol. All my trich pics are with a digi-scope and 100x or smaller. :) i get alien looking planet type shit. hahaha
Come on now Stew im polish and I need to see things I can understand :P. When the money gets right I'll be investing in all the bells and whistles just because the more you own for your grow the better it is it seems.


Well-Known Member
Bro. my Digi scope was $25 on ebay. they are cheap now. get a USB2.0 25x-200x microscope. it'll help you out so much in the end.


Active Member
I dont really shop on ebay :( but I do shop on amazon. I have a question does it depend on the strain for how the pistols look when they turn brown and how big they are? They are kind of looking hairy to me lol very fine and all.


Well-Known Member
Pistils die with age. The first pistils to pop will never last past 4 weeks without starting to amber a bit.

You can get the scope on amazon too. it's all over the internet.


Well-Known Member
Here's a few pictures I took a few hours ago & updated my thread with.
There of the AK-49 (auto) I have in the solo cup contest. Also the Purple Voodoo#3 I harvested yesterday, and a few of another set I have that's vegging now. I also have 2 more sets that's flowering aswell, and a lot of seedlings coming up for my winter grow.



Well-Known Member
Oooppss!! I 4 got to add the Purple Voodoo pictures I took of a few nugs I harvested yesterday! Got to toking on alittle of the OG Kush and got all stoned! Sorry... :mrgreen:
You shouldn't smoke weed. I hear it causes memory loss....

What was i saying again?


Active Member
Well i think im gonna grab a water and watch world war z after enjoy a little smoke. Im gonna be on my phone chiming in tonight :)


Well-Known Member
Rosey...... Got a bit of an issue..... Um... Well.... Did you open ANY of the pictures when you saved them? lol....... I can't work with thumbnails lol.....

I'm gonna have to either go back and save them all myself. or just wait for new pictures.

Dank- I don't know if i will see you again tonight. I got some questions for you.

On the strains.

You told me they are listed. But i know you must have more than the 10 you PLAN to do or just did.

The pictures i need are going to be of the bud for each strain you want me to put on the site.
As clear as possible.
I have a Logo worked up. Plain right now with no background. Just D&S. here. what do you think Dank?D&SLogo.jpg


Well-Known Member
NO silly of course I opened them;) I told you in the email for some reason some of them didn't save as full images for some reason. I can go back and redo it for you, that's no problem:)


Well-Known Member
All i need are bud shots and trich shots that are clear and named. but ONLY Dank's crosses.

Legally we can't sell other breeder's work. EVEN if dank selfed or bred his own.
We would have to rename all the strains to something other than the copy-written names.

That in itself will take time and effort. lol

What i need from you and dank is a list of the strains he himself created and what was used for that cross. Plus the pictures of them to go with.
Once the site is available for him to edit. He will be doing his own write-up on each of his released strains.
And I will do the same for mine.

I have a logo i am working on. posted above... but it's just plain text at the moment. I'm going to work on it a bit. that will be added to ALL the pictures of buds we put up on the site.