FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps


Active Member
OK guys I'm BACK!...
Sorry to everyone for me absent for a week but i dint have internet.... Now everything is cool:joint:
So I have harvested the first one still six to go! I have some real nice pics for u all, but I want to ask few questions which have been worrying me a lot for the last week.... So firstly is it OK to start adding AGAIN-Bloom Complex and Phosphorus Plus products of HESI+some BIO stuff, which I have stopped using for 3-4 waterings now which is about 10 days, because I though they were going to be harvested soon but I'm afraid not... Maybe due to the stress they have suffered couple of weeks ago from the timing issues and maybe some other stuff as well. My second qustion is NATURAL MINERAL WATER good for the plants? Because i have been using only bottled natural mineral water and i have a feeling that due to that my buds are suffering or maybe not... I cant be shore so will be real thankful if some experienced growers answer to those questions which have been worrying me for the past week or so :-|

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
yes you can use the nutes...

and the water sounds bad, its not supposed to have hard mineral deposits, look for water about 6.5 ph i believe- i have heard wal marts gallons are perfect ph and only .50 cents...


Active Member
yes you can use the nutes...

and the water sounds bad, its not supposed to have hard mineral deposits, look for water about 6.5 ph i believe- i have heard wal marts gallons are perfect ph and only .50 cents...
Ok BRO I'll add half the amount this time and next time will add full amount then stop to flush 2 or 3 times and should be ready by then hoppefuly its day 97 and looking good but still not fully developed. Obviously I have put them through a lot of stress lately :-| The water I have been giving them is NATURAL MINERAL WATER with PH of 8.0 but has always been PH checked with ph-pen and regulated with Phosphoric Acid between 6.4 and 6.7! My conclusion is that is ok as long as the PH is regulated :blsmoke: btw I think of giving them tap water for some time just for a change.
Here's some pics from my first harvested plant which was 94 days total from seed :joint: It looks ready but the buds are a bit flufy with lots of hairs... hmmm don't know why though(maybe should of waited a bit longer)! Otherwise the smoke and the aroma are very sweet with blueberry flavor :hump: Still havent dried it properly but when its done will tell u's the final wieght! Will take some fresh pics of the remaining six Blueberry plants and the 4 Northern Pride which are 6 inches already... ENJOY:mrgreen:


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Active Member
Thanks for all replies!:peace::blsmoke:

Ok the final weight was around 2 ounces from the first plant harvested! The other six are still going strong, today is 102 DAY!!! I just bought some sticks cause some of the branches are bended downwards and think to support them although is a bit late :joint: Bought some bigger pots as well for the Northern Pride thinking of transplanting them tomorrow maybe (it's 7.5inches already and its 22 days) I think of putting it to 12/12 these days as well? Bought a light reflector for the 250w hps will mount it tonight probably :hump: And that's about it for now...

Here's some pic's from day 98-99 Blueberry and from days 19-20 of the Northern Pride :blsmoke:


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Well-Known Member
2 ounce...good for ya bro ;) btw where did u buy the reflector and fo how much, dude? just curious..... i saw some reflectors for 80-100 BGN, but they are big

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Wow man, great yield for sure...

Cant wait to see the northern pride, i am considering that strain, how has it been for you...


Well-Known Member
nice yield is that 150watt hps just screwd in to a mogul socket/cord and plugged into outlet? with no ballast?


Active Member
I have been growing personal medical mj for a few crops now. I use a four foot, double "plant" bulbs to use on my clones, lighting for 24 hours the first week. I use cloning gel (I use Olivias) after letting my cuttings soak in my "secret solution" for a couple of hours. Then, I put my little ladies in peat pellets I have soaked in a batshit (guano) solution. Then I put the peat pots in the middle of a larger pot filled with ProMix, slightly covering the top of the peat pot. This has solved the problem of having the peat pots drying out too quickly. After a week or so under flourescents, they go under the big light, my 1000 watt halide, at 18-6 through the veg stage. I have just been given a 400 watt HPS. I am looking forward to expanding my little operation, allowing me to have plants at three different stages. I have never used sodium before, only Halide and flourescent. What's the difference? Anybody have any tips for me? I have grown some sweet, sweet Northern Lights hybrid, but am always looking to learn more. I use Super Thrive/batshit and some root and bloom stuff called "Garden of Hope. I have just been given some different stock...wish I could identify the strain. The leaves literally unfurl themselves, one segment at a time. I am getting a lot of big fat single leaves (as opposed to the threes, fives and sevens, I normally see with my Northern Lights). I must be doing something right. My plants are all getting lusher by the day. I like a shorter bushier plant than what a lot of my friends grow. I carefully pinch back from the time they are young, so I end up with at least four or five main stalks. Once they get to about two feet or so, I take shishkabob skewers and stake out the stalks, pulling them to the outer edge of the pot, so the inner part of the plant is getting good light, too.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Please nobody respond to bearbuds incredibly long, and redundant hijack...

And to bearbuds, google HPS! you should be set from there... also way to be a member for 2 years and have 14 post lol!

Back to Steve's wonderful grow already in progress,
Steve can you give us a bud report?


Active Member
Ok guys, yesterday I harvested another one still five to go! There three big plants and two smaller left! They will probably all be harvested within 10 days one by one and will do my best to keep u's updated as much as possible as long as I dont pass-out so often from this weed.... maybe smoke too much but I just cant get enough! Its pretty strong especially when dried properly! I get blackouts almost from every hit lately... the first plant is all gone(for good maybe):blsmoke: Drying the second one at the moment :mrgreen: btw Tomorrow will transplant the Northern Pride because my FEMINISED WHITE WIDOW seeds from Royal Queen Seeds ARE COMING AS WELL!!! :clap: I'm so excited about everything that cant sleep at night (the Blueberry kind of helps with that issue and maybe thats why its all gone :-D Ok heres a lot of pics from the harvested one yesterday and from the other five left... I also fed the remaining three big plants with almost full nutes solution! I also bought some Final Solution for them which is 100% BIO and its for the final week or two before harvesting! Sorry for the LOW quality of the pics but are made by my scrapy phone again....... (should buy a new one with better camera on it) :peace: The Northern Pride is on 12/12 from yesterday and started adding nutes too!


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