Project SAM: anti-marijuana group


Well-Known Member
yes, overturning the CSA would be a lot harder than droning some terrorist american out in the middle east.

why do you go for such a wild change of topic than accuse me of desperation?*
I guess you missed the point so lets stay with blunt questions.

Does Obama need permission to reschedule cannabis? A yes or no will suffice.


Well-Known Member
In what country?
The word liberalism, has a single meaning. People in different countries may think they espouse a form of liberalism that is anywhere left of center, but the word liberalism has a distinct meaning, which includes private property and free trade as cornerstone. Capitalism is intrinsic to it.

Neoliberalism is outright empire.

El Tiberon

Active Member
You're twisted cheesy, republican support for cannabis has greatly increased in fact the majority now think criminalization is useless and unwanted. It isn't the rubes keeping Obama from rescheduling it.

60% support for keeping cannabis illegal is nothing to be proud of. That is a huge number.

El Tiberon

Active Member
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you know who Eric Holder is and the role he's in? Cheezy you're an idiot.
I know who he is and the DEA will not listen to his orders. They will continue to raid your houses and kill your people and you will support them for doing this.

El Tiberon

Active Member
In fact he even has the authority to disband and close the DEA down.
The republicans would go crazy if he did either. You will not win this. The right wing is stopping progress. Either you can face it or not. I do not care. I can grow my own cannabis with no worries. It is your country that has a hard dick for people who use it.

Perhaps finding cops who aren't cowards and would go after the criminals? No, that is no good. The republicans like the heavy hand of the police.

The right wing will never support cannabis. If you like the plant and you vote for republicans, your priorities are not in order. If you have cancer and vote republican, you should commit suicide.

El Tiberon

Active Member
What if they are obeying his orders?
Considering the order that has been given, this would be impossible in these days. This man said these words in front of the world. It made the news here. There is talk everywhere about these words.

If they continue to kill and steal from the people they are operating alone and are refusing to listen to the orders from your government.


Well-Known Member
But what these discussions often miss is that there’s a way for the Obama administration to decriminalize medical marijuana without even involving Congress. The Controlled Substances Act, the 1970 law that governs federal drug policy, is based on a system known as “scheduling,” in which drugs are sorted into categories based on their potential for abuse and usefulness in medicine. Marijuana, along with the likes of heroin and DMT, is a schedule I drug, meaning it is judged to have a high potential for abuse and little medical value. By contrast, cocaine, oxycontin and PCP are all schedule II drugs, and can be prescribed.
Rulings on scheduling, however, are not permanent. Upon petition from private citizens, the DEA can initiate a process that results in a drug being rescheduled. In effect, that means that the attorney general can direct the DEA to act on a petition for marijuana rescheduling. In effect, Eric Holder could direct the agency to remove marijuana from the list of scheduled drugs, decriminalizing it for medical use federally. That doesn’t help recreational users, but it would let medicinal users and suppliers breathe a lot easier. While states could still ban it for medicinal use, those that opt not to would no longer run afoul of federal law.
But rescheduling is easier proposed than done, of course. Americans for Safe Access, an advocacy group for medical marijuana patients and providers, filed a petition in 2002 to classify marijuana as a schedule III, IV or V drug. That didn’t even get a response until 2011, when ASA sued for “unreasonable delay.” The DEA finally ruled against, causing ASA to appeal from administrative courts to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, which isconsidering the case.
ASA’s Kris Hermes tells me that even if the Circuit Court doesn’t force rescheduling, it could force the DEA to hold an “evidentiary hearing” to determine whether marijuana is safe for medicinal use. “There’s a mountain of evidence” that it has medicinal value, he insists. That could cast the overall policy in a bad light, even if it fails to change it.
Of course, all this would be short-circuited if the Obama administration were to stop fighting the suit and reschedule on its own. Again, that doesn’t mean much for recreational users in Colorado and Washington, who’d still be guilty of using a controlled substance without a prescription. Nor does it help those in states that still ban medical marijuana. But it would be a huge federal move toward laxer drug policy, and it’s one that can be accomplished without any help from Congress.
Update - Steve Fox at the Marijuana Policy Project gave me a call and fleshed out a bit more how rescheduling would work. The DEA would have to license a certain number of manufacturers to produce pharmaceutical marijuana, and only dispensaries that obtain proper licensing will be able to distribute it. Those without that licensing would run afoul of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. So there’d still be delays after rescheduling before medical marijuana became fully legal, but the process would be well underway


Well-Known Member
Considering the order that has been given, this would be impossible in these days. This man said these words in front of the world. It made the news here. There is talk everywhere about these words.

If they continue to kill and steal from the people they are operating alone and are refusing to listen to the orders from your government.
No, actually, they are doing exactly what they are told to do. What you saw on the news is what they wanted you to see.

Remember that scandal about the secret service not paying a hooker what she was asking? That is what they wanted us to hear, but actually it should have been big news for other reasons. Most of South America almost unanimously demanded an end to the drug war and Obama upheld Bush policies. The GOP has even been so kind as to absolve Obama for any blame in breaking his promises, since that is the result of a lame congress.

El Tiberon

Active Member
No, actually, they are doing exactly what they are told to do. What you saw on the news is what they wanted you to see.

Remember that scandal about the secret service not paying a hooker what she was asking? That is what they wanted us to hear, but actually it should have been big news for other reasons. Most of South America almost unanimously demanded an end to the drug war and Obama upheld Bush policies. The GOP has even been so kind as to absolve Obama for any blame in breaking his promises, since that is the result of a lame congress.
You know nothing of South America. Show me YOUR proof that South America unanimously demanded and ebd to the drug war. You are making things in your mind again. By a huge percent they do not want drugs legalized.

Your agents got fucked because they were cheap gringos and did not want to pay for her services. Many careers were ruined because of their sense of entitlement. They embarrassed your country. They got what they deserved. If they had been honorable and smart the problem would not have happened. The sad thing is it was a very ugly prostitute. A Colombian would never pay such a woman. There are too many much prettier than she. The gringos got stuck with the bottom of society and the bottom of society took them down.

Not quite unlike what Iraq and Afghanistan has done to the US. How much has been spenting in these wars now? And you lost both? You are not good businessmen.