I am sad. No one answers. Am I doing something wrong?


I am a newbie mostly to growing and this forum. I put posts up seeking help on RIU and I get very few responses. What am I doing wrong? I just need help. I am not asking for personal info or anything incriminating. Just advice. I am sorry if I have offended the community or something. Could someone please at least answer this post? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Mate, not everyone can help with everything. People have certain areas they are more confident in etc, and RIU has a lot of traffic, so you're always gonna get a lot of views, but not so many responses. Just hang tight. if someone has an answer, you'll eventually get it. Dont be sad.


Well-Known Member
I am a newbie mostly to growing and this forum. I put posts up seeking help on RIU and I get very few responses. What am I doing wrong? I just need help. I am not asking for personal info or anything incriminating. Just advice. I am sorry if I have offended the community or something. Could someone please at least answer this post? Thanks.
what is your question? give as much detail as possible and use the search bar to look for already asked questions and there are sticky threads like 101 already asked questions.
but most important is READ!! read as much as possible!!


Well-Known Member
what is your question? give as much detail as possible and use the search bar to look for already asked questions and there are sticky threads like 101 already asked questions.
but most important is READ!! read as much as possible!!
And thats it a lot of the time also. Its been answered before. Not implying the OP is this way, but many come on here and expect to be spoon fed answers.

I was reading RIU daily for a year before i joined. There was no need to join as all my newb questions were already answered. So as was said, read, read, read.


Ok. Thanks all. I am reading. Sometimes it is hard to find answers in others' posts. People sometimes have a tendency to either not answer or give half, weak, or personal diatribe answers that do not really help. It is a lot of sifting through non sensical stuff. I have some previous posts as far as questions go so I will not repeat them. I just posted a lighting question in this Newbie forum.


Active Member
niche subjects, kinda subjective opinion type thing, you can google any of those questions if you need to see if they were asked here or in another forum already if your not getting any answers.


^Most of those started topics in last month were included there, I don't think you got abnormally small amt of responses, the questions aren't that easy to answer like the lights fixtures, air pot size 2 vs 3 gal, kinda subjective questions, its an auto and you can only do so much with her to begin with, I'd test run some naturally and improve along the way as you see with your own eyes room for improvement as far as niche questions of opinion go, not sure about fitting of those 12 CFLs into 6 grounded outlets in one wall outlet, dont know if they can fit those on top and bottom of an outlet though, think they are made to cover the second outlet in the wall, atleast the 6 outlet adapter I have covers other socket in the outlet no matter what slot its in.

I am still relatively new to cultivation. I have some questions about lighting. Do I need a surge protector to run (12) 45w 6500k from a standard outlet? Or just straight out of the wall? I was looking at the grounded 6 outlet adapters, 1 each in 2 different wall outlets. They will be split 6 per plant so 2 plants total. Also is that a decent amount of light for 2 plants? I know more is always better, but I want to run it cheap and low key. I need 6 sockets for 6 y splitters for the bulbs. I don't want to be cheap, but I do not want to spend tons either.
Little hard to folllow exactly what you were asking but maybe you could ask in CFL section?



niche subjects, kinda subjective opinion type thing, you can google any of those questions if you need to see if they were asked here or in another forum already if your not getting any answers.


^Most of those started topics in last month were included there, I don't think you got abnormally small amt of responses, the questions aren't that easy to answer like the lights fixtures, air pot size 2 vs 3 gal, kinda subjective questions, its an auto and you can only do so much with her to begin with, I'd test run some naturally and improve along the way as you see with your own eyes room for improvement as far as niche questions of opinion go, not sure about fitting of those 12 CFLs into 6 grounded outlets in one wall outlet, dont know if they can fit those on top and bottom of an outlet though, think they are made to cover the second outlet in the wall, atleast the 6 outlet adapter I have covers other socket in the outlet no matter what slot its in.
Thanks iblazetoomuch. I was thinking I would put the 6 adapter in 1 wall outlets and the other 6 adapter in a different one as they do cover both wall outlets. I was just wondering if that is too much juice or overload or something. Thus I was thinking a surge protector might help in case of accidents.


Active Member
Thanks iblazetoomuch. I was thinking I would put the 6 adapter in 1 wall outlets and the other 6 adapter in a different one as they do cover both wall outlets. I was just wondering if that is too much juice or overload or something. Thus I was thinking a surge protector might help in case of accidents.
I don't think so, I'm using 400w and 150w with 5,000 btu ac(500-650w) in same room, with pc tv, and dish satellite box, 2 fans, lol... I did trip my wall outlet when I plugged 150w, 400w, and AC all into same surge protector on same outlet, but when I distributed them evenly out had no problems. I'm sure your not using much with CFLs compared to HPS, 12 x 45w? hmm nah for one bed room split among 2 outlets, don't really see any issue with that.


New Member
Well...you do (relatively) start a lot of threads to ask fairly noobish questions that get asked constantly.


Well-Known Member
is it a actual surge protector ?
or just a power strip with a breaker on it?
something with a gfci would be alot safer for the standing in water getting shocked scenario

you're going to have to remember your posting in the noob section
your going to get alot of views before you actually get some one with the knowledge you're asking
thats why there are sub forums dedicated to different aspects of information


Well-Known Member
i understand if it was something critical like a ph burn or over fert
but me for example when i have a question i usually research then ask and then research research research
like the circuit load question

i searched a simple question and came up with the answer in less then 10 sec's
question " how much load can a household circuit hold "



Well-Known Member
sorry but i have to like the above post by tacsun.. Not to hate on you or anything but do thorough research before starting a whole thread on something. Like others have said a lot of info is subjective and you need to find out what will work best for your situation (money, time, space)
The best thing you can do is just read and read and read.... right now you want to know why everything does what it does, and whats gonna work best, but what you should really be doing is trying to fill your knowledge with good info and then later as things come together you'll understand it as a whole.

I like to get really into a subject one at a time, and then move onto the next. This year, I made a garden for the first time. Did a little reading but i planted the whole garden and i considered it a good success. The thing is now that I've actually done it once now if I have any questions, I can understand the concepts better and use proper terms and such.

I know I'm being very vague but I don't want to be mean, just saying that your questions will be answered in time. You can ask related questions to a thread as long as you put in input on the subject of the thread and are polite. People hate when you "threadjack" but it's not thread jacking if you are relating to the initial question in the thread.

Subjective questions IMO are best answered this way because its not a complete thread of people just arguing over whats "best", some people will just chime in on what has worked best for them


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I'll help you.. the sun throws 7k lumens on average 10 will burn 5 is the minimum to get decent bud, 2100 is required to sustain photosynthesis. Do the math and find how many lumens per sqft of grow space you have.... the average wall socket can handle about 1200 watts, I would split it though , that's also the rooms limit as all wires are connected in that room and to your breaker, a surge protector protects electronics from a surge in elec if your power went out they wouldn't come back on till you flipped it. A pain, if it makes you feel good use one...

Did that help?


Thanks everyone. I have started posting in the newbie section instead of other sections, because, well I am a newbie. Not new to growing things per se. I even have a good guerrilla outdoor under my belt. In fact if I was growing freely outdoors i would have few questions. But, that was some years ago now and the indoor thing is kind of foreign to me. I will continue to research and I know this community is great so I will try to ask relevant questions that have not been asked before. The problem is people don't always answer questions that I see, similar to mine, concisely or clearly.


Well...you do (relatively) start a lot of threads to ask fairly noobish questions that get asked constantly.
blacksun, questions may be asked, but not always answered well. Thus the need for clarity. I do see however that finding a common post and asking a question with in it instead of asking a new question might be good. Even if the original thread is ancient.


Well-Known Member
There are fancier chemicals. But colloidal silver is what we use

Or a hermie, let it flower forever and it will eventually self pollinate (hopefully)