Plants not flowering yet!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Someone please HELP!!! I don't want to loose my harvest...

So, I have three plants right now growing outdoors, Red Dragon, THC Bomb, and El Aquimista... All are Indica Dom plants. Growing in Northeast Ohio...
My problem is that it is August 22nd and I am still not seeing any indication of flowering, some small hairs poking but only a couple. Usually by this time they are about 2-3 weeks into flowering...

My nute regiment is as follows... Not nutriented soil mixed with perlite, mixed with Horse Manure... All plants get 45-60 seconds of water from the hose every day unless it rains, plants were put into 3'x3'x3' holes. Now as far as the liquid nutes. Am usually Grow Big, which is 10-x-x I believe at a little over full strength, they also get a tablespoon of brown sugar and a tablespoon of coffee. These liquid nutes have been added once a week or less since June.

My plants have been LST'd since the very beginning, they are about 2 feet tall and about 8 feet across with at least 30+ tops. All plants are extremely heathly, haven't seen a yellow leaf or anything since they were planted...If they were flowering correctly I would expect no less that 5lbs from the 3 plants...

I guess what I really wanna know is WHY THE FUCK AREN'T THEY FLOWERING????????????????????????

And then secondly, is there anything that I can do to help them get into the right cycle?
I am going to over-soak them tonight with about 2-3 minutes of water on each one, then I am going to let them starve for water a little before I water them again, after that next watering I am going to hit them really hard with bloom nutes.

Is there anything else that I can do?
What should I do about the frost issue, since in Ohio we usually get first frost around the beginning of October...
How much of my harvest am I going to lose???

Really stressing out about this.....
if you've got the time, to go to your plants for say a week twice a day, morning and night, you could put a cover over them to trigger them into flower.
I'm just guessing here but you said you watered with the hose so I'm guessing they're not out in the bush.

Are there any lights that could be interrupting their dark cycle? Porch lights? Street lights? etc.
I'm growing here in western NY, not too far from you, and about a forth of my plants haven't flowered yet. They usually all flower by mid August. For some reason this year is a little later.
Give them a few more days.
Just like BigB said, anything like that? , i have had one of my motion detectors fuck up a few of my plants, Moved it after i realized lol.
But if not i would just sit patient
u got them girls WIRED there like what what, I wanna veg I don't wanna flower, don't kill me don't kill me, ill just keep veggin then he'll never be able to chop me ill LIVE, I WANNA LIVE! hahaha, I think there flower if u just give them red bull I heard it gives them WINGS! hahaha just fuckin with ya have u looked to see how long the days have been? I had a tangerine dream that wouldn't flower until 12/12 shit was wack n it never really did finish I feel your pain
with some of mine i have the same problem, my thinking is that sativas are more from the equator. so theyre used to more of a 14/12 shedule and it takes more of a strict 12/12 to put them into flowering. because my hybrids and indicas are well into flowering and my sativas are barely starting. so no rush you know? unless your worried about the cold screwing you over
I am a couple hundred miles south of you so take it for what its worth... There are 7 girls in the ground, and 2 in 5 gallon pots. Of the 7 in the ground, first signs of flowers was spotted on 8/16. The others all have shown now, as far as plants in the dirt that is. Of the two girls in 5 gallon pots, flowers have yet to start, odd thing is they are clones of some of the ladies in the dirt. Ill bet ya $10 to a doughnut that by this time next week you will be seeing flowers. Also, Im not sure if you have had as much rain up there as I have down here, but you are giving your girls a hell of a lot more water than I am. I have only gone out to water my girls this year about 4 or 5 times, and most of those trips were done so not because they needed water, but because I wanted to feed them. You're probably more experienced than me, so Im not giving you pointers, just pointing out what I am doing different. Good luck!
I'm just guessing here but you said you watered with the hose so I'm guessing they're not out in the bush.

Are there any lights that could be interrupting their dark cycle? Porch lights? Street lights? etc.

Son-Of-A-B**** it never even occured to me about outside lights, I'm such an idiot... Yes on the back of my house I have a 250 MH that shines off our house into the back yard, because my wife likes to sit outside with our puppies (Saint Bernards) after dark for a couple of hours, playing with them...
Guess that is probably 90% my problem...gonna have to do something about that...
Yeah man. I'd guess that a 250 mh could keep a plant awake at night.

If your wife needs some light in the evening I've read that there are green light bulbs that plants can't see. Never used them myself though.
Yeah man. I'd guess that a 250 mh could keep a plant awake at night.

If your wife needs some light in the evening I've read that there are green light bulbs that plants can't see. Never used them myself though.

Yes Correct. even indoors if you have to work in the dark use green bulbs... The plant does not recognize the spectrum. there for leaving it alone. and allowing yo to do what you have to do.
Green lights are great for working in the garden or illuminating an area close by. I however would not leave a green light shining on your plants for the entire night, probably a bad idea. but after reading your first post I think the main missing component of your nutrient regiment is high p nutrients. some of the best advice I ever got from one of the best all around growers I've been blessed enough to work for was, "treat your outdoor like they're indoor", meaning instead of waiting to see flowers, hit them with some high p guano or tea or pre-formulated flowering nutrient to "jump start" those gals beg of aug. top dressing with lengbenite wk3 and wk5 provide a high source of K and ensure bulking. if it's been especially rainy, like for wks it can easily delay your cycle.
I will look into the green light thing, but for now I think I'm just gonna pull a tarp over them when the sun goes down and then pull it back off in the morning...
Good insight garlictrain...Never thought about starting the bloom nutes early...but my normal bloom stuff is 13-45-53, will be starting that on Monday...
I have heard from my buddies that grow, if you want to harvest 1 pound plants, dig 3x3x3 holes, water everyday, and provide good soil and good nutes throughout...
Seems like theyre gettin too much nitrogen... Horse manure is strong on N, and so is Grow Big so if I were u i would start hitting em with flowering nutes with no N. U also mentioned that there arent any yellow leaves on em and that means that there is abundance of N. Gl man
Yeah the 12/12 cycle doesn't really help me much... All my buddies plants are 3-5 weeks into flowering and mine is just starting... I'm just hoping they make it to full maturity before I have to cut them down... Don't wanna lose a whole lot of my harvest... I'm looking at getting a least 3-5 pounds off these 3 plants. If I have to harvest early because of the frost issue I will probably only get 2-3 pounds, if that...