Is Obama a big Liar or just a Dummy?


Well-Known Member
It is quite simple.
Either the POTUS is a pathological liar, or a feckless twit.
Cannot be both.
Either way we Americans have been bamboozled like never before!

What if the president lied to us?

So many of President Obama's statements about NSA have been wrong. But he's too smart not to understand the truth

Excerpted from above:

But just as it is utterly absurd to claim Director of National Intelligence James Clapper didn’t lie before Congress (and some reporters thankfully admitted that truth in the open), it has now become almost silly to insinuate or assume that the president hasn’t also been lying. Why? Because if that’s true — if indeed he hasn’t been deliberately lying — then it means he has been dangerously, irresponsibly and negligently ignorant of not only the government he runs, but also of the news breaking around him.


But hey, if Obama partisans and the Washington punditburo want to now forward the argument that the president has just been “wrong” or inaccurate or whatever other euphemism du jour avoids the L word, then fine: They should be asking why, by their own argument, the president is so completely unaware of what his government is doing. After all, if he’s not lying, then something is still very, very wrong.



Well-Known Member
I bet you were PISSED when Bush lied us into Iraq, weren't you? I bet you were calling him a feckless piece of shit and talking about impeachment, weren't you?


Well-Known Member
I bet you were PISSED when Bush lied us into Iraq, weren't you? I bet you were calling him a feckless piece of shit and talking about impeachment, weren't you?
So who is the better liar????My contention is that Obama is a much more accomplished liar than Bush.


Why does it matter? has your life been impacted that much or just a slow day for you? just say you hate the man have another drink and getover yourself.
It is quite simple.
Either the POTUS is a pathological liar, or a feckless twit.
Cannot be both.
Either way we Americans have been bamboozled like never before!

What if the president lied to us?

So many of President Obama's statements about NSA have been wrong. But he's too smart not to understand the truth

Excerpted from above:

But just as it is utterly absurd to claim Director of National Intelligence James Clapper didn’t lie before Congress (and some reporters thankfully admitted that truth in the open), it has now become almost silly to insinuate or assume that the president hasn’t also been lying. Why? Because if that’s true — if indeed he hasn’t been deliberately lying — then it means he has been dangerously, irresponsibly and negligently ignorant of not only the government he runs, but also of the news breaking around him.


But hey, if Obama partisans and the Washington punditburo want to now forward the argument that the president has just been “wrong” or inaccurate or whatever other euphemism du jour avoids the L word, then fine: They should be asking why, by their own argument, the president is so completely unaware of what his government is doing. After all, if he’s not lying, then something is still very, very wrong.



Well-Known Member
I can't tell if this is Obama's second term, or Dubya's fourth.

Sorry your post in duped thread was it is...

  • "I say the pubs and dems are working together."

    I think that there is some truth to what you say, we are stuck with the vile Repubacrats....unless we wake up and smell the coffee.

    Probably not gonna happen though.​



Well-Known Member
All of them lie to us and obummer is no dummy. What gets me is his lies are selling this country out and he's doing so in our faces we just sit here and watch.He's not trying to hide it. Those terrorist said they would tear this country down from the inside,guess who they used. He has weakened our military so much that we better be armed and at the ready,he's setting it up for them to walk in and take over.


Well-Known Member
Who are you, and what have you done with AC?
Can you please cut this shit out? I never supported Obama since I have been posting on this forum, you idiots just got mad because I called a few people on their lies about Obama. I always turned right around and criticized him in truthful ways right after. It is rude and I take offense to being purposefully misunderstood and characterized.

Do you simply do this to keep me from arguing? Do you resent that we have some similar views? Why try so hard to ignore complexity?


Well-Known Member
maybe if you cry a little harder, OP, then obama will stop being president.

it hasn't worked yet with benghazi, but if you just cry a little harder and fake a little more indignant outrage, then romney can retroactively be president.



Well-Known Member
Bucky you are overreacting....this is what happens when you don't read the related link in op.
Your post has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic.
Knee jerk much?


Well-Known Member
So who is the better liar????My contention is that Obama is a much more accomplished liar than Bush.
Bush lied us into war, and Obama lied us into.... Benghazi? Too much Fox dude, it's clearly warped your ability to reason.


Well-Known Member
Bucky you are overreacting....this is what happens when you don't read the related link in op.
Your post has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic.
Knee jerk much?
my post is perfectly relevant and on topic.

the topic seems to be manufactured outrage by naive, misinformed right wing losers who just want to cry to make themselves feel better.

or were you actually attempting to pass something off as news rather than soothe your delicate vagina?


Well-Known Member
Is Salon a right wing outlet?
Is the Author a right winger?
You need some meds for your knees.


Well-Known Member
come on ppl u have not figured this out yet .............Barry is a horrible horrible person and needs to be removed from any sort of office with any kind of power

not going into anything u ppl will want to talk about ..........but the sheer fact is he is the worst one we have ever had and he has sold us out to some unknown group of ppl ......under his leadership we have lost more freedoms that were basic then anyone else even in past wars (certin things were taboo before u did it u had to have proof) u did not tap everyone and hope to get a hit

Barry does not make laws (becuase those need other ppls ok ) he Picks Czars and then makes regulations (this requires nothing but his choice/veiw no checks or balances)

the simple thing needs to be said ..............our forefathers sawl a time goverment might do this to us hence the right to bare arms nothing but defend your life and your freedoms when it comes down to it (i am not inciding anything i am just saying protect what is yours and what u care about) any nutter out there stop doing stuip shit .................just sit back and wait shit is not getting better weather patterns are so unpredictable we now name winter storms like hurricanes (and congress /our leaders are doing nothing but having a pissing match about who has the biggest dick and nothing is getting done at all to try to reverse/save) this country from turning into a dicatorship