Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Jacked so it can't be edited....... ........... You looking for yourself over there???
OH I think I found myself just in time in all seriousness...I'm leaving Friday for my moms and I won't be back for a while:(
but I will be here one way or the other!!!!!!LOL ya'll know me...I'll have that damn DSL hooked up in no time bro!!!!
till then my bro said I can use his;) I just won't have a phone:(:(:(


Well-Known Member
Well, sounds good. Yeah, I had planned on topping atleast 1. Mainline takes a good while to bounce back from bro. If we where to do that, we would surely have to veg for longer. I've done mainline b4, me personaly, I like to either supercrop, or LST. ;)


Well-Known Member
perfect..... bro dunno if you know this but you're not getting the quotes in when you replied to anything tonight....... maybe your mobile is messing up a bit??


Well-Known Member
perfect..... bro dunno if you know this but you're not getting the quotes in when you replied to anything tonight....... maybe your mobile is messing up a bit??
I do believe its where I have been just been clicking "reply", where I had been hitting reply with quote.. that may be it. It takes awhile to load posters quotes, and that's why I had been testing just reply out.


Well-Known Member
Love the super crop method really works I was kind of scared the first time But it defiantly works
It surely does bro.. ;) hell, these plants grow like "weeds".. shit! What am I saying :??: they are weeds! Lol
But yeah, the very first time my Dad showed me how 2 supercrop, I flipped out and thought he was fucking all his plants up! Come to find out he was just training them. ;) that was many moons ago, and I've done it on 1 out of every 2 to 3 plants I grow now.. and it does improve on the yeilds a lot!


Well-Known Member
I understood who some were to. lol..:) just don't know if they will hahahah.. I'll just let them figure it out. ;) You're the man in charge you can reply however you want lol


Well-Known Member
I have to go stay with my mom Dank...she wandered off tonight and the police called me and said that she was 40 miles from her house down a fuckin dark ass ga highway by her self and her sorry fuckin husband
didn't even notice she was gone!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I understood who some were to. lol..:) just don't know if they will hahahah.. I'll just let them figure it out. ;) You're the man in charge you can reply however you want lol
;) Thanks 4 letting me know though buddy. Glad someone is helping me.. you've been a good friend, and I know I can count on you to cover my back if ever I have to take off for a day or so. Hadn't been able to go down and spend time with Mom. Trying to wait till we have the extra cash. Which it SUCKS with a capital S! I guess we all gotta do what we got 2 do sometimes. Have been calling to check on her, and she is still not eating but a few bites of this and that. I need to just roll a big fatty and smoke her up in there! That will get her to eating again!


Well-Known Member
Ok...... wasn't exspecting that. Uhh. Well, why did she do that :??: she having a few problems at home :??:. You don't have to answer that in the public fourm buddy.
I will just go to pm.


Well-Known Member
Whatz up u guys what up dank, man that suck about old boy i wish him the best, i was wondering if u know why the 2 plants i put outside r looking like they want to die


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to make me look bad on my own thread :??: haha.. j/k bro. Looking fucking fab!! Keep that shit green! ;) I want to toke on that shiznit! Where you been lately buddy :??: So, have you herd from ol' Smokey :??: I was hearing some crazy shit! Been hearing he is in jail! :confused:
This one is your bigworm... lol I think.... hard to tell who he was talkin to but by the smokey comment I would assume you. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah i know but ne way my modem went down after a storm and it took like 4-5 days for cable company to come out and get us a new one, ive been tring to get a hold of smokey, i hope he didnt get locked up that would suck, not like him to be on here or answer the phone so i dont know what the fuck, i wouldnt wish jail on my worst enemy, lets hope he not in there and just haveing regular problems like not enough for the phone bill or something, anybody know why my plants look like that
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