Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime


New Member
Hey, good response ... thank you. :)

1. If elected, O'Bama would pull the troops out of Iraq, or at least that what he says. What happens to the freedom loving Iraqis if he does that? The humongous facility we've built there ... what happens to that? Will the Middle East be more, or less stable if we leave?

2. What happens to the economy if O'bama fulfills his promise of raising taxes? His promised programs will raise the national debt by over 200 billion right off the bat ... what about that?

Just asking.

Anyone else want to take a stab at this? Med?



Well-Known Member
1. If elected, O'Bama would pull the troops out of Iraq, or at least that what he says. What happens to the freedom loving Iraqis if he does that? The humongous facility we've built there ... what happens to that? Will the Middle East be more, or less stable if we leave?

Ok ... I'll take a whack at it ... the freedom loving Iraqis will no doubt rejoice that the occupying force that ruined their country and drove out millions of Iraqi has gone ... they'll get rid of the cheap shotty buildings and rebuild ... and the Middle East will be more stable ... much more than it is now ...

2. What happens to the economy if O'bama fulfills his promise of raising taxes? His promised programs will raise the national debt by over 200 billion right off the bat ... what about that?

as an illegitimate bush supporter ... you can't say shit about the economy or the national debt ... your asshole leader trash both ... it didn't bother you before but it does now?:spew:

Just asking.

just say ... :clap:


New Member
"as an illegitimate bush supporter ... you can't say shit about the economy or the national debt ... your asshole leader trash both ... it didn't bother you before but it does now"

I know its very difficult for you to fathom, but the fact that a person is opposed to the Democrat Party doesn't necessarily mean that person is a Bush supporter ... or even a Republican for that matter.

And on your comment about the Iraqi's rebuilding ... They won't do shit. These people live in the Dark Ages. Their religious fanaticism and tribal rivalry prevents anything modern.




New Member
Well, the Iraqis will be so glad to see us leave, they will be so busy celebrating, they wont have time for violence. To get a perspective on what is really going on in Iraq, you need to get an Iraqis perspective. The average Iraqi could care less about oil revenues as long as it isn't the US getting them. They just want to be left to their own demise. They want first and foremost, the American occupiers to leave. Hopefully, this is what Obama is going to do. With no permanent bases left and only the embassy to protect, which may be too hard to do, and we may have to wait a few years for diplomacy to kick in. Afterall, having your country destroyed and many thousands of citizens killed and maimed by an illegal invading force, may piss off the average Iraqi. It would certainly piss me off if it were reversed.


Well-Known Member
"as an illegitimate bush supporter ... you can't say shit about the economy or the national debt ... your asshole leader trash both ... it didn't bother you before but it does now"

I know its very difficult for you to fathom, but the fact that a person is opposed to the Democrat Party doesn't necessarily mean that person is a Bush supporter ... or even a Republican for that matter.

And on your comment about the Iraqi's rebuilding ... They won't do shit. These people live in the Dark Ages. Their religious fanaticism and tribal rivalry prevents anything modern.

bullshit Vi ... if you support his policies ... nuff said ...

... and the Iraqi culture has been around long before the US was a thought ... and they manage this long without the illegal US occupation ... so that's bull too ... :spew:


Well-Known Member Ricardo Sanchez: Bush Guilty of “Gross Incompetence and Dereliction of Duty”

It must be nice to retire and finally be free to speak your mind. Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the man who led American ground forces in Iraq from 2003-2004, has released a new book– titled Wiser in Battle: A Soldier’s Story – that takes aim at the Bush administration with some of the strongest criticism to date from a former Iraq commander. An excerpt from NPR:
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, I watched helplessly as the Bush administration led America into a strategic blunder of historic proportions. It became painfully obvious that the executive branch of our government did not trust its military. It relied instead on a neoconservative ideology developed by men and women with little, if any, military experience. Some senior military leaders did not challenge civilian decision makers at the appropriate times, and the courageous few who did take a stand were subsequently forced out of the service.
It’s gonna be hard to accuse General Sanchez of hating the troops.
Hopefully the media will give this book the attention it deserves, even in the wake of the bombshell McClellan book.

They sure do have a lot of people from this illegitimate regime that write tell all books once they leave ... :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Well, the Iraqis will be so glad to see us leave, they will be so busy celebrating, they wont have time for violence. To get a perspective on what is really going on in Iraq, you need to get an Iraqis perspective. The average Iraqi could care less about oil revenues as long as it isn't the US getting them. They just want to be left to their own demise. They want first and foremost, the American occupiers to leave. Hopefully, this is what Obama is going to do. With no permanent bases left and only the embassy to protect, which may be too hard to do, and we may have to wait a few years for diplomacy to kick in. Afterall, having your country destroyed and many thousands of citizens killed and maimed by an illegal invading force, may piss off the average Iraqi. It would certainly piss me off if it were reversed.
I second that MedMan... The USA should mind our own business because who are we to say our culture is the "right" one? We should mind our business in the same way we do not get involved in our neighbors family problems.

We invade Iraq because they harbor "terrorists", don't we harbor terrorists too? Doesn't the USA have gangsters that go around killing people? Don't we have mobsters that are in the USA? Should we bomb our homelands and then rebuild our infrastructure(going into trillions of dollars of debt) because we have "terrorists" in the USA. WTF...

We have problems too. We have abusive families in the USA where people hit their wives and beat their children. We have people here that are married with one girl but also sleep with 5 or 6 others. We have people here that have crazy religious beliefs. We have people that.................... should I go on?

My point being is "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."

We have our own domestic problems. Why are the american people so stupid to think this war is anything but illegal, and for esoteric agendas(can you say "exploiting the tax payer"?)?




Well-Known Member
This is nothing new ... just want to put it in the thread for the record ... to use later to slam the idiot bushies ... :mrgreen: Intelligence Report Phase 2: Bush Administration Lied About Pre-Invasion Intelligence

on Perr at Perrspectives breaks it down:
Four years after Kansas Senator Pat Roberts triumphantly cleared the Bush administration of misusing pre-war Iraq intelligence, the Phase 2 report of the Senate Intelligence Committee he once chaired today reached a much different conclusion. After Roberts successfully stonewalled past the 2004 and 2006 elections the studies examining White House statements on the Iraqi threat and the role of the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans, his successor Jay Rockefeller today concluded:
“The president and his advisers undertook a relentless public campaign in the aftermath of the attacks to use the war against Al Qaeda as a justification for overthrowing Saddam Hussein.”
While Democratic and Republican committee members battle it out over the implications of the Phase 2 report, Pat Roberts’ role in obstructing the investigation of the Bush administration’s uses - and misuses - of intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq is beyond dispute. Read on…
The world knew the Bush administration was lying all along, but it’s good to finally have a definitive record. Senator Pat “Memory Pills” Roberts did his level best to run interference for George Bush and unfortunately for him, he hitched his wagon to a falling star. Roberts was considered vulnerable in his home state of Kansas before the release of this report, and in a year of change and the demise of the GOP, this isn’t going to help. This doesn’t bode well for Senator John McCain either. He’s staked his whole candidacy on the failed Iraq debacle and he, along with the rest of the Republican candidates, will find it difficult to separate themselves from the disaster they helped to create.


Well-Known Member
Here's another report for the record ... misrepresent is the same as lying by the way ...
[URL=""]Report: Bush Misrepresented Iraq Intel[/url]
A new Senate report gives a fresh shot of adrenaline to the election-year debate over the Iraq war. President Bush and his top officials deliberately misrepresented secret intelligence to make the case to invade Iraq, according to the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Enough with the euphemisms! I am sick of words like "Misused" and "misrepresented!" Where are the people with the courage to call a lie a lie? Who will denounce Bush and the government for having lied (for that is the correct word) us all into a pointless war of conquest? Where is the righteous anger? Where are the families of our war dead, murdered with that lie? Why do they remain silent?
You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things! O you hard hearts, you cruel men of America, Knew you not the truth? (Apologies to Bill Shakespeare) MR


New Member
Here's another report for the record ... misrepresent is the same as lying by the way ...
[URL=""]Report: Bush Misrepresented Iraq Intel[/URL]
A new Senate report gives a fresh shot of adrenaline to the election-year debate over the Iraq war. President Bush and his top officials deliberately misrepresented secret intelligence to make the case to invade Iraq, according to the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Enough with the euphemisms! I am sick of words like "Misused" and "misrepresented!" Where are the people with the courage to call a lie a lie? Who will denounce Bush and the government for having lied (for that is the correct word) us all into a pointless war of conquest? Where is the righteous anger? Where are the families of our war dead, murdered with that lie? Why do they remain silent?
You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things! O you hard hearts, you cruel men of America, Knew you not the truth? (Apologies to Bill Shakespeare) MR
Where is the Vi Monsters rebuttal. Do you suppose he knows the truth, naw that would be way too much to expect.


Well-Known Member
He's doesn't have one ... there is no rebuttal to war crimes ... none ...

The JC is pretty inept as far as I'm concerned ... if they really meant business they would have done something by now ... Judiciary Committee Officially Requests McClellan Testimony- UPDATED

From an email from Rep. Robert Wexler’s office:
Judiciary Committee Officially Requests Scott McClellan Testimony for Friday, June 20
Wexler Plans Tough Questions About Possible Obstruction of Justice By Cheney, Rove, and Libby
(Washington, DC) Today Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) applauded the decision by Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers to invite former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan to testify under oath about the shocking revelations and possible illegal actions by members of the Bush Administration that he detailed in his book What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception.
Immediately following the book’s release, Congressman Wexler called for Congress to investigate the charges made by McClellan regarding the Bush Administration’s campaign to go to war with Iraq and efforts by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby to possibly obstruct justice during the Valerie Plame matter.
“The earth-shattering admissions made by Scott McClellan in his new book warrant a sober and thorough hearing in the House Judiciary Committee and he should immediately accept the Committee’s request for his testimony,” said Congressman Wexler. “The allegations made by McClellan that Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and possibly even Vice President Dick Cheney, together conspired to obstruct justice by lying about their role in the Plame case relates directly to the core of US executive power and the Constitution. If true, the allegations made by McClellan could amount to an obstruction of justice charge for Scooter Libby and Karl Rove.
“Scott McClellan must appear before Congress and tell the American people, under oath, how the Bush Administration not only obstructed justice during the Valerie Plame investigation but orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to sell an unnecessary war in Iraq to the American people.
“Any efforts by the White House to claim executive privilege and thereby prevent McClellan from testifying would be ludicrous due to the fact that McClellan has already spoken at length about many of these matters both in his book and on numerous television interviews.”
UPDATE: Scott McClellan accepts the invitation to testify before the House Judiciary Committee



New Member
"A new Senate report gives a fresh shot of adrenaline to the election-year debate over the Iraq war."

That's all the rebuttal that's really necessary.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess so when you can't dispute the facts ... election year or no ... what in that report isn't true ... no rebuttal to that I bet ...

Check this out folks ... I sure hope this happens to the illegitimate bush when he leaves office ...

IIC hopefully our savior and hero ... hopefully ...

Howard accused of war crimes over Iraq troop deployment

A legal brief has been sent to the International Criminal Court (ICC) alleging former prime minister John Howard committed a war crime by sending troops to Iraq.


New Member
"A new Senate report gives a fresh shot of adrenaline to the election-year debate over the Iraq war."

That's all the rebuttal that's really necessary.

Again, I didn't vote for Bush, but everything he did was OK with me, at least on the Iraq war question, oh yeah, and those tax cuts for the rich, can't forget those, my prescious.


New Member
Again, I didn't vote for Bush, but everything he did was OK with me, at least on the Iraq war question, oh yeah, and those tax cuts for the rich, can't forget those, my prescious.
Actually, the tax cuts were one of the few things Bush has done that I agree with. And you continue to spew your left-wing, socialist, MoveOn bullshit about "tax cuts for the rich." The fact is, everyone who paid taxes got a tax break in a direct proportion to the taxes they paid. If B. Hussein O'Bama gets elected he will let the Bush tax cuts expire and cause the economy to spiral right down the tubes. What's needed are more tax cuts ... plenty more.



New Member
Actually, the tax cuts were one of the few things Bush has done that I agree with. And you continue to spew your left-wing, socialist, MoveOn bullshit about "tax cuts for the rich." The fact is, everyone who paid taxes got a tax break in a direct proportion to the taxes they paid. If B. Hussein O'Bama gets elected he will let the Bush tax cuts expire and cause the economy to spiral right down the tubes. What's needed are more tax cuts ... plenty more.

Yeah, like the Bush tax cuts have done so much for the economy, can you say recession/depression. The only ones that gained from the Bush tax cuts are the "Uber-wealthy", well and a few wannabees like you. People that make 300,000 and up got the most benefit, like they really needed it. More tax cuts would only spiral the national debt into the stratosphere and spiral the rich into super rich, and the super-rich into the mega-rich. I'm sure that's where you aspire to be, Greed my fellow, it's addicting. Whats really needed is a huge tax increase on anyone making over 300K, enough to get back what was given away under Bush and have it applied to the debt. Of course stopping the war for the rich would also help.
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Well-Known Member
I agree ... the rich are the only ones that benefit from the tax cuts ... and because of these cuts our state taxes when up ... so it's all bullshit ...


Well-Known Member
[URL=""]Jon Stewart Slams Media for Blacking Out Iraq War Lies Report[/url]

The Daily Show reports on the media’s failure to report on the Senate report that proves the Bush administration knowingly lied to us about the reasons for war. Surely the “Big Three” have more important things to cover.
tewart: “Let’s go back to the Big Three, that’s where real Americans get their news. Charlie Gibson, cover it!”
Gibson: “Something that doesnt happen every day, and certainly doesn’t happen twice..a well-know French daredevil named ‘Spiderman’…”
Stewart: “Yes, he was climbing the New York Times building. Perhaps looking to read the story about the administration leading us into a war that you didnt cover at all! At all!
For a “fake news” anchor, Jon Stewart sure does a better job reporting actual news than the entire mainstream media combined. I’m sure Stewart wouldn’t take offense when I say that that’s pretty sad.


Well-Known Member Says Despite Supreme Court Decision, Gitmo Trials Will Continue

U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey says the Supreme Court’s decision on Guantanamo detainees won’t affect military trials against enemy combatants.
Mukasey, speaking Friday at a Group of Eight meeting of justice and home affairs ministers, said he was disappointed with the decision.
But he told reporters it won’t affect military trials to be held at the U.S. naval facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The Bush administration has been ignoring the concept of equal branches of government and oversight for 7 1/2 years, why stop now? Habeas Corpus? C’mon, that’s not for those swarthy Middle Eastern types.



Well-Known Member rights group: U.S. has photographic evidence of torture
The U.S. government has photographic evidence that a Guantanamo Bay inmate was tortured with a knife after being taken to Morocco by U.S. forces, a British human rights group said Tuesday. Reprieve said their client, Binyam Mohamed, had his genitals slashed repeatedly with a doctor's scalpel while in custody in Morocco after he was flown there from Pakistan by American officials in 2002.

"The good news is that the prisoner did confess to shooting down the Hindenburg! This proves the value of our aggressive methods" -- Official White Horse Souse MR