Note to self thread


Active Member
Note to self: Don't deny cultivating to your land lord, then walk in the front door of your apartment carrying a 1.5 Cu.Ft bag of FFoF a day later.
A little discretion and Fore-thought go a long way >.<


Active Member
Yeah he did, but its straight.
I got a male i need to rip, gonna convince him its just the one and trash it publicly this weekend.
He's straight with me blazing, We pugg bowl when ever i go to pay rent and he gabs my ear off.
Just since hes in the Legal field as well as Realty it's more of an image thing since its one of his properties you know?


Well-Known Member
Yeah he did, but its straight.
I got a male i need to rip, gonna convince him its just the one and trash it publicly this weekend.
He's straight with me blazing, We pugg bowl when ever i go to pay rent and he gabs my ear off.
Just since hes in the Legal field as well as Realty it's more of an image thing since its one of his properties you know?
My advice, wait a few days if you can before trashing it, then act disappointed, but he'll probably know it's all a show anyway.
Nice he's cool though.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Note to self: Don't deny cultivating to your land lord, then walk in the front door of your apartment carrying a 1.5 Cu.Ft bag of FFoF a day later.
A little discretion and Fore-thought go a long way >.<
Better than a hand full of hydro nutes.


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize why he wanted clarification until i typed double fisting into google. and realized OH SHIT lol. oooopps.


Well-Known Member
Wait, clarify 'double fisting'...........

Sex addicts! get yo minds out the gutter. lol
I didn't realize why he wanted clarification until i typed double fisting into google. and realized OH SHIT lol. oooopps.
I'm fuckin STONED. had a friend come by with some sick buds. :)
I saw NOBODY in the last 5 posts say "Note to self", including myself............